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Greenstuff (or alternative) for textured basing

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Hey all!

Recently bought the Wrath and Rapture boxset for my OH and myself. We've been looking at the textured moulding blocks in order to add texture to the bases.

What have you found as the best thing to use, greenstuff, Milliput or other alternative's?

I've used Milliput in the past for some gap filling however found that it started to crumble when it dried.

If you've got examples of bases done in this method and what you used that would be excellent!

Thanks in advance!

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can you post what kind of moulding blocks you are using? i'm trying to figure out what i want to do for basing too. 😃


supersculpey is good if you want to do the crumbling ruins effect and actually crack/break up whatever you mould.

otherwise you could always just use greenstuff  if you want it to be solid


i linked a video of a guy using supersculpey ~ i hope this helps


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green stuff world also sells green stuff rollers that are used for bases.  they have many different designs, but yes, as mentioned, super sculpy or green stuff would be the way to go if you wanted to add something to the bases that is a bit more sculpted structure and not just sand/flock/static grass/snow mix. 


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Hmmm, I think greenstuff alone would be one of the worst choices for this - it's super sticky (which might not be a factor depending on your prep or method) but tends to lose/softens detail while it cures (memory effect), not something that you'd want for complex texture stamps. Ideally Procreate mixed with Magic Sculp (or Milliput or Apoxie Sculpt) would be much better for this as you'd get very crisp results, it would stick less (less of a problem with rubber molds or if using oil/mold release, etc.) and you could use it for sculpting armor and other stuff too as those mixes are amazing for that stuff too (also GS mixed with one of those is much superior). :) Idea: if you wanna break tiles and stuff for a ruined look, then mostly milliput white (like 80 -90%) with a bit of Procreate or GS is your thing as it would still be pretty damn brittle.

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So my plan was to add, a mound of "putty" to the bases I want to produce and then just leave to set.

Obviously, if it has to go on the oven, these would have to be done after the fact and be used to add rumble etc to the bases.

I've never worked with actual greenstuff before so thanks for the advice on it being super sticky.

I'm going to continue to do research, but maybe oven baking a load to use as ruins / broken terrain might be the best idea.

I'm painting up Chaos after all...

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3 hours ago, sainted75 said:

Dave on Garagehammer was talking the other week about mixing milliput and plasticine 50/50, I haven't tried it yet but maybe thats also an idea?

Do you know which episode it was? I don't have a podcasting service, so I'm probably missing out on loads of info! xD

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Yes please do!  Because it’s going to be my project for next month and any and all pointers are helpful. 

Learn from each others mistakes and successes and all that. 

(For reference I’m going for a temple overgrown by a jungle theme) 

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I am using Apoxie Sculpt. It´s quite cheaper then Green Stuff and works quite well with the Texture Rollers from Greenstuff World (althrough I would always use the roller with enough water to keep the Putty from getting sticky.

It works best for me and I had no issues with bases so far. It doesn´t crack like Milliput does and doesn´t get that muddy when using with water.

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Saturday morning I ordered myself some GS from eBay, unsure of the brand but it was £2.50ish for a 6inch strip (1/3rd the price of GW!)


Anywho it turned up today, so after watching GoT I sat down and attempted to GS for the first time in my life!

Heres the results!



I watched this video from Vince Venturella on some basic tips, which helped out quite a bit.

Hobby Cheating 50 - Basic Greenstuff Techniques

Thanks for the help everyone, if you've got any other tips or techniques I'd be interested to hear/watch/read them!

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I tried the 50/50 Milliput and Plasticine today, For the sake of experimenting, I weighed out 12 grams of milliput and the exact same of white plasticine. Rolled it out like i normally do and checked it this morning. The results are exactly the same as when i use 100% milliput. I thought it would be a bit plyable like fimo when when rolled thin but it wasn't. For context, I have added some pictures of the results and a picture of how I used it, I dont use any rollers so I cant comment on that side of it, but for my "concrete" 40k bases I cant see any difference.



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