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Everything posted by EccentricCircle

  1. I've nit tried it, but I would think that the dark elf crossbows would be your best bet. You get them spare when building either of the other two troop types from that kit, and they look elfy, since the are.
  2. I for one vote that they don't try to come up with a better name, and stick with "pointy elves"
  3. I'm encouraged by the fact that they are marketing them as "proper aelves". I had largely assumed that if and when the light aelves came they would be as unrecognisable as their other kin, so we can now hope that they will at least somewhat represent the classic High Elf look. That might bode well for classic dwarves and orcs too, come to think of it!
  4. I feel like , while Abbaddon is a perfectly serviceable model, it's not any better than any of the other new marines. I think this is mostly trading on the popularity of the character. He naturally has a huge following, and any new model of him was going to be a major event. However going by the actual quality of the artwork itself i'm dubious, we git so much really creative and different stuff last year. We got so much stuff that really captured classic themes in a new and creative way. I don't think this does that. I don't even think it is the most chaos y chaos space marine they did this year. I will grant though that it exemplifies the classic look of the faction in unprecedented detail, but that should be standard at this point.
  5. I was tempted for a time, but as of Christmas my Nighthaunt army is actually essentially complete, and I'm not so fussed about Stormcast. I'd be tempted by the Terrain issues, but I doubt there is a convenient way to just pick those up.
  6. I find some of the old fantasy forums to be pretty friendly, even if they are nowhere near as comprehensive as this one. They are very "balkanised". There is no one forum for WFB that I'm aware of, but rather there was originally one for each fantasy army. Some of them collapsed when Age of Sigmar came out, but a few like Lustria Online, Warhammer Empire, and particularly Chaos Dwarves Online are still going strong. Some of them have more Age of Sigmar discussion than others, but again its still quite faction focused. They are great for talking about old models and hobby stuff though.
  7. Speak for yourself. Having a model range is better than not having a model range in my opinion. I'd of course love a full battletome treatment for the Chaos Dwarves, with new plastic sculpts or just with the existing Resin ones. I couldn't pick that option though, because I already collect them.
  8. Ooh, when did they let a typo slip through in the title of a book? I must have missed that one!
  9. Bless the Maker, bless his coming and his going, may his passage cleanse the land. Assembly is complete, and the painting is coming on, so I'll soon be able to release her into my sandworm sanctuary. I've got a little Reaper one somewhere too, but alas I don't think the two species are able to interbreed.
  10. That's weird. Hopefully they'll still package them with stuff like Lord of the rings. Even if they don't have an independent pack on sale. At least slotta bases are pretty easy to find from other game companies if not.
  11. I've been building my Dread Maw this afternoon. Its so sad to think that its pretty much the last of its kind now. I've also been even more nervous about messing up the build than I usually am with Forgeworld models!
  12. That sounds awesome. Good luck with the project, I'll be interested to see pictures of how it turns out!
  13. That sounds amazing. I'd never have considered using actual mirrors in scenery design!
  14. My theory about "Darkoath" is that it was intended as a rebranding of the Slaves to Darkness, in much the same way that the Night Goblins became Gloomspite, and the ghosty parts of Death became Nighthaunt. I think it was always planned to be precisely what we got, lots of various chaos tribes, united under the banners of the Darkoath Warqueens, with updates to some of the older chaos models. However I think at some point they abandoned the idea to change the branding, and doubled down on calling it Slaves to Darkness instead. Its telling that throughout 1st edition, eveything had bold new names, often one word, and with some sort of compound word in there. Then suddenly we started getting books with "classic titles" like Beast of Chaos and Skaven again. It seems like they pivoted away from renaming everything, and started using the iconic faction names again. No way to know for sure, but that's my theory anyway.
  15. The fact that you stipulated factions one doesn't collect makes it challenging, but giants would be great, and i like that you included Malice.
  16. No new armies. I've just started Tyranids this year, and have lots of Ghosts, Elves and Goblins still to paint. Plus its about time my hobby focus swung back to Lord of the Rings, after a couple of years of being heavily into AoS, and mildly into 40K. What I might do though is try to complete a couple of collections, where I'm just one or two models away from having everything. The 2020 schedule will be the big deciding factor though. If it is mostly rolling updates like the Psychic stuff then I probably won't be too tempted, if there end up being a big model release for an army I collect then that might change things, particularly if I've just finished the collection, and then they bring out new stuff! It feels like we don't really have much of a solid idea of what is coming next. Whatever happens I'd expect a fair bit of stuff to appear out of the blue, unexpectedly
  17. Note that in the case of shadespire they weren't given completed models and told to make a game, rather they got playing with study models which weren't intended for release and thought it would be cool to do something with them, and find a way to release them as part of a side game.
  18. It looks like a cool box, but since my chances of actually getting one are so low I'm not going to get excited about it. I got lucky with looncurse, but although I love the Kharadrons, i reckon I'll just have to wait for the new hero. I do wonder though whether they might have held off releasing the heros separately because there were still more to come. If this dual box marks the end of the update cycle, then we might see them all in due course.
  19. Can you please confirm that the skulls being reshaped happens after people are dead and not before? Otherwise I'm not sure I like the idea of this new utopia!
  20. It seems as though Cubicle Seven have had their hands full of late. For those who don't follow the RPG scene, They've just had to cancel their Lord of the Rings game lines quite unexpectedly ( as in second edition TOR was almost ready to go to print, and now won't happen, unexpectedly). I think their different systems seem to have different teams, but it wouldn't be at all surprising if whatever went wrong with that brand has shaken things up more generally. This potentially means that the warhammer license is now pretty much their biggest brand, so that could bode well for resource allocation to Soulbound I guess? Note that this is all just speculating based on the discussion going on in RPG land. Until they tell us more about what's going on we have no inside information on what happened with LOTR, or whether it will affect warhammer, in either a good way or a bad one.
  21. Its unlikely in the extreme unfortunately. They have a pdf of updated rules, which gives them much of the mechanical stuff they need. An actual battle tome with lore and art would require the main GW studio t o invest support in a forgeworld line, so i wouldn't hold my breath.
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