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We're definitely speculating about things that are way out.

Seraphon, Flesh-Eater Courts, and Cities of Sigmar still gotta come out, along with Season of War: Gallet and the next General's Handbook, and then the speculation for 4th edition will begin. Or maybe it has already begun, a year and a half out XD

As it is, I feel like AoS is in a pretty good place, rules-wise. There's not the same bloat issue of 40k and the various generals handbooks have been keeping things interesting. I know the roll for turn priority is still a thing that people bemoan in certain circles, and I know the topic on Mortal Wounds has gotten a lot of headway. Terrain is also a thing that punishes gameplay rather than enhancing it.

If they can sharpen those 3 parts of the core rules... best game ever? 

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9 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

As it is, I feel like AoS is in a pretty good place, rules-wise. There's not the same bloat issue of 40k and the various generals handbooks have been keeping things interesting. I know the roll for turn priority is still a thing that people bemoan in certain circles, and I know the topic on Mortal Wounds has gotten a lot of headway. Terrain is also a thing that punishes gameplay rather than enhancing it.

If they can sharpen those 3 parts of the core rules... best game ever? 

40k is going to change a lot come summer. The devs are very much aware and much of their efforts has been centred around de-bloating the game. Also looks like they've taken some inspiration from AoS (weapons having their own attack profiles, outright removal of the force organisation charts).

An interesting change is them having reworked stratagems to be data sheet abilities tied to specific units, usable once per turn (regardless of many units you have so you can't spam the best thing ever over and over). This could also promote players to capitalise on cool synergies since units will have diminishing returns + the need to bring special units to deal with T11-12 monsters and tanks will kill the "I put plasma guns/medium guns on everything"-meta. The meta will surely settle on "the best" way to play but that's how it always goes (and AoS is no exception).

But yeah, AoS is in a good place and if they do like they're doing with 40k (as in reworking AP/rend on weapons) + make terrain more impactful things, like you say, would look really good indeed! I'd also like to see the factions which has way to thin of a unit selection to get a bit more love, even if it is just a single unit. Because for armies like FEC/FS an additional unit would do a lot of good.

Lots of interesting new stuff afoot. 😁

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Ok. So Mortals take this with a massive grain of salt. All the salt in the ocean.

Today I was talking to the local GW manager, now for starters we all know they arent in 'The Know' but he did drop some details about Cities of Sigmar...

He claims that alongside Cities of Sigmar will arrive a Narrative campaign similar to Wrath of the Everchosen focusing on the Dawnbringer Crusades.

Inside this book will be the rules for the Spider Incarnate, basically that there wont be a Seasons of War Gallet but that the Campaign book and Seasons of War are one book.

Take this what you will but he said the road map shows 2 blank spots, one is FEC and the other this book!!

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33 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

If true, that would mean FEC are dropping very soon… 

On the contrary, I think the campaign book is coming shortly and then the FEC will be in the Fall.

GW are in a weird position, because there's SO MUCH TO HYPE but so little time, and they don't want anything to overshadow the Lion or 10th edition right now. So while they take the macro approach to 10th, AoS and other reveals and releases are going to be played a little lower key. We may only learn about that campaign book through official channels a week or two before it actually comes out.

Then, I expect after 10th edition's launch is done, we'll see more about the FEC and more about Cities. 

My one doubt is that the FEC are going to be getting a big update. You'd think we'd hear more about them, but it seems the focus is instead on Cities and the big revamp that they are getting. 

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46 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Take this what you will but he said the road map shows 2 blank spots, one is FEC and the other this book!!

Hmmm... On the one hand it's strange that they hide one of the two mystery books as a BT (they always showed Grand Alliance to which the upcoming BTs belonged) but on the other hand as it doesn't only one left to go...

Still a few months before solving this mystery !

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43 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

If true, that would mean FEC are dropping very soon… 

Seeing the roadmap they could be August even September with how GW does their releases but awesome nonetheless!!

26 minutes ago, Overread said:

Honestly I hope FEC get a range update - they sorely need it! 

Our resident seer @Whitefang hinted at not only a range update but potentially a big one!!

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57 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

He claims that alongside Cities of Sigmar will arrive a Narrative campaign similar to Wrath of the Everchosen focusing on the Dawnbringer Crusades.

It has to, I think.

COS range refresh is launching in a new book that includes ELEVEN cities that I think we can safely call subfactions. that is reason enough to put the rules for creating Dawnbringer Crusades into another book. But which book right?

GW loves to make us buy more books. So forcing any Order players (including COS!) to buy this narrative book in order to make our own DBC is also par for the course.

But to make non-Order players interested in buying more models, they'll want to keep DBC inside something people will already be poised to buy. The narrative book is the best choice for both cynical and hopeful (common sense?) reasons. Don't make COS people buy 3 books, get new interest via combined DBC-narrative book.


Edited by CommissarRotke
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18 minutes ago, Draznak said:

Hmmm... On the one hand it's strange that they hide one of the two mystery books as a BT (they always showed Grand Alliance to which the upcoming BTs belonged) but on the other hand as it doesn't only one left to go...

Still a few months before solving this mystery !


6 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

It has to, I think.

COS range refresh is launching in a new book that includes ELEVEN cities that I think we can safely call subfactions. that is reason enough to put the rules for creating Dawnbringer Crusades into another book. But which book right?

GW loves to make us buy more books. So forcing any Order players (including COS!) to buy this narrative book in order to make our own DBC is also par for the course.

But to make non-Order players interested in buying more models, they'll want to keep DBC inside something people will already be poised to buy. The narrative book is the best choice for both cynical and hopeful (common sense?) reasons. Don't make COS people buy 3 books, get new interest via combined DBC-narrative book.


Makes a lot of sense. Tie in the Incarnate rules in there and theres the Cities Players, Narrative Lovers and Incarnate users buying this book.

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Remember that new edition also "waste" some months for the box armies so we could even have SM and Tyranid release "dragged on" for at least 3 months without putting out much more else giving Aos more room to Breathe.
See kruleboyz\STormcast cycle and the Necron\SM one, i clearly remember 40k players being upset that the models came a long way after (september\october IIRC?).

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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12 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

The book looked positively Warcryish though. Like, I don't think there's any room for doubt really, is there?

The things that i think is weird is the 2 Underworlds warbands on the cover. It says Warcry but the models are clearly not. It also shows some mausoleum like terrain thats doesnt look like it would fit Gnarlwood.

Then it shows more SE and FEC warbands that do look like Warcry models and Seraphon terrain in the Gnarlwood style. Are we looking af 2 different things here? 

Also the Underworld Warband choices are weird. One is from the Harrowdeep starterset and the other a single release from Direchasm.

Could we be getting new rules for Underworlds warbands in Warcry 2.0?

Dont think we will be seeing all these things in one box, i could be wrong but i doubt it.

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It’d be really cool if they packed so much into the big Season book with Dawners on top of the Gallet stuff.

However if FEC is as big as Whitefang hinted then I’m hard pressed to believe they’ll launch beside either Seraphon or CoS instead of being their own thing in winter where a larger update could fit neatly by itself.

Will be interesting how this plays out but I do think both mystery books are just supplements. Which I’m fine with, just mean they can cram more lore into each(I’d very much love CoS to get showcased settling in every realm with art and dioramas for every magic reality.🤩


13 hours ago, rattila said:

Dont get me wrong, the mini are great. But they look perfect, where old stormcast look more machine than human. 

You just need more conviction in the Omnissiah!!


Though for real as the last vestiges of the Stormcast conversation fade, I do love that though slim by Stormcast standards the new guys are still inhumanly giant and make great golems or Astartes/Custodes while better doing their own thing now.



They have hit a good middle ground with the models and I’m excited to see what they can do further(hoping more pushes towards the Annihilator side of things as their armors advance through the decades. Give me mini-Annihilator Liberators and Judicators, GW, and I give you a imperiled wallet. 💸)

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3 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

The things that i think is weird is the 2 Underworlds warbands on the cover. It says Warcry but the models are clearly not. It also shows some mausoleum like terrain thats doesnt look like it would fit Gnarlwood.

Then it shows more SE and FEC warbands that do look like Warcry models and Seraphon terrain in the Gnarlwood style. Are we looking af 2 different things here? 

Also the Underworld Warband choices are weird. One is from the Harrowdeep starterset and the other a single release from Direchasm.

Could we be getting new rules for Underworlds warbands in Warcry 2.0?

Dont think we will be seeing all these things in one box, i could be wrong but i doubt it.

It looked like 2 separate boxes to me as well. We already have rules for some of the underworlds warbands in Warcry (The latest white dwarf even had rules for the DoK one). Not sure if the mausoleum terrain is new either or just reboxed.
Its probably a Warcry starter at a lower price point?

4 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Remember that new edition also "waste" some months for the box armies so we could even have SM and Tyranid release "dragged on" for at least 3 months without putting out much more else giving Aos more room to Breathe.
See kruleboyz\STormcast cycle and the Necron\SM one, i clearly remember 40k players being upset that the models came a long way after (september\october IIRC?).

That might've been covid delays at work too. It seemed like everything in their schedules was messed up except for those edition releases.
Based on rumors, speculation, and the ghb the year of 9th it seemed like Gargants were supposed to be a late spring release, but didn't end up coming out until september. They got backed up trying to get psychic awakening out the door despite a few months of no releases, so 9th could launch on time and had to catch up on literally everything else. 
I think they had a similar problem around the AoS 3 release, but not as bad.
They might not have the same problems this time around since distribution has calmed down, plus at least with this new edition they've got the index rules to sink their teeth into for a little bit so the wait shouldn't be as bad.

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I think the narrative campaign book will give other amies a list to join the  dawnbringer crusade. 

Like daughters of khaines, who on the surface say they are helping to clear Ghur of monsters to make it safe while secretly are looking for someing for Morathi for her next scheme. 

Or an ogor tribe who decide to go crusading to find the biggest monsters to eat. 

As armies match to war it has awakened the kurnothi and they join the Sylvaneth hosts to do what they do best - hunt. 

And you have the armies in the way of the crusades, Gloomspite gitz who've heard of a spider creature hunting the realm. 

Ironjawz who just want a scrap. 

And you can't have crusades without the most noble of armies, the flesh eaters courts! 

So much can be done. 

I love narrative campaign books and I look forward to this one. 

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10 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Then it shows more SE and FEC warbands that do look like Warcry models and Seraphon terrain in the Gnarlwood style. Are we looking af 2 different things here? 

Should be. Apparently Killteam already does smaller sets that can connect to the big set?

I guess Warcry is doing the same but with UnderWorlds Warbands? I guess narratively that’s why they nixed the full hold of the UnderWorlds curse of we’re gonna start seeing the warbands in other Realms on their own adventures like Crypt of Blood has the Storm-Errants vs the Vampires battling for artifacts in Neferata’s Shyish domain.

Honestly that’s an exciting prospect if they start mixing them up more for other sets down the path that have chances to make the packaged teams more enticing like the Ogor captain taking on the Kharadron profiteers in Chamon with clockwork terrain and vault treasuries or the Exiled Undead battling the Deepkin Soulcatchers in Hysh over a repository of scrolls and crystals on how to strengthen souls or new things like a Fyreslayer warband going up against the Eshin Skaven in a portion of Hammerhal Aqshy among the cobbled fiery markets in honoring their guard contracts.

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Any ideas what the Seraphon vanguard box will look like? I am not a massive fan of the Raptodons, so I will skip the army box.

I am thinking it will be:

1 x Saurus oldblood

10 x Saurus

3 x aggradons

Mimics the StD one pretty well, but the fourth unit alludes me. Terradons maybe, a big dino is unlikely and i doubt they will put another new unit into a starter box.

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28 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Any ideas what the Seraphon vanguard box will look like? I am not a massive fan of the Raptodons, so I will skip the army box.

I am thinking it will be:

1 x Saurus oldblood

10 x Saurus

3 x aggradons

Mimics the StD one pretty well, but the fourth unit alludes me. Terradons maybe, a big dino is unlikely and i doubt they will put another new unit into a starter box.

My, probably unrealistic, hope is:

Astrolith Bearer, 10 Saurus, 3 Aggradons, 3 Krox

But yeah that would probably be far too good to be true, and would definitely make it a standout in terms of value, especially against the pretty dire StD one.

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30 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Any ideas what the Seraphon vanguard box will look like? I am not a massive fan of the Raptodons, so I will skip the army box.

The trend for recent Vanguard/Combat Patrol(s) has been for them to include most, if not all, all of the units in the Army Set.

My guess is it will include the Slaan Starmaster and 10 Saurus Warriors, but only 5 of the Raptors and maybe something else instead of the other 5 Raptors. 

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57 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Any ideas what the Seraphon vanguard box will look like? 

I think it might be closer to 

Skink Starpriest

Saurus Warriors x10

Raptadon Riders x5 

Bastiladon x1


I feel like the vanguard will be the only way to get the Starpriest after things get reboxed. 

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That would fit my theory of needing a Skink general to unlock Raptadon battleline. 

Also man I can’t wait to see the Soulblight Vanguard. I really like that the current one is themed on their Deathrattle sub-faction to show off their autonomy but I just can’t justify spending money on those old dusty grave guard even for their amazing new commander.

Even when I saw the starter box at a retail store I couldn’t do it. Only way that was happening was if I bought the Mortek guard that was there too and substituted them in but I already maxed out my hobby budget on Lauka Vai and the other good looking Soulblight options.(and anyway I rather wait for the actual Ossiarch update to jump in on the bone golems)

I hope I live long enough for the golden day that Age of Sigmar finally leaves the last trace of it’s ancient model dead-weight behind. ☺️


Edited by Baron Klatz
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