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1 minute ago, Teletomas said:


Have any more on this? Maybe a snippet of text?

Don't have the book at hand, but in the exiles' text (cannot remember if it was for the exiles as a whole or just the darkling covens, think it was more like the latter) they basically mention this: they lived in Ulgu and Shysh and took refuge in Azyr.

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2 minutes ago, DantePQ said:


That's what we needed Khorne Battletome :( that's lazy 


They've released a whole Tzeentch army, a new chamber of Stormcast, a whole new Duardin faction... I think a Battletome for Khorne is a fair release considering their model range.

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Not Deadpool Dwarves but beautiful nonetheless. And yes, I'll miss the Chaos Undivided Armys, but I think I'll can still mix different gods armyes, but a back to the Chaos of 5º and 6º edition with Demons, Humans and Beastmen all together? Sweeeeett! Give me Khornegors! Please GW!


Edited by Galas
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Well I'm biased (Khorne player) but it makes sense to get these out of the way when we know their range is pretty complete.

I puts a line in the sand for the foreseeable future, i wouldn't be surprised if we see a Seraphon, Ironjawz, Flesh eaters, and Fireslayers battletome sooner rather than later.

They can always do big releases alongside these updated battletomes.

Edited by Brucimus
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12 minutes ago, Galas said:

Not Deadpool Dwarves but beautiful nonetheless. And yes, I'll miss the Chaos Undivided Armys, but I think I'll can still mix different gods armyes, but a back to the Chaos of 5º and 6º edition with Demons, Humans and Beastmen all together? Sweeeeett! Give me Khornegors! Please GW!


Kinda makes me think of Fallout power armour :)

I'd been hoping for an overall Khorne Battletome at some point, I'm happy enough with that :)


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12 minutes ago, Brucimus said:

Well I'm biased (Khorne player) but it makes sense to get these out of the way when we know their range is pretty complete.

I puts a line in the sand for the foreseeable future, i wouldn't be surprised if we see a Seraphon, Ironjawz, Flesh eaters, and Fireslayers battletome sooner rather than later.

They can always do big releases alongside these updated battletomes.

Absolutely. I understand people frustrated at a lack of Death/Aelves update... but the release rate is formidable. Unless you release everything at the same time, something is going to be ahead of something else.  It makes sense to bring most complete Chaos faction outside of Tzeentch up to date, especially because they're part of the starter set.

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DynamicCalories I totally agree but still Elves were one of the most popular armies in Fantasy as well as Death and we already had - two Dwarven factions, 2 big SE releases, few months back huge Tzeetnch release. And still death or elves got nothing - no new Battletomes and only two small minis in WQ Silver Tower. 

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This is awesome! I'm well chuffed as I've just started painting a Khorne bloodbound Slaughterpriest (got round to the white dwarf free mini finally).

I was hoping something like this would come out so I can plan the army with a bit of finality since the model range is already awesome.

Also gives me hope for a new fyreslayers book at some point (hopefully new models too!)

Edited by Carnelian
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It's just a book they are getting, relax as a death player our time will come same thing with the aelves I highly suspect we will see them at adepticon. Also releases are following a general narrative. 

I like that GW are going certain factions out of the way by just releasing a book instead of consuming a whole month. 

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3 minutes ago, DantePQ said:

DynamicCalories I totally agree but still Elves were one of the most popular armies in Fantasy as well as Death and we already had - two Dwarven factions, 2 big SE releases, few months back huge Tzeetnch release. And still death or elves got nothing - no new Battletomes and only two small minis in WQ Silver Tower. 

Which is more than Nurgle, Slaanesh, Empire, Seraphon and Regular Chaos have had. Death are the faction most in need of a bump, for sure, and in time they will get it. The fact that they need the most work is probably why they're taking their time over it. I'm sure everyone would rather their faction get a proper filling out rather than a token gesture. It is unfortunate to have to wait, but such is the nature of life sadly. I just hope it will be worth it.

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34 minutes ago, DynamicCalories said:


NooooooooOOooooo. A battle tome for.... CHAOS? So Order and Chaos, thats it, huh? 

Now Death pretty much is missing both some new factions/more synergised factions and a battle tome....

Destruction is a little better off, but still...... Please.

Anyway, congrats to all the khorne players


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People need to stop complaining about a battletome for an army coming out ahead of their army!


They can't release all armies at once. This is a just a book to bring Khorne in line with the other battletomes with abilities and things. Ita being released the same month as an entire new faction its not like its pushing another release further down the line.


Going by this I'm sure the likes of ironjaws etc. That have an old battletome will also get a new one soon (with more complaints from the community) and armies without a battletome will eventually get one as well as new models.

Edited by Gladders1980
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2 minutes ago, Gladders1980 said:

People need to stop complaining about a battletome for an army coming out ahead of their army!


They can't release all armies at once. This is a just a book to bring Khorne in line with the other battletomes with abilities and things. Ita being released the same month as an entire new faction its not like its pushing another release further down the line.


Going by this I'm sure the likes of ironjaws etc. That have an old battletome will also get a new one soon (with more complaints from the community) and armies without a battletome will eventually get one as well as new models.

I thought about ironjawz. It would be cool for "chapter" rules, but i think well never leave rampager/destroyer.

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Finally gonna get a non-order army when Slaanesh comes out later this year. And, if this is the method (battletomes combining multiple army types in one w/allegiances, traits, bonuses, etc.) then I shall gladly wait. Besides, KO are swooping down next month. Man or Man/woman, I can't wait to see the new Keeper of Secrets at the way new models are coming out from GW. :x

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