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Everything posted by Acid_Nine

  1. what is moonlight but a reflection of sunlight after all!
  2. Yea, I am almost 96% sure that the spears are not one use only. Nowhere does it explicitly state that they drop the spears after the first round. In fact, they say they use swords only if enemies are close enough to be past the pointy end of a spear, or if their spears get stuck. I do not think that they are just going to stab once and go "That's me done!" in terms of a spear, which correct me if i'm wrong, is the main bloody point of a phalanx unit! I could eat crow on this point, but we dont know anything. we can only speculate. But so far I think that the spear is a mainstay weapon, with the swords being there for flavor as part of a combined profile ("swords and spears") or as a different profile. I also have to think that the buffs of sunlight they give themselves can be something innate like the Morrsar guard eel shock, an ability that procts on a 6 or a spell that the sergeant can give. So far we still have too little information and it's killing me.
  3. Man I only hope that the Lumineth make it in time to have a character archetype in this rpg. It looks fun!
  4. Yea, I want to know more about the lore, and the rules look very good. Especially the roaming beasts, which can probably be used to replace Ghur’s messy realmscape rules...
  5. In all honesty I didn’t have to worry about battle shock with the sharks just yet. I could be extremely lucky for it, but it takes a bit to kill one. I don’t tend to charge them into units that could kill more than one shark a turn anyways, but in the three games I played for them I don’t see it to be an issue. and the way I look at the body thing is that we need to kill units to claim objectives. We cannot win on the numbers game most of the time, so we got to cut the armies we face down as much as we can before we get to objectives. It’s a balance, but I believe you could work it out well! and second artifact could be the cloud of midnight. Tie up a unit with the soul scryer when you are doing your charges and force the enemy to devote another round to kill him. Or mess with his shooting something fierce!
  6. yea, I had a lot of luck running the akhelian Corps, and in all Honesty sharks are shooting up to my favorite unit after I had so many times where morrsarr dissapointed me. in units of 3 they provide a decent amount of shooting to wound things they are going to get into combat with or to harass heroes, and they do not need to get the charge off in order to keep the damage up. They are pretty beefy too, but dont think they can tank a whole army. In the corps battalion the turtle even helps out with the one re-roll per phase, which I use either on the turtle's bite attack or the the shark's to keep damage up. Honestly the thralls are much more expendable in this list to get the battalion. I like the tide caster with arcane corrosion personally, just because it adds just a few more wounds from across the map, and can be useful in holding objectives without having to worry about her trying to keep up with the rest of the army. Plus, you get one extra relic with the battalion, and are probably going to be going first most of the time with how much of your army can drop at once. It's not the perfect list, and I tend to run the morrsar guard in one squad of 6 and one squad of 3 just to have more board coverage, but the unit of 9 tempts me. You do you though, and i am eager to hear how it turned out!
  7. Still Feels weird in my oppinion. Almost too limiting, with the shield getting in the way of a thrust and vise versa. I can't imaging the body mechanics of it unless they do a sort of "Pool Cue" thrust with one hand while the other guides it in. If they thrust with both hands then they are losing out on defense as they move their shields, angling them lower so they are covering their lower body and leaving their upper exposed. I could be overthinking it, but it seems odd having this when they already have a hole for the spears. The article seemed brief, and I feel like I need a bigger fix. But, there is some great insight. (even if they didn't give the rules grumble grumble) I like the description of having magical sunlight spears being the main form of offense, and all the other kinds of magics being given to the sergeants in the squad. Also nice to see some tactical depth where the sergeants supposedly are not front line fighters but give buffs to the squad, so they are either going to be like some sacrosanct guys or wizards in of themselves. Also holly ****** those spears are long! I love it!
  8. Leave it to tzeentch to create all this insane rules lawyering. I can just hear him laughing ‘just as planned’ in the background.
  9. Kinda wish it wasn’t the case too. Not really any threats to the death lords after all, and even if another hero wins against them the victory is hollow because of that whole res pawning thing. It’s just my two cents, though.
  10. Sounds like a kickarse dream if I am being honest. Whenever I have dreams about warhammer it’s always stress dreams about playing with people, but that’s neither here nor there. i will say the only thing I do not like about the wardens is that they use both hands to hold their spears, instead of the traditional one arm on shield and one hand with spear. I just find it a little odd is all, and I don’t think that using both hands are nessessary. Even with elves. These are warhammer elf’s we are talking about! These guys are ripped!
  11. Well, he did fight and win against nagash himself, so I don’t know about that assertion too much to be frank.
  12. Aw man, not even out yet and they are already Jobers! But, this is interesting in a small part. You would think Teclis or Tyrion would show up in person if Archeon got this far. What happens after this?
  13. Man you took the Aquarium terrain a lot further than I did! I am admittedly a bit bland on my basing just based on needing to transport things, but the work you did here is amazing!
  14. They have for now unfortunately, but they may get reimagined. I just hope that there is an option along the same line as dragon princes at the very least. I think it’s a much needed motif. But, for now don’t give up hope until we see the whole range!
  15. I am chafing at the wait as well. Slowly working on my alopex shark, my final part of the army, and its a slow process thinking about the Lumineth. I just want to see more about their heroes and the elites. man, they really having me by the wallet. Consume product and get excited for more product. and I'm falling for it!
  16. Not at all! I have to see what the subfactions do first, and which ones tickle my fancy the most. what I really am wondering is if I should somehow turn my guys into winged hussars or keep them in the style of Greco-Roman elves.
  17. I know other people dissagree, but I am right there with you after a second look. Definitely looks like a counterweight to a catapult. the fact that it is overly designed when we are talking about aelves focused on perfect geometry should be pretty expected for some pompous gits like the Lumineth. The other give away is the fact that some of the casing looked cracked and a little ill used, but that may just be an earthen style design. That said, I could imagine elves using hammers in some context. Hammers are designed to amplify hitting power with momentum, so an elf with a hammer using to bash armor in could be interesting. Plus, we do not know if aetherquarts doesn't boost the strength of these guys just yet. if this is for a catapult, I think this is bloody great, especially with the new (super expensive) siege rules that have just came out.
  18. @readercolin Sweet! I was right about something warhammer related! I do like the other two big monsters, but I really think the synergy works really well, and there is potential for mortal wounds with the black dragon as well. I like the mathammer odds you laid out, and I think I would be quite happy bringing a pair of these dragons someday when I have enough money. for now, I just am glad that hammerhal was the right choice. plus, that damage is potentially doubled when considering the hammerhal command ability to allow it to fight twice.
  19. I did mean from a rules position, but yea the models are pretty weak compared to what they can do now.
  20. While we are on the subject of aelves, I had a thought in my head for the last three days or so. Is Hammerhall the best city for dreadlords? so, my idea is to take two dreadlords, with one being the general. Give the general the twin stone and blood of the twelve, giving a 12” bubble of +1 to hit and re-rolling 1’s to hit. The general also uses a command point to give every order serpentis within 18” +1 to wound. So with these two dragons worth around 600 points you have some crazy reliable hitting power, and they can be tough with a 3+ save. Take a luminark, and then you can cast -1 to hit and gain a 6+ ward save on them, making the separation of activations a bit easier to handle.
  21. I just hope that the dragons they give us are better. The dreadlord is so disappointing compared to the OOP dragon lord it hurts, at least from how I see it.
  22. If there is anyone in Star Wars I could say dodged a light saber, I don’t think Han is one of them. He walked right into one! but that’s besides the point. Anyone else getting an itchy trigger finger for these guys? I keep wanting to make some kind of aelf list besides my idoneth, and I keep getting disappointed. I need more pointy ear ******!
  23. Seems it’s just aelven design. The idoneth don’t have gorgets either. I just like to think that they are so skilled they don’t need them!
  24. I actually hope it's the opposite. I hope that Eltharion is the only model in the range that's like that. It makes him even more unique (even if he becomes a durthu like semi-named hero) and it gives the potential swordmasters some depth of still being mortal and yet fighting masterfully. That may just be me though. Plus, I really do not want stuff almost directly copied / pasted into AoS from 40k, like the dead heroes sort of thing.
  25. the idoneth have special infinity circuits Coral where they store idoneth souls so that they can be safe from slaanesh. I know that at least, but I have no clue about the daughters of Khaine. I think them and the cities of sigmar aelves go to shyish, but can go to an afterlife or something and not directly to nagash? soul wars kinda explained this. I think sigmar has ways to make the souls Rest In Peace in certain cities, so I imagine that some of the other aelves have that too.
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