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Good afternooon everyone. I have just heard of the tga.community site while listening to the Mortal Realms Podcast. Really loving the story driven and player cooperation based design that characterizes Age of Sigmar. I'm in a bit of an awkward place where I am really excited about it but none of the guys I play 40k with care at all about it. I am working on an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering that eats up time like an snowball in hell. So with no one to really play with and limited time to play I am mostly buying up the armies i'm interested in and painting where I can.

My plan is to hit up the flgs and try to meet some new people to play with when things slow down a little. I did get a friend that play Necrons to did his skaven out. We have started up a narrative campaign with a hero leveling system I half-baked up. I am still writing the battle report but some of those details can be found at realmwalker.wordpress.com

I am currently working on 3 main armies

Some Stormcast eternals that mostly consists of the starter box, though fighting skaven I may be getting some judicator and decimators.

I am also really enjoying painting and building some Khorne Bloodbound. Khornate warriors of chaos are actually my very first minaitures army collection ever. I abandoned them when everyone around me started playing 40k.

I also have a sylvaneth force I am painting up. I wan to ally them with a high elf dragon and dragon princes as if a dragon is hiding in Gyhran, protected by servants of alarielle and a few surviving aelfs. We will see where the main narrative goes as far as aelfs are concerned before I finish up that part of the army.


Storm Angel.png

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