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10 hours ago, MOMUS said:

With a bit of shuffling you could get the max murderhost easily. I would split the fleshounds anyway to maximise thier reroll charge and dispel abilities.

I would also split the reavers, gives you some drops to guard your deployments zone and potentially 4 quick blood tithe points to buff your actually Killy stuff.

Thanks! I was thinking about that, later i'll try to make a list ;)

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11 hours ago, Render said:

For the Bloodstoker, I would highly recommend purchasing via eBay. There are tons of reputable second-hand bits merchants on there. Just search "Bloodstoker bits." Doing so right now I see a Bloodstoker for immediate purchase available for $2.99  (I'm in the US). There's another one up for auction starting at $0.99. I assume that'll go up, but I've actually managed to buy one off of eBay for $0.99. It's one of the cheapest models out there if you're willing to buy it not-in-the-box. I do this all the time and have never had any issues.

For your questions about the Slaughterpriest, depends on where you're playing. If you're just playing casually, you should be fine as long as your opponent understands. If playing competitively, some places are "what you see is what you get," so using another model (especially if it's unconverted) might be frowned upon.

In terms of other Slaughterpriest options, just putting a different head on can actually make a huge difference in the appearance. Something else to consider.

Thanks. I will ask around how locally people respond to models standing in for other models. The ordering of models from over seas is not really an option for me, a part may cost 99cents, but the posting and import tax will make it around 4-5$.

I will ask someone who plays longer for help with the stoker, I imagine it could be possible to cut the spear top of deathdealers weapons and put something whip like on to it. We have two handed whips like that here, so no one would mix it up with something else I think.


One last question, considering the deathdealers are bad, are the chariots good for a khorn blades army? Because they look wicked.

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On 06/05/2018 at 11:25 PM, JetBlackSVW said:

Now I'm even more confused, so the Skullseeker is the guy with the scorpion tail? Because the instructions show a different figure as the Skullseeker and the warscroll states that the Vicious Mutation belongs to the Skullseeker.

I'd say vicious mutation is whatever you want it to be. There a big claw, a scorpion tail, bloodletter head/legs, extra arm, and a really small wolvering type bone bit at the top of one of the wrists. Just providing its obvious what is the mutation in the unit it could be any one you want. Ie, dont go giving every model something that looks like a mutation. Or if you do only paint one bright red and leave the others a normal flesh tone etc.

Scorpion tail is probably the easiest to do for the soultearer arms.

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10 hours ago, Karol said:


One last question, considering the deathdealers are bad, are the chariots good for a khorn blades army? Because they look wicked.

Knights and chariots and fairly tanky and deal ok damage, not the best but not the worst by any means.

Could do with a slight point drops so I wouldn't revolve your whole list around them.

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hi all, I've chewed through 65+ pages of this thread in the last week or so, and wanted to ask a couple of questions,


I was debating using some khorne marked furies alongside a blood letter block and some flesh hounds, but 60pts for 5 seems a lot for 5 wounds even if they can fly. Is there any place for furies in chaos at all in gh2017?


how do allied warscroll batallions work? I understand a khorne batallion in a khorne army, but could I spend ally points on a slaves to darkness batallion, and take all chaos knights and chariots with the mark of khorne out of my 'core army' instead?


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I could see furies be useful for objective grabbing/holding, screening, or making battleshock more punishing. That being said, bloodreavers would probably make better objective holders and screens, and it wouldn't take much to secure an objective from furies. The additional battleshock casualty ability could be nice, but I don't see it happening often enough to rely on. 

In my opinion, if you already have models for them you can probably find some use for them, but I wouldn't reccomend buying them or putting too much confidence in them.

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Hey again Blood brethren,

Decided to switch up my running list from before:



Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (330)

-Command Trait: Slaughterborn

-Artefact: The Crimson Crown

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage  (260)

Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (260)

-Artefact: Collar of Khorne

Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (80)

Bloodstoker (80)

-Artefact: Talisman of Burning Blood



30 x Bloodletters (270)

-Gore Drenched Icon

30 x Bloodletters (270)

-Gore Drenched Icon

10 x Bloodletters (110)

-Gore Drenched Icon

5 x Flesh Hounds (100)

Council of Blood (110)

Murderhost (120)


Wounds: 132

Kind of torn whether I should drop the Council of Blood battalion and add in a Bloodsecrator.. :S


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On 5/8/2018 at 12:20 PM, TheAdequateWargamer said:

I'd say vicious mutation is whatever you want it to be. There a big claw, a scorpion tail, bloodletter head/legs, extra arm, and a really small wolvering type bone bit at the top of one of the wrists. Just providing its obvious what is the mutation in the unit it could be any one you want. Ie, dont go giving every model something that looks like a mutation. Or if you do only paint one bright red and leave the others a normal flesh tone etc.

Scorpion tail is probably the easiest to do for the soultearer arms.

Thank you, I will then use the model with the scorpion tail as Skullseeker and the Soultearer will be on a different model, so I don't have to modify anything.

Still I have one question regarding the rules of the Skullreapers, for example I do not roll any 6 to hit, but then two 1s to wound, the unit does not take self damage because the Daemonsblades haven't awoken, right? The self damage is only connected to the 6s to hit?

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Does anyone know, how to beat tzeench demons with a khorn list? I played them and a mixed order list today, and got demolished. Vs the order list I at least killed some stuff, but vs the demons I did nothing . He had 200pts more then me, but I just got blasted with magic and everything he had move super fast. Plus his big demon was just impossible to kill, and what is worse in mid game he summoned two khorn demons at the back of the rest of my army and just wiped me out. Haven't killed a single unit or hero in his entire army.

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1 hour ago, JetBlackSVW said:

Thank you, I will then use the model with the scorpion tail as Skullseeker and the Soultearer will be on a different model, so I don't have to modify anything.

Still I have one question regarding the rules of the Skullreapers, for example I do not roll any 6 to hit, but then two 1s to wound, the unit does not take self damage because the Daemonsblades haven't awoken, right? The self damage is only connected to the 6s to hit?

Its just dice that go through as mortals that can do yourself damage.

Make sure they are whipped or youve used the lord of khorne on juggers command ability

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I don't have a lord on a jugger, not sure what a jugger is though. No idea what whipped means either.

This is the stuff I have right now.

20 blood warriors,

80 bloodreavers

10 bloodletters.

one mighty lord of khorn on foot


slaugther priest with ball and chain.

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1 hour ago, Karol said:

Does anyone know, how to beat tzeench demons with a khorn list? I played them and a mixed order list today, and got demolished. Vs the order list I at least killed some stuff, but vs the demons I did nothing . He had 200pts more then me, but I just got blasted with magic and everything he had move super fast. Plus his big demon was just impossible to kill, and what is worse in mid game he summoned two khorn demons at the back of the rest of my army and just wiped me out. Haven't killed a single unit or hero in his entire army.

You need to build your list around shutting down his magic.

One of your heroes should take the brazen rune. Wraith of Khorne bloodthirster can unbind with +2. Flesh hounds can unbind. Chaos warriors and Knights have mortal wound protection. Gorepilgrims battalion with 3 slaughterpriests so he has to reroll successful casts no matter where he is on the table. Dont forget spelleater curse from bloodtithe.

Here is a link to a battle report I did a while ago; Khorne vs Tzeentch 2000 point battle report

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I don't have a bloodthirster or chaos knights, I do have blood warriors, but I didn't knew they had protection from magic.  I also only have 1 slaughter priest, so I can't use the gorepillgrim batalion.

Can I do something with the stuff I already own? The tzeench and stormcast player are going to be the ones I play the most.

Also is there a way to negate a stormcast dragon bouncing wounds back at my reavers. I lost two units of 20, with my own attacks he bounced back at me.

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Not bloodwarriors... chaos warriors (from Slaves to Darkness). They have chaos runeshields for a 5+ save vs mortal wounds and can take the mark of khorne.

The brazen rune is available to you and there is always bloodtithe but otherwise you really dont have much in the way of counter magic among your existing models. The minimum requirement for Gorepilgrims is 1 priest, with a maximum of 3, so you can still run the gorepilgrims battalion. Will just mean the range of the banner is not as far but it would still be effective. You could always proxy a blood warrior or 2 as a priest until you get the actual models. 

The biggest weakness for stormcast is mortal wounds. He doesnt have a save against those so direct any mortal wounds at the dragon and he wont be able to bounce them back at you. This means your bloodletters and the slaughterpriest's blood boil prayer. However 10 bloodletters are very easily killed so again you are going to need some more models if you are going to compete with that match up on an ongoing basis. 

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14 hours ago, Karol said:

I don't have a lord on a jugger, not sure what a jugger is though. No idea what whipped means either.

This is the stuff I have right now.

20 blood warriors,

80 bloodreavers

10 bloodletters.

one mighty lord of khorn on foot


slaugther priest with ball and chain.

The Lord Of Khorne on Juggernaut has a 4+ save against Magic, so its a tanky general model that can survive a bit against magic.


A unit being whipped means that you have a Bloodstoker model who can whip a unit in the hero phase for reroll +1's to wound and a charge bonus, they can be picked up off ebay pretty cheap, some armies have 2 of them.


I think running 2 * 10 Bloodwarriors, 2 * 40 Bloodreavers and looking into the Gore Pilgrims battalion would be a good place for you to start.


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So with the stuff I have right now, I won't be able to beat them? I don't really have the budget to buy any more models in the comming months, and my parents went and bought a combo present for me for birthday+confirmation, in the form of the shade spire starter box, so no hobby money from them till the end of summer.

Is there something like khorn fortifications/vortex that I could try to make myself, that would make my army better?

Also I will be playing this stormcast list next weekend, anyone has any tips on how to deal with it.

1 lord castelan on a stardrake

1 castellan

1 relictor

2 unit of 5 liberators

1 unit of 5 judicators

6 fulminators in 3 units of 2 each

He is a new player just like me, and I don't know what artefacts he is going to use or what his heros do. But it would be nice to get some general tips.

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2 hours ago, Karol said:

So with the stuff I have right now, I won't be able to beat them?


The models you have put you at a real disadvantage. Play a game and count all the reavers as bloodletters, you will then understand the vast difference in power level. 

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Ok, I will try that.  Are reavers considered bad units vy the way? I thought that big 20-30 man units were in general considered good. the dude that taught me how to play has huge swarms of skins in every of his order lists.

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15 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

You need to build your list around shutting down his magic.

One of your heroes should take the brazen rune. Wraith of Khorne bloodthirster can unbind with +2. Flesh hounds can unbind. Chaos warriors and Knights have mortal wound protection. Gorepilgrims battalion with 3 slaughterpriests so he has to reroll successful casts no matter where he is on the table. Dont forget spelleater curse from bloodtithe.

Here is a link to a battle report I did a while ago; Khorne vs Tzeentch 2000 point battle report

'WoK charged the Warpfire dragon and caused 32 wounds... bye bye' Love this, what an extremely satisfying battle report! Good job

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2 hours ago, Karol said:

Ok, I will try that.  Are reavers considered bad units vy the way? I thought that big 20-30 man units were in general considered good. the dude that taught me how to play has huge swarms of skins in every of his order lists.

They are just chaff and 10 dudes do the job as good as 40.

You'll almost always end up with 1-2 units when fielding mortals, due to being cheap/useful and being a requirement for several battalions (especially Gore Pilgrims). The majority of your points will tend to go into killy stuff or heroes, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time.

(inb4 someone rocks his local group with a 200 reaver list... )

That being said, from my own experience Khorne does not scale well below 2000 points due to reliance on battalions and massed units (except with some cheese of 60 Bloodletters and a WoK Bloodthirster... either way if you really like Khorne, don't be disheartened from low point games it gets better even though Khorne is no tier 1 army)

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Not looking for a tier 1 list, I got in to AoS only because the parents from my dorm roomates didn't take the models when they were picking up his stuff. Aside for the lord, secrator and slaughter priest everything else I got for for free. I have seen the money cost of normal lists and it blew my mind to be honest. I will think about some way of getting a more slaughter priests, and the whip guy from somewhere.   I expected to get some units this week, but my parents bought spire starter instead of something useful.

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4 hours ago, Karol said:

I expected to get some units this week, but my parents bought spire starter instead of something useful.

Ah yea I really hate it when people buy me stuff.


What would people say are the most point efficient units in the BoK book?

1. Bloodletters

2. Priest

3. Skullreapers

4. Flesh hounds

5. Khorgorath 

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