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3 hours ago, Goatforce said:

I Wouldn't necessarily say the Vanguards were similar to SC. Maybe I'm splitting hairs here but for example the StD one is particularly bad. At the time of release you actually got less points than the old SC for £20 more. Also the Van included old models whereas the SC didn't, and I think ~£15 more worth of models for again £20 more.

Maybe I am a little over fixated on this but I won't stop making the point that Vanguards are often a step back in terms of value 😂

In the same way that spearheads would be in comparison to Vanguards. I have that pretty clear. GW never lets that chance be missed.

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2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Are those "Spearhead" boxes replacing the Vanguard ones, or are they 2 different things ? 

I hope the price for those isn't too bad... We're lucky to have our current Vanguard boxes cheaper than Combat Patrols with more points inside. I don't want that to change.

Edit : 900 pts on this one box, only ****** it's a good deal. 40k can only dream of having such a good deal (except Custodes).

They're pretty likely replacing them, ye.

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1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

I think the disappointment is related to the state of destruction. Death got 2 armies and a range refresh in aos 2, in addition to driving a lot of the narrative of the edition, and building into aos2. The ironjawz release helped, but destruction has gotten a lot less so far in comparison, and was all but left out of the broken realms release cycle (they got kragnos and their entire narrative buildup with excelsis was cut short, even the rules were just updated white dwarf rules).

That said it might just be hopium but I've got a feeling we'll get a new warclans book by the end of the edition. Based on some of the rumor engines I think they might have a kruleboyz expansion in their back pocket, and the warclans book needs updating desperately. Add that to the big ironjawz expansion that never got into print, and the possible squatting of bonesplitterz (after the release of old world would be the best time for it) and I think there's a possibility.

Im adamant that 4.0 will see a massive Ogor Mawtribes range refresh. 

We are coming to devour the Realms.

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6 hours ago, Hollow said:

I've mentioned this before, but I really wish that GW would move to a monthly (Last weekend of the month) "WARHAMMER PREVIEW" show (at a scheduled optimum time) with a section for each of their 4 "Warhammer settings" (40k, AoS, HH & ToW) and the games contained within them. Each section wouldn't need to be only models, models models, but could have Warhammer+ trailers, Black Library Interviews, lore dumps, computer game previews, rules updates and miniature previews. 

They can't do that because that doesn't jive with basic content marketing. Loading all your worthwhile news into one weekend means that no one will care about your brand except for two days every month. As it is now, drip feeding makes tons of people check every day. Even if there's nothing interesting, they will keep coming back and will keep thinking about the brand. Also, I'd bet money that articles with models get vastly more view counts than Black Library interviews and Warhammer+ content announcements so they need to sprinkle model previews throughout the week to keep people interested. 

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4 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

Do we think this is just a new vanguard? or will it have a lower price point?
To me the vanguard boxes had a major issue with the price point, I get that the savings were similar to what the SC boxes had, but the higher price point always pushes me off buying any of them.

Honestly, looking at the points value of the box I'd say it might even be a higher price point, as the 40k boxes are more expensive and they might want to level the prices out between the games.

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2 hours ago, IronVIke said:

Respectfully I think that I view this differently. I think we have had many “beastial” releases throughout the edition, and that the main narrative of “beast” centric model releases has been shown throughout the edition.

  • Kruleboyz with  Vulcha, Skumdrek, Marshcrawla, Gnashtoof, Beast Skewer Killa Bow, Breka boss on Murebrute Troggoth

  • Stormcast with Stormdrake Guard, Krondys, Karazi

  • Krondspine Incarnate

  • Sylvaneth Spiterider Lancers/Revenant Seekers (these are the first mounted units for sylvaneth)

  • Centurion Marshal

  • King Brogg

  • UNderworlds Gnarlspirit Pack

  • Ogroids for S2D

  • Ogre Bloodpelt Hunter

  • Snarlfang Riders

  • Squig Boss with Gnasha-Squig

  • Boc Beast Lord (But i don't count this as it is the obligatory accompanying hero with a new battletome)

  • Claws of Kharanak

  • Seraphon Range Refresh (entire range release is super apt for era of the beast)

  • Royal Beastflayers

  • Braggit

  • Trugg

  • Moar Grunta

  • Ironjawz Refresh being pig themed

  • Wildercorpt Hunters

  • Gorger Mawpack

  • Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz

  • Vulkyn Flameseekers

  • Tahlia Vedra

  • Ionus

  • Belthanos

  • I would heavily argue the FEC refresh is also beastial by nature

In addition to all of these there are arguments to be made that even a number of the non beast/destruction themed releases (meaning new models) are themed around responses to the era of the beast, not just adding beastial units themselves). (Errant questors having fur cloaks much like the gen 1 vanguard units and expanding the variety of stormcast beastmarks)(realmgore ritualist, or chosen of dromm for khorn)

And we still have some more to come through the rest of dawnbringers before we can call this list capped. I do feel that thematically GW does slant their releases to these kind of narratives for each edition.

I might just be picky with my definition of beastly stuff then.

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1 hour ago, IronVIke said:

Here's a fun question. If bonesplitterz get squatted, and you could replace them with something new or an updated version of bonesplitterz.... Which would you choose, how would you do it and why?

I think I'd keep 'em! The short stories about the ironjawz guy who was "called" to the bonesplitterz did a ton to build them up as something I'd like to learn more about! I'd love a reboot to have the full spectrum of AoS orruk body types! Sneaky former Kruleboyz who are great at tracking, giant bellicose former Ironjawz who supply the heavy support.

Find a way to distinguish them visually past "orruks in bone clothes with facepaint" and we're in a solid place: more wild waaagh magic stuff happening, orruks totally losing it; I'd love a unit of big hulking boyz with waaagh magic blasting out their eyes and mouth! 

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3 hours ago, IronVIke said:

Respectfully I think that I view this differently. I think we have had many “beastial” releases throughout the edition, and that the main narrative of “beast” centric model releases has been shown throughout the edition.

  • Kruleboyz with  Vulcha, Skumdrek, Marshcrawla, Gnashtoof, Beast Skewer Killa Bow, Breka boss on Murebrute Troggoth

  • Stormcast with Stormdrake Guard, Krondys, Karazi

  • Krondspine Incarnate

  • Sylvaneth Spiterider Lancers/Revenant Seekers (these are the first mounted units for sylvaneth)

  • Centurion Marshal

  • King Brogg

  • UNderworlds Gnarlspirit Pack

  • Ogroids for S2D

  • Ogre Bloodpelt Hunter

  • Snarlfang Riders

  • Squig Boss with Gnasha-Squig

  • Boc Beast Lord (But i don't count this as it is the obligatory accompanying hero with a new battletome)

  • Claws of Kharanak

  • Seraphon Range Refresh (entire range release is super apt for era of the beast)

  • Royal Beastflayers

  • Braggit

  • Trugg

  • Moar Grunta

  • Ironjawz Refresh being pig themed

  • Wildercorpt Hunters

  • Gorger Mawpack

  • Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz

  • Vulkyn Flameseekers

  • Tahlia Vedra

  • Ionus

  • Belthanos

  • I would heavily argue the FEC refresh is also beastial by nature

In addition to all of these there are arguments to be made that even a number of the non beast/destruction themed releases (meaning new models) are themed around responses to the era of the beast, not just adding beastial units themselves). (Errant questors having fur cloaks much like the gen 1 vanguard units and expanding the variety of stormcast beastmarks)(realmgore ritualist, or chosen of dromm for khorn)

And we still have some more to come through the rest of dawnbringers before we can call this list capped. I do feel that thematically GW does slant their releases to these kind of narratives for each edition.

Yes we had some nice beasts put into era of the beast. But as a Destruction player this Destruction edition was a bit lacking. We had an almost complete rework of Orruk warclans but that was about it. Didnt really get more love than any other faction so far. Yes FEC and Seraphon rework is nice. But i would have rather seen an Ogor rework, new Gargants or a completely new army, Bonesplitterz, Spiderfang and more buddies for the Snarlfang Riders. It just didnt feel like THE Destruction edition at their home base Ghur. I was so exited for these 3 years, but it seems like its a Chaos party next.

Edit: I know Dawnbringers isnt finished yet. Maybe we still have something good around the corner. But im not holding my breath anymore.

Edited by Gitzdee
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33 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

I think I'd keep 'em! The short stories about the ironjawz guy who was "called" to the bonesplitterz did a ton to build them up as something I'd like to learn more about! I'd love a reboot to have the full spectrum of AoS orruk body types! Sneaky former Kruleboyz who are great at tracking, giant bellicose former Ironjawz who supply the heavy support.

Find a way to distinguish them visually past "orruks in bone clothes with facepaint" and we're in a solid place: more wild waaagh magic stuff happening, orruks totally losing it; I'd love a unit of big hulking boyz with waaagh magic blasting out their eyes and mouth! 

And they're supposed to be big monster hunters! Where are all the monster trophies? Bone armor, monster pelts, some absolutely ridiculous Monster Hunter like weapons, etc. And they're supposed to be the most in tune with Waagh magic. Lean into it more! Hedkrakka's madmob is a solid setup, but by far too tame!


Take Orruks like the one with the bone axe as the very minimum weakest battleline, and from there on go crazier.

Something like Rehgar from WoW, but far more primitive looking would be great. And the headdress can be any mortal realms creature.



What I'd love most is for them to incorporate elements from beasts from all other factions. Stonetusks, Magmadroths, Draconiths, Aggradons, etc. Show us visually that they hunt monsters, and are great at it

Edited by Snarff
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2 hours ago, IronVIke said:

Here's a fun question. If bonesplitterz get squatted, and you could replace them with something new or an updated version of bonesplitterz.... Which would you choose, how would you do it and why?

Either or.

I think a refreshed Bonesplitterz range with new warrior shamans, animal-spirit totem golems, were-boars & new Morboyz decked out in a monster’s body parts and in a full unit gain the monster keyword & Rampage abilities by channeling it’s spirit could do exceedingly well for a AoSified version of the primal powers of greenskins.

However if the plan is to quietly retire them to the lore background only with Ironjawz shaman-brutes & Kruleboyz monster hunters filling the niches so they can open up Destruction for a new race like Grotbag Scuttlers Squig zeppelin fleets, sapient elementals, God-beast scions for non-chaos Beastmen or Kragnos’ people restored then that would be fine and dandy too for new ideas they can go wild with in the Mortal Realms.

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2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Either or.

I think a refreshed Bonesplitterz range with new warrior shamans, animal-spirit totem golems, were-boars & new Morboyz decked out in a monster’s body parts and in a full unit gain the monster keyword & Rampage abilities by channeling it’s spirit could do exceedingly well for a AoSified version of the primal powers of greenskins.

However if the plan is to quietly retire them to the lore background only with Ironjawz shaman-brutes & Kruleboyz monster hunters filling the niches so they can open up Destruction for a new race like Grotbag Scuttlers Squig zeppelin fleets, sapient elementals, God-beast scions for non-chaos Beastmen or Kragnos’ people restored then that would be fine and dandy too for new ideas they can go wild with in the Mortal Realms.

Imo this feral approach would be the best to do not limit too much what Krules or Ironjawz could include in the future.

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Two years ago (I think) GW released a battalion box for StD that included only new mini's with limited build options. I loved it and hoped that this would be a new approach for such boxes. Sadly it's was the only time it happened.


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13 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Either or.

I think a refreshed Bonesplitterz range with new warrior shamans, animal-spirit totem golems, were-boars & new Morboyz decked out in a monster’s body parts and in a full unit gain the monster keyword & Rampage abilities by channeling it’s spirit could do exceedingly well for a AoSified version of the primal powers of greenskins.

However if the plan is to quietly retire them to the lore background only with Ironjawz shaman-brutes & Kruleboyz monster hunters filling the niches so they can open up Destruction for a new race like Grotbag Scuttlers Squig zeppelin fleets, sapient elementals, God-beast scions for non-chaos Beastmen or Kragnos’ people restored then that would be fine and dandy too for new ideas they can go wild with in the Mortal Realms.

I've been kind of hoping they release an army of pure beasts at some point, even if its just a sub force. Maybe a BoC monsters of chaos expansion, an army of beasts led by a particularly cunning alpha guided by the winds of chaos is a really cool concept.

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

And they're supposed to be big monster hunters! Where are all the monster trophies? Bone armor, monster pelts, some absolutely ridiculous Monster Hunter like weapons, etc. And they're supposed to be the most in tune with Waagh magic. Lean into it more! Hedkrakka's madmob is a solid setup, but by far too tame!


Take Orruks like the one with the bone axe as the very minimum weakest battleline, and from there on go crazier.

Something like Rehgar from WoW, but far more primitive looking would be great. And the headdress can be any mortal realms creature.



What I'd love most is for them to incorporate elements from beasts from all other factions. Stonetusks, Magmadroths, Draconiths, Aggradons, etc. Show us visually that they hunt monsters, and are great at it

I have always seen this warband as a bunch of proxy models. We got a Savage Big Boss/champion, Arrowboyz champion, Warchanter and a Prophet.

Edited by Gitzdee
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5 hours ago, flying_dutchman said:

Yea but theyre so new to begin with.  I thought the vanguards would at least survive 4th with a new "starter" box coming out in the eventual 5th edition.  This is a name change which is somewhat significant rather than just fixing the bad vanguards.  It's too early to tell what the points values are going to be.  I know vanguards tried to hit 750

So honestly the way Combat Patrol works now in 40k is that points don't matter. They instead adjust the rules for the units included in the box to be balanced with each other and where something like Custodes struggles with value vs balance the box has more models than you actually end up using. So it won't matter from a point of small games just using those boxes against each other because they'll all hopefully be balanced with each other by design.

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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

Two years ago (I think) GW released a battalion box for StD that included only new mini's with limited build options. I loved it and hoped that this would be a new approach for such boxes. Sadly it's was the only time it happened.


That was one of the very last reveals/releases of 2019.

I know, time flies :P!

Edited by Magnusaur
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What if the cat/other pets are where Ionus is placing those Stormcast veteran souls to turn them into something free from the wars? Like a temporary solution until the cure is found

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4 minutes ago, Elbaf said:

What if this cat is indeed a Stormcast's pet ... of a certain Lord Celestant of the Imperishables, "Settrus" ...

It's a Sphynx cat after all

I don’t want to flog this dead horse any longer (pun sooooo intended) - But if Age of Sigmar get a new Settra when Old World didn’t I’l….well I’ll probably vent politely because its really all I can do….and then probably buy it.

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With the wispers coming from many winds I really don't think Bonesplittez are going to make it. I mean just look at these fellas.


Unless each orruk faction recieved their own tome I just don't see them staying. This really does open design space for krulez and jawz if they stay in one tome. I could see a mid range archer / great weapon option kit in this Kruleboyz beast breaka theme coming along and them exploring the beast breaka aesthetic more in future releases. 

Sucks if you're a huge Bonesplittez fan however I am not and I'm not sad to see them go. The fans do have my sympathy though. 

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4 hours ago, IronVIke said:

Here's a fun question. If bonesplitterz get squatted, and you could replace them with something new or an updated version of bonesplitterz.... Which would you choose, how would you do it and why?

I would not want this to happen under any circumstances. I love the bone splitterz to the bone; no pun intended; they are a very unique case of taking something old and fleshing it out even further. They basically took the savage orcs and made them more than just primitive savages. By making them spirituality-obsessed monster hunters, just like PancreasNoWork says, they basically represent the savage and unpredictable nature of Gorkamorka, while the Ironjawz and Kruelboyz represent the tough and sneaky attributes of Grokamorka instead. But yeah, they really deserve and desperately need new models, and I am confident that when they get them, they will probably resemble Hedrakka's madmob, just like how the new flesh eater court models resemble the royal beastflayers.

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1 hour ago, EonChao said:

So honestly the way Combat Patrol works now in 40k is that points don't matter. They instead adjust the rules for the units included in the box to be balanced with each other and where something like Custodes struggles with value vs balance the box has more models than you actually end up using. So it won't matter from a point of small games just using those boxes against each other because they'll all hopefully be balanced with each other by design.

I understand how combat patrol works.  There's still no definitive answer if spearhead is the AOS combat patrol or if people are just wishlisting.  And I'd still like to see how they stack up points/cost wise as they're still the entry level box.  

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