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About Chikrit

  • Birthday 06/07/1978

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  1. In spanish below Hi all, Stormbringer is coming to spain soon, and as I know there are some readers here from Santander, I'd like to ask if anyone would be interested in sharing the collection. I'm not interested in a full half, but maybe I'd take care on some minis that someone has no interest. ---- Buenas. Como la colección Stormbringer llegará a España en breve, me gustaría saber si hay alguien de Santander dispuesto a compartir algunos números conmigo. No me interesa toda una mitad de la colección (mi mujer me mata) pero igual me puedo hacer cargo de algunos números que no te interesen. Solo pinto, no juego, así que echarle mano a minis de alguna facción nueva, aunque no de para un ejército, me resulta interesante. Si te apetece o conoces a alguien, dime, que igual podemos llegar a un acuerdo. Gracias! Chikrit
  2. In a web here in spain also guess the list of contents from the photo, with links to the kits (ES version, of course) to save a few searches for some of us that don't know all the minis https://cargad.com/index.php/2022/02/16/age-of-sigmar-stormbringer-posible-contenido-desglosado/ They also missed the branchwych tho! haha, same thing. I got 8 issues, here in Spain costing 2€ each for 13 minis each, thinking on doing 2 units of 40 rasps. Quite stupid, as I don't play and just paint. Got tired at 40. Today I've been painting some of the Sequitors, still..... I hope I can make a big advance on Mortal Realms backlog before this comes to Spain....
  3. Below the Arch-Revenant there is a Branchwych. I'll probably make this one as well. Maybe not full, but a good bite of it, sure. On Mortal Realms I got to issue 48...
  4. As for what the OP asked for, have you seen this? @Gwill_of_the_Woods https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2642992/first-impressions-fixes-and-additional-content It looks like a great deal of work, very consistent and very expanded. I've already talked to my local store, so I hope this time I can get one....
  5. Damn! Stormcast again? I suppose it makes total sense, but being just a painter, I already have 100 stormcast models from this collection in total (painted and yet to paint) and it gets kind of boring after 50 Still hoping for something different. Still two years to go....
  6. Hi all, and happy new year. I wonder how many of you completed the collection. I stopped at number 48, Reikenor. I still got plenty of painting work ahead.... Also, now that they have started the new 40k collection, we can almost be sure that there will be another one of AoS on 2024. In that case, what armies do you think or would you like it to be about? My take is that one will be good guys (aka Order) and, for a change, vs Chaos. For number of old kits, I'd say (and/or like) it will be Cities of Sigmar vs Slaves to Darkness or Skaven. What do you think? What would you like?
  7. Isn't it strange that in the group photo there are all the new things and some of the old that suppossedly stays (vargheists, corpse cart, zombie dragon) but no sign of Neferata or Mannfred?
  8. @FireAbend I'm feeling the same after watching the videos. Probably they'll need some house rules to tune it up. He is cutting through the enemies like a train!
  9. Several spanish webs say that the price will be 155€
  10. According to the How to paint video just posted, the bats in Cursed City box are Dire Bats, not Bat Swarms
  11. Yes, these, That's what I was going to say. Makes all sense they are going to be the replacement for current ones https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/02/20/warhammer-preview-online-lords-of-the-mortal-realms/
  12. They are rushing a lot of "how to paint" videos of these figures on their youtube channel. Should they announce the preorder soon?
  13. So, being a necromancer himself, might he be able to control and/or summon his own fellas?
  14. Being curious, as this will probably be my first Warhammer Quest game, I have a question. All miniatures from the expansions of Blackstone Fortress where new? or reused from normal kits?
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