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AoS 3 - Nighthaunt Discussion


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1 hour ago, Causalis said:

With all the ways to regenerate models, what would you recommend is a good size for our Chainrasps? I feel like min sized units would just die instantly, thus giving no chance to bring back models. So maybe 20 Chainrasps is ideal? 

I've been using them on blocks of 20 and they are working really well. I think 20 hit the sweat spot of having enough models to work as anvil + getting most of them when they charge. So far 20 chainrasp + 10 reapers have worked really well for me as anvil + hammer tag team.

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On 5/8/2022 at 9:50 PM, Fellman said:

Ohhh yes i want this


I was lucky to find a sealed Soul Wars box last year and that gave me this set. Although it looks like they will not be separately releasing this sculpt of the Lord executioner:


Lord Executioner - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum


3 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:

Oh quick question; would the Mourngul get updated rules to match the new book when GHB comes out or do we have to wait for the forgeworld specific thing to come out? 

Forgeworld is inconsistent about this. With Mega-Gargants they immediately updated the Bonegrinder Mega-Gargant.
With other things like Adeptus Custodes, they had to wait for a bit to get their rules FAQ'd to work with the main codex. I hope the Mourngul gets his update immediately because it's just a single unit and since it's our only in faction monster next to Nagash... he might just be a big deal. Even with the troops season coming, it might still be nice to have a monster to roar at people and I think he might have some serious merit when played together with a krulghast. 

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7 hours ago, States said:

After a 2 year pause, going to have my first game this weekend and decided to go with NH with their new rules.

I have no idea what/how to build now though, with all the new rules!

Can I get an opinion on a decent list, considering new rules, from what I have:

  • Spirit Tormet
  • Olynder
  • Reiknor
  • 2x Guardian of Souls
  • Lord Executioner 
  • 2x Dreadblade
  • Kruhlghast
  • KoS on Steed
  • 40x Chainrasp
  • 20x Reapers
  • 10x Bladegheist
  • 10x hexwraiths
  • 6x spirit hosts
  • Chainghast
  • Black coach

Kind of confused with all the new 'battalion' stuff and reinforcement points (still a bit to read up on it seems)

It's very hard to go wrong - everything you have available is good and can be used to good effect in a range of lists.

To start, I would pick your favourite out of Olynder and Reikenor - this will give you a basic theme to build the list around. (Do you have the NH Endless Spells available? If not, Olynder is probably the better choice, as Reikenor is really at his best when using the Terminexus and/or Scythe.)

The Spirit Torment and Krulghast will then add a solid base of resilience and resurrection. The Chainghasts synergise with the Torment, so they're also a good inclusion. A unit of Spirit Hosts will give your characters a lot of bodyguard wounds to help keep them alive.

From there, it's just a matter of juggling the points and units for whatever you want to include. The Black Coach is super cool and pairs well with Olynder in Emerald Host to ensure a constant stream of mortal wounds to pick off enemy characters. A block of 20 Reapers has good staying power and hits hard. Hexwraiths make excellent screens and objective grabbers, and their impact damage is nice too - run them in units of 5. Any of the other heroes are also great options. You won't be able to fit in everything, so just focus on the stuff you like.

For battalions, I'd suggest going one of two ways: 1) try to fit everything into a Battle Regiment, which lets you drop the whole army in one go and hopefully secure the choice of first turn, or 2) put your three most important infantry units in Hunters of the Heartland to give them some protection from monsters and then fill out a Warlord for the bonus enhancement.

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13 hours ago, Kadeton said:

For battalions, I'd suggest going one of two ways: 1) try to fit everything into a Battle Regiment, which lets you drop the whole army in one go and hopefully secure the choice of first turn, or 2) put your three most important infantry units in Hunters of the Heartland to give them some protection from monsters and then fill out a Warlord for the bonus enhancement.

Not sure we really benefit from a battle regiment. We can't charge turn 1 reliably, so if I was a one drop I'd just move onto objectives and cast buff spells. Which isn't nothing, but not the impact I'd want from a 1 drop army. I do the hunters of the heartland route with a warlord. We are fast but not 'that' fast. So most likely we are getting charged and your defensive wall needs to survive to start healing models.

I used to run a 6 man unit of spirit hosts and debating if I still should or not. I have a pretty mean meta in my area and long strikes blasting my hero's could mean that a 3 man spirit host gets wiped out immediately leaving me nothing to resurrect. But a big unit is expensive and their damage did go down.

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Hey guys serious question… how would you guys run Scarlet doom? Everytime i look at it i am just tempted to drop a max amount of MSU Bladegheist, obviously it would max out the amount of WoT and charge mortals, but i just feel… it would be too much of a 1 trick pony kind if build. relying on 1 type of warscroll to do it all. I know the fly boys in nurgle do it, but is it our best way to run scarlet doom? Or do we add a unit of hexwraiths for example for a quick mobility unit for late game objective grabbing? How would we pick our heroes for scarlet doom? I assume scarlet might be our most aggressive sub faction and therefore an ultra aggressive approach might show merit. Personally i’m more interested in running Grieving Legion and Emerald host, because they just give an obvious wider range of units to pick from while playing around their sub factions, but i’m just trying to figure out Scarlet Doom as well. Let me know what you guys come up with, i especially can’t settle on hero choice, but alternative units might just also be a thing here. Perhaps running a core of 5 bladegheist MSU paired with some other stuff might just give some more tactical advantages for example.

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1 hour ago, Darkrich said:

Not sure we really benefit from a battle regiment. We can't charge turn 1 reliably, so if I was a one drop I'd just move onto objectives and cast buff spells. Which isn't nothing, but not the impact I'd want from a 1 drop army. I do the hunters of the heartland route with a warlord. We are fast but not 'that' fast. So most likely we are getting charged and your defensive wall needs to survive to start healing models.

I used to run a 6 man unit of spirit hosts and debating if I still should or not. I have a pretty mean meta in my area and long strikes blasting my hero's could mean that a 3 man spirit host gets wiped out immediately leaving me nothing to resurrect. But a big unit is expensive and their damage did go down.

1 drop means you decide turn order. Meaning you can make your opponent go first and position yourself to take advantage of an early double.

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Nighthaunt vs Daughters of Kain battlereport on Warhammer +.

I watched it so you didn't have to.


The Nighthaunt army was played by Simon.

Points: 1750

Battleplan: King of the Hill (with special rules). Nighthaunt as attackers, DoK as defenders.

Special Rules: 4 rounds, the player with the most models specifically on the mausoleum at the end of the game wins. In addition, at the end of each battleround roll a die for each slain model in a unit that has not been wiped out, and on a 6 return a model to the unit.


Emerald Host w/ Warlord and Battle Regiment battalions

Heroes: Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed, Scriptor Mortis, Guardian of Souls, Cairn Wraith

Troops: Chainrasps x10, Bladegheists x10, Dreadscythes x10, Hexraiths x5, Craventhorn x5

Misc: Black Coach

Deployment: Deployed at the most forward edge of the battlefield possible with the Chainrasps directly opposite of the objective mausoleum. In a line out from them, to the left was the KoSoES who was nestled in with the Bladegheists. To the right was the GoS, then the Cairn Wrath who was with the Dreadscythes. To the right of them was the Hexrwaiths. Behind the Hexies and Dreadscyths was the Craventhorn, and just behind them the Black Coach. The Scriptor Mortis was able to deploy high on a terrain feature away from the front line able to see the whole battlefield.

Pregame: Rolled 4 Emerald Curses. Placed them on the Bloodwrack Shrine, Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood, Doomfire Warlocks, and Bloodstalkers.



Round 1: NH was given priority as they were the attacking army in this game. The Scriptor placed judgement on the Bloodwrack Shrine. Simon then moved his left flank with runs (Bladegheists and Chainrasps) and the rest as normal moves, all up to their maximums. There were no charges. This put him in enemy missile range which resulted in losing 5 Dreadscythes right away. Combat consisted of DoK charges, losing the Craventhorn and the Dreadscythes, and forcing Simon to attack with KoSoES and the Cairn Wraith, who each wipe their respective enemy units. The Chairn Wraith did 10 wounds! Battleshock ended up wiping both sides' wounded units.

Round 2: Scriptor's judgement kills the Bloodwrack Shrine, but in payback NH suffers huge losses on the Bladegheists despite Discorporate. DoK focused damage on the Black Coach, but it took the hits and survived. Hexwraiths were wiped, and on Battleshock so were the Bladegheists.

Round 3: NH wins priority. Scriptor moves judgement to the Hag Queen. Simon decides to press on to the mausoleum and uses his retreat on the Black Coach to get into charge position on what's up there. He also unleashed the BC's Evocation doing only 2 wounds. The KoSoES and Ciarn Wraith were free to charge into new enemy units respectively, and did so, resulting in two more clean wipes on the DoK side. Cairn did 16 wounds on his own that time. This results in DoK retreating trying to fortify their position on the mausoleum except for the Blood Cauldron who charged the Black Coach. It used All Out Slaughter and finally put it down.

Round 4: Priority goes to NH again. Scriptor fails its judgement, so it fell on the Cairn Wraith to do some damage. It scores another 7 wounds and wipes another unit. This leaves the KoSoES and the Hag Queen to determine the game as the only two models on the mausoleum with no movement left. On the DoK turn the Hag attacked, but with Discorporate the KoSoES survives. The counter attack is not enough to take the Hag down.

Round 5 (bonus): Due to the result being a draw, they decide to go one more round with just the Hag and KoSoES to see who'd win in the brawl. NH gets priority again (seriously, can I have those priority dice?) and with All Out Attack the KoSoES is able to deal the last 8 damage needed to fell the Hag Queen. But, due to her Rune of Kain ability she got an automatic counter attack which kills the KoSoES, resulting in a draw.


Takeaways: As a casual game with special rules, we can't really use this to judge tactics or units. But, the clear and away winners for the Nighthaunt were the Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed and the Cairn Wraith. The KoSoES got up to 9 wounds on his card and every combat was able to either wipe his enemy unit or get close enough for battleshock to do the rest. The Cairn Wraith is far and away the highest damage dealer in this game, doing more damage alone than any of Simon's units could. And since his units were targeted more than the heroes, that was a net win.

However, the battlereport video itself isn't in full detail. I have no idea what happened to the Guardian of Souls or who was in what battalion. Also the exchanges during the rounds were sometimes out of order or just skipped completely. But the production value was really nice.

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2 minutes ago, Neck-Romantic said:

Surprised a Cairn Wraith did that much carnage with just 3+/3+ -1 rend, even against hordes, wish he'd stayed his old price point 😂

Bit worried that most battlereps Ive seen have been both sides just completely wiping whatever theyve charged into, hard to do much healing

That’s what happens when you run MSU. If you want to take advantage of healing, you need reinforced units IMO. 

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1 minute ago, Neck-Romantic said:

Surprised a Cairn Wraith did that much carnage with just 3+/3+ -1 rend, even against hordes, wish he'd stayed his old price point 😂

Bit worried that most battlereps Ive seen have been both sides just completely wiping whatever theyve charged into, hard to do much healing

Granted, these aren't tactics I'd personally use. It's still early days, so there are still some synergies to get a handle on. That being said, Discorporate, while saving some units from wiping in the combat phase, didn't save those units from wiping in the battleshock phase. I'd call that a wash for the command point, and would structure my army around that knowledge.

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Picked up some reinforcements today. Mainly Spirit Hosts which I never bothered with before,  along with 10 more Bladegheists taking me to 40.

Going to run my first list as Scarlet Doom in a 1 drop with Olynder, Krulghast, GoS (or any other hero) and 40 Bladegheists, with some Spirit Hosts, Chainrasps and Emerald Lifeswarm.

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2 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

Picked up some reinforcements today. Mainly Spirit Hosts which I never bothered with before,  along with 10 more Bladegheists taking me to 40.

Going to run my first list as Scarlet Doom in a 1 drop with Olynder, Krulghast, GoS (or any other hero) and 40 Bladegheists, with some Spirit Hosts, Chainrasps and Emerald Lifeswarm.

This sounds interesting to me. Looking forward to seeing how it goes.

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Just packed up the below for my game tomorrow night. Playing a regular opponent with his Soulblight. He's a very good player. Will let you know how I get on. 

Craven King Ball

Scarlet Doom, battleline grand strategy, charge triumph

Kurdoss – 210 (BR)

GoS: General, MoM; Arcane Tome, Soul Cage – 150 (BR)

KoSoES – 155 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

Emerald Lifeswarm - 60


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So; since I cant help but theorycraft (if you dont like the pre-release guessing games I apologize) Im still wondering what they will do with the Mourngul.

Its main theme has been a debuff aura, exploding 6's for added random lethality (used to be added Damage, then became MW's) and a self heal.

Given that WoT can now result in -1 to hit army wide and 6's auto-wound army wide, I see both of these abilities being re written. 

Given how 3.0 works and the direction Nighthaunt has been taken, my best guess is going to be;

Debuff aura changed to 6" terrify (already a command trait and thus established)

Lethality boost changed to impact hit MW's (same as Hexwraiths or Black Coach)

Neither of which being precisely what I would wish for, this isnt wishlisting, but what I think they are likely to do to maintain the overall new direction for Nighthaunt.

(Maaaybe a damage bump up to 3 per swing to compensate for losing MW's, which would keep his offensive output on par with Kurdoss again)

Edited by Neck-Romantic
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11 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

Picked up some reinforcements today. Mainly Spirit Hosts which I never bothered with before,  along with 10 more Bladegheists taking me to 40.

Going to run my first list as Scarlet Doom in a 1 drop with Olynder, Krulghast, GoS (or any other hero) and 40 Bladegheists, with some Spirit Hosts, Chainrasps and Emerald Lifeswarm.

Let us know how it went. Very nice list. Particularly curious how good emerald lifeswarm will be in combo with discorporate. I think you have something going here. GOS en Lady O can pop some surprising good heals, while the Krulghast mitigate dmg. Curious if the Krulghast will pull his weight. Goodluck!

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16 hours ago, That Guy said:

Hey guys serious question… how would you guys run Scarlet doom? Everytime i look at it i am just tempted to drop a max amount of MSU Bladegheist, obviously it would max out the amount of WoT and charge mortals, but i just feel… it would be too much of a 1 trick pony.

I think DOOM wants to go for one maybe two reinforced units that become the core of your list and you build everything around supporting it.

MSU bladegeist spreads the mortal wounds out and you run the risk that they die too quickly on your opponents turn. By making a block of 30 minus 1 to wound with a 5+ save and bringing back as many as you can you can throw it around and theaten just about anything.

Technically charging 3 units of 10 does just as many mortal wounds and they can split off to act independently but it's also a lot harder to keep them all at full strength so I think the output of MSU wi drop off way quicker.

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13 minutes ago, Rors said:

I think DOOM wants to go for one maybe two reinforced units that become the core of your list and you build everything around supporting it.

MSU bladegeist spreads the mortal wounds out and you run the risk that they die too quickly on your opponents turn. By making a block of 30 minus 1 to wound with a 5+ save and bringing back as many as you can you can throw it around and theaten just about anything.

Technically charging 3 units of 10 does just as many mortal wounds and they can split off to act independently but it's also a lot harder to keep them all at full strength so I think the output of MSU wi drop off way quicker.

It does seem to be the popular way to play Scarlet Doom now indeed. A solid core of 40-50 bladegheist and the rest of the list focuses around utility or sustain. I do love it. I do think the bigger unit is great for survival with discorporate and healing abilities, but i think If anything 20 in 1 unit is the sweet spot if not just MSU. The thing is… with MSU they indeed crumble faster and discorporate won’t be as affective, but you do get a lot more WoT procs if you do manage to cripple on your first engage. Taking the full force of your opponent in the face will obviously be worse / devastating when running MSU. The other thing with running bigger units is that they have such a large footprint it will be hard keeping them in the aura’s of your support heroes and with their 1” range weapons. You’ll always lose on quite some output. Smaller units also have more flexibility where they go and can spread out better when you play the objective game.


9 hours ago, lare2 said:

Just packed up the below for my game tomorrow night. Playing a regular opponent with his Soulblight. He's a very good player. Will let you know how I get on. 

Craven King Ball

Scarlet Doom, battleline grand strategy, charge triumph

Kurdoss – 210 (BR)

GoS: General, MoM; Arcane Tome, Soul Cage – 150 (BR)

KoSoES – 155 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

10x Chainrasp – 110 (BR)

20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

20 x Bladegheists – 350 (BR)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

3 x Spirit Hosts – 125 (H)

Emerald Lifeswarm - 60


Looking good buddy! Tell us if the MSU Spirit Hosts will do their job well or crumble too fast. Perhaps you can answer the question if 6 spirit host units will be necessary in the future or not.

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5 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:

So; since I cant help but theorycraft (if you dont like the pre-release guessing games I apologize) Im still wondering what they will do with the Mourngul.

(Maaaybe a damage bump up to 3 per swing to compensate for losing MW's, which would keep his offensive output on par with Kurdoss again)

I love guessing games. And I agree with some of your guesses so far. 

But 3 damage? Morngoul has always been our most expensive unit. 50% over the Black Coach. And now we see 200ish points units like Lady O and Black Coach go well over 300 points. Even Briar Queen and entourage go up 100 points. 

So my guess is that he will be well over 400 points. Let's look at another brand new (leaked) datasheet for Sylvaneth. 

The Spirit of Durthu will cost 375. 

4x damage 6 attacks

2x damage 3 attacks

6x damage 2 shooting over 15"

He can teleport from one wyldwood to another and on a 3+ he makes opponents fight last. 

There is no way we get as much damage even with an over 400 points model. But I expect to get a much bigger boost than just going to 3 damage. So here's hoping

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That is true that other monsters do more damage and have more profiles, but the Mourngul has never been one of those big set-piece theme creatures.

You also have to take into account balance is important with Ethereal and Fly and Retreat-Charge and Malignant Weapon and a 6+/5+ ward save... they typically dont want Forgeworld medium-sized monsters overshadowing the game. He isnt a $200+ centerpiece; just a medium sized ghost gribbly.

Another issue is if they boost his points (back) up to around 400+ he is approaching half a Nagash. They would have to *add* some new effects and abilities to warrant such a hike; and typically these edition/tome evolutions (especially 3rd edition's streamlining) are about taking abilities away or dumbing them down, rather than going out on a limb and making new stuff.

Forgeworld, old model, slowly been trying to dissuade people from buying him and picking up a Black Coach instead for years... I dont see them adding anything new.

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15 hours ago, Liquidsteel said:

Picked up some reinforcements today. Mainly Spirit Hosts which I never bothered with before,  along with 10 more Bladegheists taking me to 40.

Going to run my first list as Scarlet Doom in a 1 drop with Olynder, Krulghast, GoS (or any other hero) and 40 Bladegheists, with some Spirit Hosts, Chainrasps and Emerald Lifeswarm.

Sound similiar to my list conceptually:

Allegiance: Nighthaunt

- Procession: Scartel Doom
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty


Lady Olynder (340)
- Spell: Shademist
- Artefact: Lightshard of the Harvest Moon

Guardian of Souls (150)

Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)
- General
- Command Trait: Spiteful Spirits
- Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind

20 x Grimghast Reapers (320)

30 x Chainrasp Horde (330)

20 x Bladegheist Revenants (350)

20 x Bladegheist Revenants (350)

Extra Enhancements

1 Additional Artefact

Total: 1995 / 2000

Grimghast Reapers should probably be replaced by 2 units of Spirit Hosts to protect my small heroes, but Rule of Cool prevails.

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I will pre-order Awlrach and I already set up a match with a few buddies of mine.

  1. Matchup 1 Nurgle Daemons:
    I will be playing against Daemon nurgle with 2 very fat greater daemons(1 being Rotigus), some lesser heroes and a lot of plaguebearers. He's taking the subfaction Befouling host and probably plans to summon. 
  2. Matchup 2 Ossiarch Bonereapers: 
    Second matchup will be Ossiarch Bonereapers with Katakros, Mortisan Soulmason, Mortisan Boneshaper, 2 catapults(he's doing it to me), bunch of mortek some deathriders, stalkers or maybe morghast harbingers. He's playing Mortis Praetorians sub faction.
  3. Matchup 3 Idoneth Deepkin: 3rd Matchup will be against Idoneth deepkin. He's bringing a Soulrender, Lotann and a Eidolon of the Sea. He's also bringing a big turtle and Lots of Namarti and he will be playing as Mor'Phann(Trying to act like he's from the death faction). He will be bringing a second boat, trying to Zone me although goodluck with that since my entire army has fly and i'll be bringing some ghosts who shoot straight through those boats! 

My list:

Army Faction: Nighthaunt
    - Army Subfaction: Scarlet Doom
    - Grand Strategy: Fright or Flight
    - Triumph: Bloodthirsty

Guardian of Souls (150)* 
- General
- Command Traits: Master of Magic
- Artefacts: Arcane tome 
- Spells: Soul Cage, Seal of Shyish

Awlrach the Drowner (175)*

Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (155)*

Spirit Hosts (125)*
1x Bladegheist revenants (350)**
Bladegheist revenants (175)**
Bladegheist revenants (175)**
Hexwraiths (160)***
Hexwraiths (160)***

1x Craventhrone Guard (230)***

Bat swarms (80)*

Emerald Lifeswarm (60)

*Warlord (Magnificent: Extra Spell)
**Hunters of the Heartlands
***Hunters of the Heartlands

TOTAL POINTS: (1995/2000)


Game Plan:
So as you can see the matchups i'm against are quite beefy... surprisingly even the Idoneth list, they'll go for the 5+ Ward around boats I assume. This will definitely be a DPS check for me. Although I think this is way better for us to deal with than super fast units. In future matches my Nurgle friend and Idoneth friend told me they'll also throw a Full flyboy nurgle list and a super quick idoneth list against me. Those lists will definitely be rough to deal with, because I think they outspeed us and either cripple us really hard before we get to do anything. I do think we are one of the best armies to deal with flyboy bumrush though, they can't lock us down like they do with other armies, but the fact they can bumrush us is a scary aspect on itself. Funny enough in this matchup Quicksilver Death would've actually been decent, but I don't have enough harridans. Now I think i won't win a straight up fight against these guys. They will either outsustain me or pour a bucketload of mortals on me (nurgle). In case of Ossiarch, i think i need to break those catapults fast, before they cripple me across the field.  and perhaps take out their command. In case of nurgle... it will be hard.

I think i have to focus on getting those minor heroes and than play a game of hit and run, they will definitely win the war of attrition I think. Idoneth will be hitting hard, but I think I have the best chance here to bring the hurt. Their mor'phann heals will be nasty and I can't easily target their heroes with my shots. I will try to find that angle with my craventhrone though... I have surprised my opponents before with them. They are 1 of the best units to deal with the (you have to shoot the closest target) thing from idoneth, but if he screens well, it will be tough nonetheless. His eidolon is also terrifying with the amount of healing it can give. Although that reduce save magic that he usually uses with him won't do a thing to us! Ha-HAH! Take my Ethereal you evil sea elf! 

So how will I try to win? With absolute nighthaunt shenanigan bamboozles, that's how. My grand strategy is Fright and Flight. They will overall be slower than me and I can teleport with awlrach and my craventhrone all across the board. I'll try to last minute shenanigan on an objective perhaps pulling back the hexwraiths and run them highspeed. Other than that i will try to tag hit and run target units and systematically flank them constantly. I think i can do it since i'll be the fastest. Hopefully I can out bamboozle them true nighthaunt style let's see.

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1 hour ago, Iksdee said:

Seeing your Batswarm allies i want to ask u all of any other allies are a great fit for Nighthaunt? Any changes to allies in the new battletome?




Our allies mostly offer us monster options. They have a bunch to pick from like the popular Mannfred pick, because he pulls nighthauntish shenanigans and is a monster. Neferata is an option as well. Sadly we can't opt in for the oh so popular Vampire Lord on Zombie dragon, because the points exceed 400p. Normal Zombie Dragon and Terrorgheist are on the board. Especially that Terrorgheist might really hack chomp into your opponent, since it also adds to our mortal wound output. Sadly we can't enjoy the krondspine incarnate too much, because his aura will mess with our Wave of Terror and Ethereal, since he will stop us from retreating. If that wasn't the case... it would've been the most glorious monster to add to our arsenal, but sadly he messes with our core way of play, which obviously is bad. You can avoid it... but it's such a hassle. Keep your eyes open for future incarnates though, if they don't include the "you cannot retreat" debuff, than they're likely great additions to our lineup. Very curious to what the realm of death incarnate will offer or perhaps realm of fire. Other than that I think Cheap units like the bat swarms are great for fill ups. Our cheapest unit is Chainghasts at 95p and you kinda always want to run a spirit torment if you take them. Other than that... I think Vargskyrs might be unsung heroes(not an actual hero unit). They are as fast as most our army. They have the price of craventhrone guard, but come with 8 wounds 5+ save with a 5+ intrinsic ward. 3D6 charge within 18" and their bite attacks are -2 rend. Their combat statline is bonkers too. 1-2 of them to tag team with our ghosts might be really nasty. Our ghost can debuff units -1 to save, force fight last at them and debuff their combat potential, while vargskyrs just keep looking better and better tag teaming with the ghosts. They do not degrade since they are no monster(that's actually a shame), but they are cheap hammer units that can benefit from our battle traits indirectly really well. Vengorian lords can do well on their own as well and they are a monster. We can benefit from some zombies  with a necromancer. They can sort of simulate our old frightful touch... and fight twice. They won't have a ward though, so they'll drop like flies and they are literally the slowest. You can fit in 2 units of Blood Knights. They are really solid on their own and can easily be buffed to a 2+ save.  Once again could benefit from our Wave of Terror attacks indirectly. Corpsecart with the brazier... for aura debuffs. I'm sure i'm missing some, but as you can see our vampire cousins offer us a lot of extra options... And the fact they can all indirectly benefit from our Wave of Terror... is actually very interesting.

Edited by That Guy
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