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The Painting Contract - April 2020


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Alright! Wow, feels wild, but I did it. I almost stumbled at the end trying to do a weird extreme edge highlight thing on the Purple Sun....pretty sure it would never be worth the effort. BUT, as I had hoped, it all kinda slid into place nice and easy. And with this group combined with the Forbidden Power stuff, my Generic Endless Spells are done (barring the Aethervoid, which doesn't have an Empowered form, so I kinda ignore it for Cities? Maybe one day...) ! At some point I will get the Stormcast and MAYBE the Sylvaneth ones, but that is for another time. For now, celebration and thinking on my next leg of the project! 


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1 hour ago, flamingwalnut said:

Alright! Wow, feels wild, but I did it. I almost stumbled at the end trying to do a weird extreme edge highlight thing on the Purple Sun....pretty sure it would never be worth the effort. BUT, as I had hoped, it all kinda slid into place nice and easy. And with this group combined with the Forbidden Power stuff, my Generic Endless Spells are done (barring the Aethervoid, which doesn't have an Empowered form, so I kinda ignore it for Cities? Maybe one day...) ! At some point I will get the Stormcast and MAYBE the Sylvaneth ones, but that is for another time. For now, celebration and thinking on my next leg of the project! 


Congratulations!! That’s a massive haul for one month! And looking good. 

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Lady Oly Finished:



First time I do a base like this, and although I broke with probably every physics law about light, I am happy with it for a first time. Only thing is that it doesn't seem to fit in completely with the model. The  green I used doesn't seem to work out with the green of the banshees i.e.  I could try to turn the banshees into a green that matches more with the base, but I rather not touch them, as I am actually really happy how they are. I consider to make another base and give that a more purple glow, matching the ladies dress, not sure if that is a good idea though, any thoughts?

I really love the model, but how on earth are people able to move it around with breaking it, it is so fragile. In the process I snapped off so many things, some more than once. Roses, the tiara (or what is it called), the staff, and even part of her dress. I am of course  about the most clumsy person earth (on a bad day, I can break of a mammoths leg), but still.


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Alright so I didn't exactly honor my pledge for this month, I picked up the Judgements of Khorne Box and a box of Bloodreavers and that... changed things. I still got a TON of painting done, though, so it's not like I slacked off or anything.

The final totals are:

1 Wrathmonger 

The Hex Gorger Skulls 

9x Bloodreavers

3x Bloodletters

Did up some older models from november and december now that I have all the proper highlight paints and whatnot (not pictured here but it was 2 skullreapers, 3 wrathmongers and a handful of bloodreavers)



So for the Wrathmonger, I tried to do the usual demon red undercoat for his leg... situation, but that didn't work for two reasons. A. Mephiston Red clashes something awful with the rest of the mini and B. Doing the normal demon thing didn't fit with the rest of my army and my flame/lave demons therein. Because the flame method involves only drybrushing, the legs look pretty sloppy, but I think he looks ok in general




I LOVE how these turned out. These things absolutely massacre wizards, and now they look the part as well.  For the blood effect on the blood streams, I did like 5 HEAVY layers of Carroburg Crimson over Wraithbone and slapped two GIGANTIC coats of Blood For the Blood God on after that finished drying. I also used an obscene amount of the blood stuff on their bases. These two skulls took like half the bottle to complete, but I say it was worth it.  I removed the blood from the bone spike things on the first skull cuz I though it looked stupid, but I didn't take a new picture of the two skulls together because I'm lazy (#neckbeardlife). The little rivulets of blood around the skull look a little sloppy, but I think these guys look awesome. Most of the guys I play Warhammer with use wizard shenanigans of some sort and I can't wait to see what they think of these things.


During spring break, my pledge was to complete one Bloodreaver every day. It almost cost me my sanity, but I did it (dear God how am I going to paint 60 of these mad lads what am I doing with my life) I also experimented with darker skin tones and I found I really, REALLY like it.  I'll keep grinding out those bloodreavers. Eventually.


I love the lava demon method for two reasons, 1. It's really easy to do and 2. It looks awesome. If you guys thirst to have your demons look this cool (hot?), it's really simple. Undercoat them with Wraithbone (preferably as a spray it's way easier) and then drybrush Flash Gitz Yellow on as a first layer. However, don't work the paint into the bristles on a paper towel, instead do it on a palette. Then apply Troll Slayer Orange with the same methodd, but make sure it's a lighter layer than before. Then apply Wild Rider Red, Khorne Red and Abaddon Black in that order using the normal drybrush technique, making each coat progressively lighter. Remember, the demon will be hottest in it's core body parts, but colder on it's extremities, so keep that in mind. Once all the drybrushing is done, paint the eyes with White Scar. If your demons are holding weapons or have collars, metal symbol things embedded in their skin, etc. (like mine do) I've found it's best to paint them normally, the lava looks best on the organic parts of a mini. I can't wait to paint my Daemon Prince like this when I finally get him.


A final group photo of everything I got done this month. Overall, this has been the most efficient month I've ever had, and if you guys have any comments, questions about the paints or techniques I used or tips you'd like to share, feel free to ask. Until next month!

Edited by ogarrah
Lord have mercy. I just realized I didn't put tufts on the Wrathmongers base. Truly I am an embarrassment. Social distancing is frying my brain help
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On 4/3/2020 at 2:06 PM, Chikrit said:

This month I pledge to paint:

  • 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers
  • The Briar Queen and her Thorns
  • The "second third" of the mortis engine

And, as strech or additional things

  • I will batch-paint all the ghosty parts (bottom) of the ghosts above, so I'll do as well another pack of 10 Chainrasps
  • I will continue to improve my kid's Treelord Ancient

Also, just because, i'll build and prime the two heroes and the terrain of the next delivery of Mortal Realms (Tomb Banshee, Knight Questor, and some Sigmarite Mausoleums). Quite a bit, actually!

Hi all

This month I diverged a bit from what I pledged, but I've done a lot of work nonetheless.

  • I batch-painted all the ghosty parts of the stalkers, the thorns and the chainrasps
  • I painted the Glaivewraith Stalkers, fully detailing their nightmarish bases
  • I painted the second third (the stairs) of the mortis engine
  • Then, instead of going on with the thorns, I continued with the mortis engine, until almost the end. Only the banshees left. And I'm pretty happy with the results, I must say 😅
  • Also I built the new Mortal Realms stuff, to see it built, but didn't touch the Treelord

Now, the photos, starting with the stalkers:




And now the Engine




The guy is magnetized (just to test on magnetizing) but the cage is only fixed on it's own molds, wich stays pretty strong. I thought it was a shame not being able to see the altar.




Yes, I'm happy :)



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On 4/22/2020 at 5:33 AM, Jymmy said:

Araknarok is done!(well, I have yet to paint the spider altar/howda and the goblins, but I couldn’t wait to share the progress)

Normally I don't love the Araknarok model but holy sh*t you did an amazing job!

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