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The Lore of AoS

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AoS has a lot of lore already for such a new game (yeah its still only a baby compared to 40K and Old World) yet already there's some confusion regarding the timeline; characters and long running series. I've already got one thread that aims to collect together a display of all the current series and stories published by Black Library, however I want to take things one big step further and produce a rough time-line for the entire lore! 

Yep a time line, a means by which we can see the rough chronological order of events as they unfold through the Mortal Realms! 


Now as AOS doesn't use a proper dating system this is going to rely on key events within the world setting and some events are only going to have a rough position within the story rather than an easily identifiable position. Below I propose a series of key events that have influences which reach all over the Mortal Realms and thus act like good dating points to put stories into order. 

The next part needs YOU because there's no way I can read all the AoS lore in one big go, so each time you read a book, or short story, novella - anything! Every time I'd encourage you to pop over here and add the rough dating position of the story into the thread. I can then update the mater list and steadily we can get a nice time-line of events for the realms. 

I would also appreciate it greatly if you could also include the realm(s) that the story takes part in (if mentioned) and also the publication date of the story (month/year is all we need really). Some stories also clearly take part in specific moments of an age, for example a story might make reference that it is early into the Age of chaos only soon after Sigmar withdraws his forces; whilst others might be near the end when the Realmgates re-open. Mention of this is greatly helpful in putting stories into a rough order within each great age 

If you read  a short story within a completion, such as Inferno, please state both the title of the story and the book, since each book might have multiple stories set in different times. 


AoS Timeline:


Age of Myth

  • Neferata: Mortarch of Blood - - 18 Aug. 2018

Age of Chaos

  • Nagash the Undying King - - 25 Dec. 2017

Age of Sigmar


Realmgate Wars

  • Gates of Azyr - Aqshy - 15 Nov. 2016
  • RG 1  Warstorm  - Aqshy - 15 Nov. 2016
  • RG 2  Ghal Maraz  - Ghyran  - 15 Nov. 2016
  • RG 3  Hammers of Sigmar - 15 Nov. 2016
  • RG 4  Call of Archaon  - 15 Nov. 2016
  • RG 5  Wardens of the Everqueen - 2016 -  - 15 Nov. 2016
  • RG 6  Warbeast - Ghur  - 15 Nov. 2016
  • RG 7  Fury of Gork -  Ghur - 15 Nov. 2016
  • RG 8  Bladestorm  -  Ghur - 1 Jun. 2017
  • RG 9  Mortatch of Night  - Shyish  - 13 July 2017
  • RG 10 Lord of Undeath  - Shyish - 10 Aug 2017
  • Skaven Pestilens - Ghur - 15 Nov 2016

Season of War

  • City of Secrets - Ghur - 12 Jul 2018

Malign Portents

  • Soul Wars - 12 Jul 2018

Post Necroquake

  • Scourge of Fate 25 Dec 2018

Forbidden Powers

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@Acid_Nine - thanks!

@Pyrescribe - it varies tremendously. This thread however is more about developing a chronological order for the stories, if you want a more complete display of the current publications check out

 if you want a more chatty thread check out



As a general point the Realmwar novels that are currently listed above are decent stories in their own right and they set the scene for the opening of the Age of Sigmar when Sigmar throws open his Realmgate and his legions march upon the Mortal Realms to reclaim them from 500 years of Chaos corruption and invasion. Their main weakness is that they are very much War books. They are campaigns and long epic battles and they achieve that greatly, but they lack some of the world building and downtime elements that helps flesh out a setting. They were also some of the first AoS formal lore so some of the writers are still getting warmed up into the setting and how to work with it. 

Personally the first AoS book I read was Pestilence by @JReynolds and it was a fantastic read if you've any fondness of skaven and seeing them go to war on an epic scale. Otherwise there are other good books, the Novella series has some really great stories for AoS (War Queen is really great). There's also the true short stories in Inferno 1, 2 and 3 which give you a glimpse into the realms. I would say that the AoS stories in general have fast grown in quailty as the setting has solidified and the authors and game designers grown more intune with the setting and worlds. 

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Should there be a Season of War section? (After the Realmgate Wars but before Malign Portents). I am not sure if there were any Black Library books set during this time but there was some material on the old website that contains lore from this period.

While I think of it, do we know what time period Firestorm is roughly set in? Edit: Firestorm was set during the Season of War

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Makes me wish we had a dedicated Lore forum.

4 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

Should there be a Season of War section? (After the Realmgate Wars but before Malign Portents). I am not sure if there were any Black Library books set during this time but there was some material on the old website that contains lore from this period.

While I think of it, do we know what time period Firestorm is roughly set in? Edit: Firestorm was set during the Season of War

Black Library (Sort by Publish Date)

Pretty much everything after the Age of Sigmar Omnibus 1 (Fyreslayers, Pestilens, Sylvaneth) up to Soul Wars is Season of War. Also probably Callis and Toll and Neferata (I haven't read these, but the description doesn't make it appear so).

If they mention the Necroquake, it's definitely after.

While I don't believe any stories have been directly set in it, I think a lot of Stormcast characters probably have a backstory rooted in the Age of Chaos (or even further back, looking at you certain Soul Wars characters).


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6 hours ago, Fairbanks said:

While I don't believe any stories have been directly set in it, I think a lot of Stormcast characters probably have a backstory rooted in the Age of Chaos (or even further back, looking at you certain Soul Wars characters)

Nagash: The Undying King’ is set in the Age of Chaos.

’Neferata: Mortarch of Blood’ is set in both the Age of Myth & Age of Sigmar.

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