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Un-enjoyable Matchups


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Anyone else find with their various order forces particular foes that make very un-enjoyable games?

I've played our store owners Flesh Eater Courts a few times and its not even remotely fun, the sheer preponderance of stacked bonuses makes it hard to deal with and just ends up being a few turns wait until they get into combat and game over. I won't even mention the time Nagash came on the field.

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What do you play as vs Flesh Eaters, and what battleplans?

I always start designing my matched play lists by asking my self what scary stuff I'm likely to come up against and what I have in my collection to counter it, Grudge Throwers to snipe enemy characters, Runelords to deal with armoured stuff and wizards, a Gryph-Hound to protect me from deep striking stuff, so maybe you should start looking at the individual elements that you hate about facing Flesh Eater courts and explore what you've got in your toolbox to counter them.

In answer to your original question, I bloody hate facing Forge World monsters!

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2 minutes ago, RossMHoward said:

@MrCharisma They still had a couple on the shelf when I bought mine the other week ;)

As unenjoyable as some matchups can be, they're always going to be more fun than playing 8th edition against an opponent who pussyfoots just out of average charge range each turn waiting for you to get fed up and fail a long bomb charge. 

I enjoyed those types of 8th edition games because I had a bunch of hard hitting artillery like volley guns that forced combat or just face grim death... but I get what you are saying ;-)

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Conversely, as a Death player I find playing against Dwarf/Empire Gunlines and the like to be incredibly tedious, because then the game is, "well you sniped all my Heroes so now it's wandering over to you and slowing grinding you down over the course of aeons while somehow being able to load and fire the cannon at the dudes surrounding it."

It's like shambling forward into a hurricane until you reach combat, then not having quite enough strength left to do anything other than grind through the enemy forces achingly-slowly.

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33 minutes ago, Marc Wilson said:

For me, who I'm playing has a much bigger factor on my enjoyment than what army he's using.

Exactly, if one person is there to have a fun, enjoyable game. And the other one just wants to smash your models off the table. That's not a good match-up. Maybe change the lists a little so that it's a little more fair?

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Funny, as a FEC player I find that any army with any good shooting just snipes out my characters and removes all the bonuses, and then I'm stuck with 6+ save Ghouls/5+ save Horrors/Flayers that can't get through armor well and easily lose attrition because I'm just trying to overwhelm with sheer numbers.

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4 hours ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

Conversely, as a Death player I find playing against Dwarf/Empire Gunlines and the like to be incredibly tedious, because then the game is, "well you sniped all my Heroes so now it's wandering over to you and slowing grinding you down over the course of aeons while somehow being able to load and fire the cannon at the dudes surrounding it."

It's like shambling forward into a hurricane until you reach combat, then not having quite enough strength left to do anything other than grind through the enemy forces achingly-slowly.

The Ring of Imortality's great for countering this. The first time your charcter gets sniped at least.

You can summon Morghast Harbringers on turn one for an easy flying charge, giving your opponent a much more immediate target to focus his fire on than your characters. Against dwarfs, take a Mourngul, dwarfs are very rend dependant and hate them.

Also: play battleplans that involve grabbing objectives on the other side of the board, gunline armies really hate those.

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Not really, I'm having a blast.  I can't help but feel a little ping of frustration as I don't have any sources of Spells, Rend, Mortal Wounds, or access to any Battalions.  My army really only works at 500 point increments, so 750,1250, and 1750 games frustrate me.  There are 3 unresolved rules questions that have to be house ruled in the meantime, which is great when I play within my current group, but have to have a long discussion whenever I encounter a new player.

That Ping disappears when I remind myself that I CHOSE my army after the GHB and purchased it all in one go.

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The only one that frustrates me to play against is Beastclaw Raiders. I know in general I can outplay them as far as missions go, but it's pretty frustrating putting your whole army into a Stonehorn and doing 3 wounds which just get healed back. Thundertusks with their ranged MW are also headache-inducing. 

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I've tried two lists against them, one focused on aelven shooting and one in a team game with some Stormcast using my Sylvaneth (who were pretty much a painting rather than a gaming project so they've had less table time), though in fairness in the team game my partner blocked me more than helping me so that was half the trouble there.

Even with good shooting I only managed to wipe one unit of ghouls (who came back with summoning points a turn later) with the heroes staying conveniently just out of range.

They currently remain undefeated in the store after I think 17 games now which adds a certain unfavorable pressure to the situation as well.

In the grand scheme of things though I can keep varying my performance/lists and as I play for fun it doesn't bother me too much it just lessens the enjoyment.

My Free Guild are on the rise and a tiny army of Mr T (Fireslayers) is coming to join alongside the Aelves. From my various armies over the last 19 years I have about 20k of Order to throw down.

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my main armies are death and Wood elves/Sylvaneth.

Bloodboud are a trickey opposition.

With death i have struggled to beat them full stop and while im not a bad loser (and not a bad player either) after getting beaten by only that army over and over can get tiring.


For wood elves though its not even so much that i lose. I have definatly one plenty of game through immense firepower and finish off the remains.

The thing i dont like is that if a field an army that can do that and the Bloodbound make it to my lines with some decent rolls. Thats it game over.

Never even seems to be a chance of victory after that. and thats what i dont enjoy. My favorite game was my undead against Duaradin where me and my opponent wiped out all eachothers units until all that was left was my 5 skeles and his Ungrim on 2 wounds. My skeles kept regening but couldnt do much damage. and his ungrim kept weathering my attacks and chipping away at the unit.

In the end i lost but my heart was genunly beating faster at every diceroll as it was on a knife edge.

What i dont like is enduring half a game knowing your already beaten

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It's not so much just playing against death or even the amount of flesh-Eater Court armies that gets me frustrated, especially with the amount of synergy and ability to revamp their army with ease. It is more so their ability and blatant choice to field (2) Mournguls or even a Vampire Lord on a Zombie Dragon with the Ring of Immortality and cast Mystic Shield on him. 

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The only one that frustrates me to play against is Beastclaw Raiders. I know in general I can outplay them as far as missions go, but it's pretty frustrating putting your whole army into a Stonehorn and doing 3 wounds which just get healed back. Thundertusks with their ranged MW are also headache-inducing. 

As much as Thundertusks are undercosted and Battle Brew needs a nerf, you are literally playing into their hands by going for the Stonelord - that's what your opponent wants you to do. Don't do it unless you've done the maths and you'll kill it in one turn with a good deal of leeway. 

I've messed this up against @grunnlock in a practice games for his undefeated Blood and Glory list:


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