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Your favorite unorthodox list ideas?

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EDIT: Changed title from 'Your favorite list that you'll (likely) never play' to this, since I didn't want to exclude people who actually dedicated themselves to playing cool lists, and the goal of the thread is just to see some creative ideas.


I know I'm not the only one always dreaming up new ideas for armies, both theme/aesthetic/conversions and army lists, and I wanted to focus on the latter this time. We all have these cool ideas that we come up with sometimes that will never see the light of day, because time and money is unfortunately (very) limited. I know I can barely finish an army, let alone a dozen.

I also firmly believe that there are far more solid options than are represented in tournament placings. Due to the investment required to make an army, the meta in wargames like AoS is glacial at best. For competitive lists people also tend to just gravitate to what is commonly seen as the best, even if it isn't necessarily the best (Still think Big Yellers is meh, and Kruleboyz would do better clogging the board as Grinnin' Blades. Fight me.).

Anyway, I thought it would be a fun idea to have a thread where everyone can toss in ideas they came up with. The wilder the better. This is a creative hobby, and there's no reason that shouldn't be the case for list building as well. If you happen to have a unorthodox list that you actually do play, don't hesitate to share as well.


I'll start with a small idea I had while looking into the CoS army I am planning. Now I'm not going in this direction because I have no cool conversion ideas for it, but I was a little intrigued by the Irondrakes Bridge combo that I saw pop up a lot. You're rather dependent on getting it up, which the Sorceress can do well, but know who does it better? Other dwarves of course. Not only can they guarantee it with Spell in a Bottle, you can get some juicy re-rolls in there through the power of grudges, as well as adding exploding hits 1/battle. And the rest of the army is lightning fast too, so they can easily keep up with your teleporting Irondrakes so they aren't stranded out there without support.

Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords
- Sky Port: Barak Thryng
- Mortal Realm: Chamon
- Grand Strategy: Predator's Domain
- Triumphs: Inspired
Kharadron Code
- Artycle: Chronicle of Grudges
- Amendment: Take Help Where You Can Get It
- Footnote: Honour The Gods Just In Case
Runelord (100)*
Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (180)*
- General
- Command Trait: Supremely Stubborn
- Artefact: Grudgehammer
Aether-Khemist (90)*
- Artefact: Spell in a Bottle
Aetheric Navigator (95)**
20 x Irondrakes (340)*
10 x Arkanaut Company (100)**
3 x Endrinriggers (120)**
- 1 x Skyhooks
- 1 x Drill Launcher
3 x Endrinriggers (120)**
- 1 x Skyhooks
- 1 x Drill Launcher
5 x Grundstok Thunderers (135)**
1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (155)**
- Main Gun: Drill Cannon
- Great Endrinworks: Zonbarcorp 'Debtsettler' Spar Torpedo
Arkanaut Ironclad (490)**
- Main Gun: Great Sky Cannon
Soulscream Bridge (70)
**Battle Regiment
TOTAL: 1995/2000 WOUNDS: 103

I will admit that the rest of the list can probably be optimized quite a lot more, but I think it's a cool idea overall. The Irondrakes with Runelord provide some -2 rend that KO sorely lack, and they are fairly durable against enemy shooting as well. You only get to single reinforce them, but they hit hard with all the buffs. It still plays the same alpha-strike style of regular KO, but it's got some juice. And you get to make a duardin coalition! Who doesn't want that.

Edited by Vastus
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26 rattling guns, Was a list I would actually like to play at some point at 2000points.

now it is not that I don’t own the model (got like 13 converted up pretty nicely, and still have another 13 bodies left for more) but rather the current list is  5points over the 2000 limit.

sadly with the new book, I can’t really say if this is going to be a possible list in the near future.

but should it be, I can assure you guys that I will go all out on the rattling gun weapon teams.

after all the first 13 of them were a joy to convert.






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  • Vastus changed the title to Your favorite unorthodox list ideas?

Oh this is a fun topic. 

Big shout-out to the second place taker at Adepticon in March 2022:

Thunder of Stormchariots and Doots of Doom.

Jakub Golec – Stormcast Eternals – Second Place

Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
– Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar (Scions of the Storm)
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: Dominating Presence
– Triumphs: Inspired
– Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley

Knight-Heraldor (105)*
Knight-Heraldor (105)*
Knight-Heraldor (105)*
– General
– Command Trait: Master of Magic
– Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
– Spell: Chain Lightning

10 x Judicators with Boltstorm Crossbows (380)*
– Reinforced x 1
2 x Thunderbolt crossbow
5 x Judicators with Boltstorm Crossbows (190)*
1 x Thunderbolt crossbow
5 x Judicators with Boltstorm Crossbows (190)*
1 x Thunderbolt crossbow

1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
3 x The Farstriders (90)**

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
**Redemption Brotherhood

Additional Enhancements
Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 118
Drops: 2

The strategy of a devastating shooting list with the hard-hitting chariots causing enemies to take cover only for the trio of Knight-Heraldors to step in and start blasting the terrain with music and lightning bolts is brilliant! The now overlooked Heraldors ended up being his ace in the hole on making the terrain a death trap. 

Also this guy’s Gryph-hound legion list. Why no chariots? Because he needed room for more gryph-hounds.


Good boi respect.

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Oh yeah, I remember seeing that Chariot list, never thought I would see Heraldors be useful but he made it work. Honestly Stormcast have so many units, but it seems like all you ever get to see is Stormdrake Guard, Longstrike Raptors and/or Fulminators. The Vanguard Palladors in the picture are a really underrated unit.

I've been looking a bit into them recently for the Cities army I'm planning on. It would be Chamon/steampunk-themed so I was thinking of adding some Stormcast converted a bit into automatons. Anyway, one unit that caught my eye are the Protectors. You don't see them that often, but I think anyone would agree that Protectors with Unleash Thy Hatred and the Maces are quite scary. If you're not familiar, the Maces have a single attack that requires no attack roll and simply does D3 MW on a 2+. It still has an attack characteristic though, so something like UTH that grants an extra attack basically doubles the MW output. A 10-man unit with 4 of these Maces pumps out 8D3 MW in addition to the 37 regular attacks.

Now Tempest's Eye (my planned city) can do something similar with Aura of Glory. The allegiance abilities also gives them extra speed in the first round to compensate their low base movement. If you use At The Double they run 14" turn 1, probably enough to get on/near an objective and sit there with your 1+ save (2+ from turn 2) which you have without even using any buffs. The rough draft I have as of now is as follows:

Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
- City: Tempest's Eye
- Mortal Realm: Chamon
- Grand Strategy: Predator's Domain
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage (280)**
- Lore of Eagles: Aura of Glory
Freeguild General on Griffon (290)*
- General
- Command Trait: Swift as the Wind
- Runesword
- Artefact: Arcane Tome
- Mount Trait: Soaring Guardian
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Lord-Relictor (145)**
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (105)*
5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (105)**
6 x Demigryph Knights (350)*
- Lance
10 x Protectors (450)**
- 4 x Starsoul Maces
Arkanaut Frigate (250)*
- Kharadron Overlords Battleline (Sky Port: Barak Zilfin)
*Battle Regiment
**Battle Regiment
TOTAL: 1975/2000 WOUNDS: 118

You have the block of Protectors running up the board with the Hurricanum (honestly this might be the one spot where I'd consider a Luminark instead for the 6+ ward, but the +1 cast is nice) and the Relictor who can drop a Curse, since the non-Mace Protectors still pump out an absolute ton of attacks with 3" reach. Pistoliers can form fast screens or flankers depending on the situation, and the General+Demigryphs are a huge flanking threat, that can also sit on objectives and be quite tanky. And the Frigate is there because it's cool to pressure the backline/flanks. It's rather light on bodies because this is something I'm actually planning to slowly assemble, and I'm allergic to painting large units of infantry and they don't fit the aesthetic, but a Sorceress with Dreadspears to get a huge +cast and guarantee Aura of Glory could be a good thing to slot in to make it more reliable.

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This a variation on my just for fun list which I’ve actually had some success with.  The resilience of the Troggs and the speed of the Mangler Squigs are complimentary while the Shamans throw out some nice wild cards.  It’s fun to play and I’m told fun to play against.  Doesn’t win a lot of rematches as once people see what it can do the counters are clear.  But first impressions tend to discount capabilities allowing for some sneaky but non-gotcha wins.

Army Faction: Gloomspite Gitz
    - Army Subfaction: Glogg's Megamob
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line


Dankhold Troggboss (240)*
    - General
    - Command Traits: Shepherd of Idiotic Destruction
    - Artefacts: Aetherquartz-studded Hide

Madcap Shamans (80)*
    - Artefacts: Moonface Mommet
    - Spells: Itchy Nuisance

Fungoid Cave-Shaman (95)*
    - Spells: The Hand of Gork

Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (290)**
    - Artefacts: Amulet of Destiny

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110)**

Loonboss (75)**


Fellwater Troggoths (155)

1 x Rockgut Troggoths (290)***

Rockgut Troggoths (145)***

Rockgut Troggoths (145)***


Mangler Squigs (275)


Bad Moon Loonshrine (0)


Rippa's Snarlfangs (70)


*Command Entourage

**Command Entourage

***Hunters of the Heartlands

TOTAL POINTS: (1970/2000)



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Oh lovely, I really like Rockgut Troggoths. They're quite strong honestly with high rend and damage, and a 5+ ward on regenerating wounds is great. To top it off they are easily one of the best aos kits as well.

Mangler Squigs are really funny, but you gotta hope your dice work with you. I remember seeing a Gitz list that went 5-0 recently which had Kragnos, Loonboss on Mangler and a bunch of regular Squigs iirc. Kragnos actually makes them a lot more reliable at getting in, seemed like a nice list too.

Despite being generally considered one of the worst armies, Gitz actually have some good tools. About as reliable as a Skaven though .

Edited by Vastus
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2 hours ago, Vastus said:

Oh lovely, I really like Rockgut Troggoths. They're quite strong honestly with high rend and damage, and a 5+ ward on regenerating wounds is great. To top it off they are easily one of the best aos kits as well.

Mangler Squigs are really funny, but you gotta hope your dice work with you. I remember seeing a Gitz list that went 5-0 recently which had Kragnos, Loonboss on Mangler and a bunch of regular Squigs iirc. Kragnos actually makes them a lot more reliable at getting in, seemed like a nice list too.

Despite being generally considered one of the worst armies, Gitz actually have some good tools. About as reliable as a Skaven though .

Yeah the Rockguts are great and the foundation the list is built upon.  Bringing some back with the Loonshrine can really back foot an opponent who has extended themselves to take out a unit.  But getting the dice when you need them for the Mangler Squigs can certainly swing things.

Edited by Beer & Pretzels Gamer
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18 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Oh this is a fun topic. 

Big shout-out to the second place taker at Adepticon in March 2022:

Thunder of Stormchariots and Doots of Doom.

Jakub Golec – Stormcast Eternals – Second Place

Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
– Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar (Scions of the Storm)
– Mortal Realm: Ghur
– Grand Strategy: Dominating Presence
– Triumphs: Inspired
– Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley

Knight-Heraldor (105)*
Knight-Heraldor (105)*
Knight-Heraldor (105)*
– General
– Command Trait: Master of Magic
– Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
– Spell: Chain Lightning

10 x Judicators with Boltstorm Crossbows (380)*
– Reinforced x 1
2 x Thunderbolt crossbow
5 x Judicators with Boltstorm Crossbows (190)*
1 x Thunderbolt crossbow
5 x Judicators with Boltstorm Crossbows (190)*
1 x Thunderbolt crossbow

1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
1 x Stormstrike Chariot (165)**
3 x The Farstriders (90)**

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment
**Redemption Brotherhood

Additional Enhancements
Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 118
Drops: 2

The strategy of a devastating shooting list with the hard-hitting chariots causing enemies to take cover only for the trio of Knight-Heraldors to step in and start blasting the terrain with music and lightning bolts is brilliant! The now overlooked Heraldors ended up being his ace in the hole on making the terrain a death trap. 

Also this guy’s Gryph-hound legion list. Why no chariots? Because he needed room for more gryph-hounds.


Good boi respect.

Honestly Knight-Heraldors and Stormstrike Chariot are insanely good, the BoC community complains about this all the time lol. IDK why they are over looked Heraldors are insanely OP. 

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7 hours ago, Maddpainting said:

Honestly Knight-Heraldors and Stormstrike Chariot are insanely good, the BoC community complains about this all the time lol. IDK why they are over looked Heraldors are insanely OP. 

Heraldors are one of those units where it feels initially hard to evaluate them on paper. Looking at the typical terrain setup and the small board size in AoS though, it's nigh impossible to avoid being near any before taking into account faction terrain. You probably get a lot more value with multiple to the point where it's actually terrifying to be near terrain. I wonder how much they did in that list.

What's also crazy to me though is that Stormstrike Chariots have the same impact hits as Ogor monsters like Stonehorns. They're tough to kill too. 

Really, Stormcast have so many good and varied units.

Edited by Vastus
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5 hours ago, Maddpainting said:

Honestly Knight-Heraldors and Stormstrike Chariot are insanely good, the BoC community complains about this all the time lol. IDK why they are over looked Heraldors are insanely OP. 

I’d say it was mostly because of focusing on the nerfs while in a AoS2 mindset. Losing their extra move ability where that was a big boon in run & charge heavy AoS2 and going from guaranteed mortal wound terrain blast to 90% chance of causing it all seemed like downers.

Taken in 3.0’s change to smaller boards meaning harder to avoid terrain, Totem keywords being big to broadcast commands like a General can and Heraldor’s overall attack and defense buffs to make them much tougher in combat and they got off a lot better than the simplified warscroll would suggest.

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On 6/9/2022 at 10:56 PM, Baron Klatz said:

I’d say it was mostly because of focusing on the nerfs while in a AoS2 mindset. Losing their extra move ability where that was a big boon in run & charge heavy AoS2 and going from guaranteed mortal wound terrain blast to 90% chance of causing it all seemed like downers.

Taken in 3.0’s change to smaller boards meaning harder to avoid terrain, Totem keywords being big to broadcast commands like a General can and Heraldor’s overall attack and defense buffs to make them much tougher in combat and they got off a lot better than the simplified warscroll would suggest.

This is it, they were the only source of retreat and charge (I think) and now there isn't any way to get it (I think?) 

I love the knight heraldor as a Seraphon ally and think they're overlooked there. Combined with the Realmshaper Engine and Comet's Call, it can be a pretty gross sprinkling of mortal wounds. 

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16 hours ago, Gailon said:

I love the knight heraldor as a Seraphon ally and think they're overlooked there. Combined with the Realmshaper Engine and Comet's Call, it can be a pretty gross sprinkling of mortal wounds. 

Ooooh, the Comet plus Heraldor idea is already clever but the whole Seraphon package has me itching for some Starborne. 😍

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There might be an interesting list option there. Realmshaper and Heraldors strongly disincentivize staying in cover, but Seraphon can put out a terrifying amount of shooting with large skink blobs (or Solar Engines) if you aren't in cover too.

Maybe even a Dracothion's Tail list where you drop units on those who dare get out of cover. Maybe a key Endless Spell here or there to control space even further.

There's a lot more options out there than your typical Thunder Lizard Engine spam. Although Thunder Lizard with a bunch of Arks of Sotek would provide some cheap and very tanky bodies that will effectively stall anyone trying to get near Kroak while pumping out MWs.

The Kroak/Krondspine lists that have popped up a lot recently are pretty good at this kind of area control as well. You can't really remove the Krondspine quickly since it can lose only one stage at a time, and only at the end of battleshock, so it creates a lot of space while Kroak does his thing.

Edited by Vastus
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  • 3 weeks later...

If i ever have too much money and time i would like to build a Diablo style Khorne deamons army with a ton of bloodletters and make Skarbrand look like the lord of terror. Something like this.

 - Army Faction: Blades of Khorne
     - Grand Strategy: Vendetta
     - Triumph: Bloodthirsty
Skullmaster (120)
Skulltaker (130)
Skarbrand (380)
     - General
Bloodletters (330)
Bloodletters (330)
Bloodletters (110)
Flesh Hounds (105)
Flesh Hounds (105)
Bloodcrushers (130)
Bloodcrushers (130)
Bloodcrushers (130)
TOTAL POINTS: 2000/2000

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I have several silly stormcast list ideas owing to the fact they have so many warscrolls.

Gryph Hound spam: point for point they're the cheapest source of wounds and of melee attacks in faction. Hallowed Knights with Gardus for a 5+ ward bubble, or Hammers of Sigmar for a wider reaching 6+ ward. Lord Relictor with Curse, Judicators for minimum battleline for a little ranged threat, then 10 units of gryph hounds.

Endless Spell Spam: bring several knights-incantor alongside any mounted model so you can take Scintillating Trail for a -1 to unbind aura (ideally with a stardrake too for +1 to cast) and then just load up on endless spells. Purple Sun, Gnashing Jaws, Quicksilver Swords, maybe Suffocating Gravetide too. The idea isn't that endless spells are necessarily individual powerhouses, but that once there are enough on the board it's difficult to neutralise them all.

These are my two current obsessions.

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8 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Sorry that I do not have a specific list, but I think a dream army for me would be to make a city of of sigmar army and its deathly counterpart for a narrative setting where each unit has a 1/1 representation...

Plus 10 points if it was Brettonians with FEC!

My memory is failing me right now, but I am quite certain I once read about a Free City where people and undead lived and fought together. I always thought it would be fun for that to become a sub-faction for CoS where you could coalition in some undead.

As for the second idea, imagine for a second a city built atop the ruins of another city. The old city was once a glittering citadel, and to the ghouls that make this place home, it still is. To the humans who live above it, it's simply a pit. I think that could work quite well.

8 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

I have several silly stormcast list ideas owing to the fact they have so many warscrolls.

Gryph Hound spam: point for point they're the cheapest source of wounds and of melee attacks in faction. Hallowed Knights with Gardus for a 5+ ward bubble, or Hammers of Sigmar for a wider reaching 6+ ward. Lord Relictor with Curse, Judicators for minimum battleline for a little ranged threat, then 10 units of gryph hounds.

Endless Spell Spam: bring several knights-incantor alongside any mounted model so you can take Scintillating Trail for a -1 to unbind aura (ideally with a stardrake too for +1 to cast) and then just load up on endless spells. Purple Sun, Gnashing Jaws, Quicksilver Swords, maybe Suffocating Gravetide too. The idea isn't that endless spells are necessarily individual powerhouses, but that once there are enough on the board it's difficult to neutralise them all.

These are my two current obsessions.

With how incredibly underpriced some of the endless spells are after the update, a more magic-heavy army like that could work well. Scintillating Trail is a nice touch, but the one issue I see is that there's a lack of casting bonuses as far as I can tell. If you're paying a bunch of points for spells and you don't get them off, you're basically playing with a smaller army.

This does make me think though about the possibility of a Hallowheart endless spell spam, since they can stack casting bonuses so easily (Arcane Channeling, Sorceress, Hurricanum) that you can basically guarantee all of them going off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay this might be my all time favorite Orruk list.

Not only is it insane but he kept it fluffy with the Drakkfoot’s being daemon hunting tribes from the Realm of Fire by bringing the burning head Endless Spell.

“Bonesplittaz – Thomas Guan – One Ork dared to dream of a world where there was enough giant spears to kill every monster in Ghur.

Thomas' List - Click to Expand

Allegiance: Bonesplitterz 
– Warclan: Drakkfoot 
– Grand Strategy: Get Dem Bones! 
– Triumphs: 

Savage Big Boss (65)** 
– General 
– Command Trait: Great Hunter 
Wurrgog Prophet (150)** 
– Artefact: Glowin’ Tattooz 
– Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka’s War Cry 
Wurrgog Prophet (150)** 
– Artefact: Mork’s Boney Bitz 
– Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka’s War Cry

10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155)* 
10 x Savage Orruk Morboys (155)* 
10 x Savage Orruks (165)* 
– Chompas 

2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80)** 
2 x Savage Big Stabbas (80) 

Endless Spells & Invocations 
The Burning Head (20) 

Core Battalions 
*Hunters of the Heartlands 

Additional Enhancements 

Total: 1980 / 2000 
Reinforced Units: 0 / 4 
Allies: 0 / 400 
Wounds: 192 
Drops: 20”


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I call this "Landslide" I just want to run this for fun once so badly lol. 

Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (360)
Ogroid Myrmidon (125)
Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210)

10 x Chaos Marauders (90)
10 x Chaos Marauders (90)
10 x Chaos Marauders (90)

1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)

Total: 1965 / 2000

Edited by Maddpainting
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My assassin army I’ve always wanted. Added some elements to help it work. Won’t win any games but I’ll have a lot of fun teleporting around the board the entire game. 

Army Faction: Daughters of Khaine
    - Army Subfaction: Khailebron


1 x Slythael Shadestalker (290)

1 x Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood (270)
    - Prayers: Catechism of Murder

1 x Bloodwrack Shrine (200)
    - General
    - Command Traits: Master of Magic
    - Artefacts: Arcane Tome
    - Spells: Mindrazor


9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (150)

9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (150)

9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (150)

9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (150)

9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (150)

9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (150)

9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (150)


3 x The Shadeborn (290)

5 x Khinerai Lifetakers (90)

5 x Khinerai Lifetakers (90)

TOTAL POINTS: (1990/2000)


Edited by Lord Veshnakar
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On 7/25/2022 at 4:34 AM, Maddpainting said:

I call this "Landslide" I just want to run this for fun once so badly lol. 

Be'Lakor, the Dark Master (360)
Ogroid Myrmidon (125)
Slaves to Darkness Daemon Prince (210)

10 x Chaos Marauders (90)
10 x Chaos Marauders (90)
10 x Chaos Marauders (90)

1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)
1 x Fomoroid Crusher (100)

Total: 1965 / 2000

 If in the new STD book there is a way to make the new Ogroids and/or the new Chaos Legionnaires battleline, I might actually try something like this (altho probably not that many Fomoroids) with Bela'Kor, Eternus, Ogroids (Myrm and the new unit), Legionnaires, and Fomoroids. 🤣


Can't wait for the new STD book!

Edited by oggurt_da_bog_zombie
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  • 4 weeks later...

I wonder if this is any good XD.

Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot (105)
     - General
Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot (105)
Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot (105)
Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)
Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)
Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)
Man-skewer Boltboyz (240)
Man-skewer Boltboyz (120)
Man-skewer Boltboyz (120)
Beast-skewer Killbow (130)
Beast-skewer Killbow (130)
Beast-skewer Killbow (130)
Hobgrot Slittaz (80)
TOTAL POINTS: 1985/2000

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