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Everything posted by Beliman

  1. Really good changes!!! I would be really happy if that leak becomes true. Note: Big wall of text incoming Now, on the "balance" updated, I'm going to admit that I don't give a lot of weight to the competitive scene (even if I followed the AOS World Championship this last week). My main issue with AoS rules are some Battletome/Warscrolls that have some weird interactions with the Core Rules. Another point is why this rules need to be like that, instead of a more simple and elegant rules that are still is lore-friendly enough to make an army play as it should. I will talk about my army because is the one that I know the most: Kharadrons Overlords. Kharadrons Overlords are just [base stats]+[rerolls] and only has a few "tricks" (mechanics?) to make them diferent from other armies. Let's see what tricks we have: Ranged attacks: Everything shoots. Not complicated (it's just that the game is really meh with shooting mechanics overall, not just KOs). Rend was their "defining" characteristic (still can be done with Powered Aether-amunition, but imho, that's a bandaid). Aethergold: Just +1 to wounds once per phase at the cost of -1 permanent bravery: 0 conflicts with the main rules and Imho, a bit meh lore-wise (they don't have a better "charge" because they spend Aethergold! wtf!). Broken Realms gave us more toys with new effects that doesn't contradict any rule, fluffy. Voidstone Orb: 1 use auto-spell. Really good artifact with a bit NPE in it. Maybe it does not contradict any other rule, but doesn't let the other player "play" their game for one use. I can see some arguments about this item being a bit "not fun" but there are some good arguments because we are an army without any Priest, Monster and/or Wizzards. Spell in the Bottle: RED ALERT. Take any Endless Spell and auto-summon it. You get it, it's something really fun but with a lot going on that I'm not sure if it needs to stay in the game. Btw, I love this item but the wombo-combos with it shouldn't exist, and speaking about them... Fly High (and Disembark): It's a Teleports, with garrisons (Cover+Garrison rules+Look Out Sir!), leave Garrison (at the end of the turn or maybe before moving the Ship...still waiting for FAQs), Disengage (modified retreat waiting for FAQs too), etc... buff, that's a lot! Let's be honest, Fly High is a crazy rule. It was the defining KO trait that was wombo-combo'ed for about half an edition (with Spell in the Bottle for major nuclear bombs). Maybe it doesn't contradict any rule because it's a set-up (it contradicts at least two btw, but that's another story) but doesn't matter, it's an horrible mechanic because an entire army Flying High again, and again, and again (even if it doesn't win a lot) is not a good mechanic for anyone. To move to other mechanics (don't care wich army they are from), shooting without LOS, reduce an entire enemy army characteristic (maybe Rend, maybe Damage, maybe hit, ...), packing a lot fo power on one unit (one man drake army), ignoring set-up mechanics or movement in the oponents pile-in phase are not good mechanics unless they are tweaked low enough to not be their defining mechanic to win games.
  2. An Artist working for GW just removed a few of his concepts/illustrations. There is a rumor around that one of them had a ghoul with a crown and cape, or something like that.
  3. I see KOs, I buy KOs. Simple life
  4. Really happy to see more Wanderers in action!
  5. If you are in to Horus Heresy gaming, I suggest to wait until this new edition (june maybe?). With that big Box and maybe a few weapon packs (or Special units), you already have enough to play Zone Mortalis games and close to 2000 points (depending on your units loadouts). I'm really curious to see what Horus Heresy will become. It seems that a simple +1 to move buff can make a unit become something really diferent, and giving all this weight to Basic Stats is something that I really miss.
  6. I like this mecha-suit dreadnoought I think that something like that, with fishing-hunting tools could be awesome for KO. Skywardens need some heavy support hunting that Harkrakens!
  7. Sisters were announced on Adepticon 2018 (march), and they were released (one box) on november 2019, but their full range was delivered in 2020/ 2021. The Battle Sisters Bulletin started february 2019 and it was the first time that GW revealed anything about Sisters range, from concepts arts to renders and finally with their miniatures.
  8. A friend found something weird in the Ironscale abilities: Maybe an errata, maybe a GHB2022 spoiler. But at this moment, you don't need an ability to charge after shooting someone.
  9. Artifacts and traits seems really good. I can see some combos and diferent styles.
  10. Nobody knows at this moment. They talked that it's the begining, and we will see the final result before the new edition (2024? maybe more?) Before going full gloom&doom, I suggest to wait until we know a bit more of this project. Eddie said that they are going to reveal the army like they did some years ago with Sisters of battle. Expect some renders and a bit of story for about a year (or two). It sucks because that's a lot of time, but at least, you know that you can legally play tournament with your 400€ of miniatures.
  11. Ships with cannons as arms? That will be my perdition!!
  12. Maybe I'm the only one but I don't have a problem with characters that are not alive. I can still play with them (maybe not in some narrative games, but that's not the point) even if they died some time ago.
  13. I think that's because the miniatures summoned are not on the table until they are being set-up. To set-up this unit, there is a condition (need to be set-up wholly within 6" of an Awakening Wyldwood), you need to met that requirement or your unit can't be set-up. The Crown ability only affects units that are wholly within 6" of The Lady of Vines. In other words, this ability only affects units that are already on the table.
  14. Fixe'd! This ability seems to help synergies that need to be near an Awakening Wood.
  15. Lady of Vines is inmune to all my shooting appart from my Skyvessels XD WRONG The Crown Ability treats all units wholly within 6" as if they were near 6" any Awakening Wyldwood!! I can shoot her!!!
  16. Lady of Vines: Throwing a spear: 1 attack at 18" with 2+/2+/-1/1D6 (ouch!!!) Melee Spear: 3 attacks at 3" with 3+/3+/-1/1D3 Dr. Octopus arms: 4 attacks at 3" with 3+/3+/-1/2 Warmaster and Wizzard with 2 spells/unbinds Crown: Friednly Sylvaneth units wholly within 6" = treated as being wholly within 6" of an Awaken Wyldwood Offensive/Defensive Modes: At the start of the combat phase, choose if -1 to being hit or +1 to hit. Summons: Once per battle, at the end of the movement phase, on a 2+ summon a unit 10 Dryads on an Overgrown Terrain (hint?) or in an Awakening Wyldwood. Magic: CV 7. Friendly Sylvaneth units wholly within 12" have Ward 5+
  17. Don't expect Command Abilities on Warscrolls. GW is removing them.
  18. But that can be fix'd with more beers. At some point, I'm pretty sure that Kruleboyz banners will look exactly like Kragnos.
  19. Sorry!! Deathmaster: Throwing star: 5 attacks at 12" with 4+/4+/-/1D3 Daggers: 5 attacks at 1" with 3+/3+/-1/1D3 Hidden Killer: Same description as Secret Weapon Teams but is reavealed in the Combat Phase. Can be set-up engaged and if the unit is destroyed, the Deatmaster is still set-up on the table and only suffers 1mw. Venom: 6s to hit (melee and ranged attacks) = 1D3 mortal wounds Run&Shoot
  20. It seems that Hidden Killer has the same wording of Hidden Weapon Teams. At least he doesn't count as a drop when you set-up the army.
  21. Not sure if it's a leak or rumor: Hag nar +1 blood rites Khelt Nar retreat charge Khalibron command ability to teleport one unit at end of movement Draci +1 rend WE and SoS Cobra Kai snakes attack when they die Krath is 4+ SoS can fight again
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