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Everything posted by kenshin620

  1. Anyone hoping the Warpgnaw Verminlord will get fixed? It's really expensive and somehow has less wounds than all the other verminlords. I guess its inbuilt Warpgrinder is neat and if it somehow isn't damaged then the glaive does flat 5 damage (but starts dropping after the 1st wound). Not sure if thats worth the 320pt cost. At the very least it should have terrifying, cast 2 spells, and 2 more wounds, Unless theres some weird in lore reason that being a warpgnaw makes them less resilient.
  2. New start collecting releasing soon. It's more thralls, but well it is suppose to be a SC.
  3. Unless of course it's Chaos God Marked Beasts of Chaos battalions. That was a fun one for RAW vs RAI!
  4. Speaking of that, since brets are OOP, I'm curious how well sticking Fireforge bitz on FEC looks.
  5. Too bad instead of still selling this We have to make do with this! Uuuuugh! I sure LOVE 6th edition skaven.....😛
  6. Or maybe they did but it doesn't align with player meta. GW's game vision and player meta can be quite different. I mean they did accidentally create the monster that was 40k 8th launch where people would show up with 8 flying hive tryants.
  7. I guess it depends on if your opponent can be Bravery Bombed or not.
  8. You can't run a pure Pestilens force in Nurgle since you'll still need Non-Pestilens battleline!
  9. Isn't that like the sentiment almost everyone has for the entire existence of GW? 🤣 *pets Throgg King of Chaos Trolls model*
  10. To be fair many battalions don't even have Leaders.
  11. I can hear BCR players going "where our book?" 😱
  12. If only there was a new plastic set to go with it! I know the model itself is decent enough but would be interesting to see how a AoS spider would look like.
  13. Mostly the Sneaky Snufflers flat out gain an extra model per increment. They also very clearly stated they purposefully separated keywords (for example why squig riders are missing the grot keyword, etc).
  14. Yea Mountain King is one of the coolest models ever! Plus it'd be cool to have a mountain with grots and squigs running under him.
  15. Given that basically every model other than the Vargulf can be made from the SC set, not missing much. Magnetize might be good if you want some naked terrogheists or have an itch to also have a Vampire Lord on Dragon.
  16. Anyone who plays with 3rd party models use Hordes Trolls? A certain site is having a massive Warmahordes sale and I've always liked the look of their trolls. Maybe wanted to use Mulg as a count as Mollog. Are they about the same size? I know Mulg is fairly chunky but not too tall.
  17. You mean the Mumak? I'm pretty sure they legally can't. A very popular theory on why LOTR is 25mm scale isn't of 28mm (heroic 28mm to be more precise) is because New Line Cinema (the people who own the rights to the LOTR Movies) made sure the parts couldn't be swapped between LOTR and warhammer easily. Someone can correct me though on that, thats the rumor I've been hearing for years. Maybe in the end it was because the LOTR GW team liked the look of 25mm scale. Well on the topic of wishlist/predictions, assuming it is a total undivided update, this is what I think Marauder Champions box (great weapons) Could possibly replace normal marauders too (so hand weapons/shields) Marauder Hunters box (bows/javelins. Maybe some dogs). Generic God Speaker model (maybe? Most Underworld models have generic versions...except Briar Queen. She is 100% unique, but then again many people blame the Nighthaunt book to be disorganized and rushed) Mounted Darkoath model (either generic or special character). While some mentioned the wolf chariot, methinks GW might want to go more fantastical with some form of daemonic mounts or other chaos beasties. New Chosen/Aspiring Champions/Foot Varanguard. Premium set (could range from tzaangor enlightened to Exalted Sorcerers expensive) with many options, can even be used to make your own chaos lords/sorcerer lords. 1-2 Centerpiece kits. Some form of Darkoath beast like as previously mentioned (mammoth or some fantasy animal with people riding on top). Chaos Dragon would be great too since they do exist in AoS and they still have 2 heads. And chaos dragon models haven't been updated in forever, not counting FW's Warp Fire and the 1200pt khorne one. Usual Endless Spells. Maybe a terrain piece. Both BoC and GG have them, but SCE and Nighthaunt don't. Could be 50-50. My bet would either be some Chaos Shrine (super buff warshrine) or Chaos Realm Gate (so undivided can have summoning? or access to basic lesser daemons?). Another thing I'm curious about either involving chaos chosen or some other kit, do you think there would be some female chaos warriors? They do indeed exist, even in WFB we have Valkia the Bloody. And the SCE Sequitor Box shows GW can make mixed gender boxes. Be interesting to see if they'll do that. DO kits may be more likely to have mix genders I suppose.
  18. Gitmob Grots still have a purpose in life! 😜
  19. Could go for an underground river theme like Blackreach in Skyrim
  20. Kind of silly they made yet another battalion with more Leaders than you can normally take in 2k. The other I'm referring to is the Khorne one with 8 Leaders. And even at 2.5k I'd be hesitant to bring that kind of collection (I suppose it makes them decently tanky). And yea on a whole, the battalions are far more fluff orientated. Very much aimed at Vandus starter set AoS 1.0 force.
  21. Hmm so the rules for the Feb WD have surfaced. As long as picture leaks aren't shared, we can talk about that right?
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