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The Painting Contract - December 2022


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Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for December 2022. This is it folks! The last Painting Contract of 2022.

If you don't know the rules they are:

Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain or models for Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Blitz Bowl, Dungeon Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer Quest, Gorechosen, or HeroQuest

On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.

 I'm looking forward to seeing everyone share their progress!


 @Mohojoe  @TheOtherJosh& special thanks to @Kramer

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I hope to finish all the other orks this month. Things left to paint: 3 MANz, 1 Ghaz, 8 Boyz. Might add some tufts and other things to make the bases look a bit nicer.

Hopefully starting to build and paint my Sylvaneth next Year.

Edited by Gitzdee
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Personally I was working on some of my own stuff lately, and really haven’t had much time or interest in painting.

And after having played a few games with the new skaven tome, my motivation was just down in the water  to even paint anything for the skaven at all (the book is just terrible written).

But since then I had another look at the whole book and (didn’t really change my mind at all, it’s still a terrible book but) I was able to use some of the mistakes gw made to use to my benefit. The rattling gun weapon team was an amazing cool units (that is still sitting on a 30gear old model)

back then with the last less terrible book, the rattlings were actually pretty cool and represented their fluff text amazingly.

I was amazed of how much damage potential (on either side) a rattling gun spamm list can have and started converting amd painting 13 rattling gun weapon teams towards the end of the books live cycle.

Bit then the terrible new mess of a book came, and literally destroyed the fundamental of randomness for that weapon team, that and it made the weapon team command trait unplayable, which kinda made me feel miserable.

thankfully there is a small mistake gw made thanks to rule writing and instead of always dying when overcharging the rattlings they now can’t even die, when we follow the rules as written, which can be pretty funny at a tournament.

so here I am less motivated then before the new book, but motivated again enough to build and pained another 7-13rattling gun weapon teams, as it is my vision to own a solid rattling gun weapon team spammed list that looks awesome.

So even if a may not join you guys on this month painting contract, I could see myself joining you guyd with some certainty snext month as I should be able to get back to painting/converting 

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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Necropolis Stalkers are done - and so is my OBR 1000 points army, which I’ve started in August. This topic has been really helpful in maintaining the discipline! I will try to take some decent pictures of the whole project and post them later on - for now, the Stalkers.



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Here's the first batch of 5 Bloodletters (out of 20). For the first time ever, I didn't use any washes, just carefully applied layers over the Mephiston Red basecoat. I need to finish the swords and bases (as well as the horns on one of the guys), but that will go quickly.


Edited by Painbringer
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I hadn't many time last month to paint and/or play but for this december I progressed on my drakespawn knights & I try something on both Sansom farstrider and lord arcanum on mutated chicken. I will try to finish the whole farstrider band and basing my drakespawn unit until the end of the month.






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