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If you could have ten currently-available AoS miniatures re-sculpted, what would they be?


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  1. Fell Bats
  2. Archaon
  3. Grot Wolf Riders + Chariot
  4. Bat Swarms
  5. Chaos Warriors
  6. Orruk Boar Chariot
  7. Night / Gutter Runners
  8. Zombies
  9. Blood Knights
  10. Stormcast Eternals (whole range) -- No, I don't miss WHFB and/or hate AoS (on the contrary, I love the new setting and rules), but I think the SE's basic design concept is boring as hell.
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OP should tally these up on first post. 

Cool thread idea!

Here goes!

1. Entire Gitmob range minus the shaman. (Thats like 4-5 models, heh.) I really like the new bloodbowl grots. Whoever sculpted those did a great job!

2. All troggoth (including the silly fellwater) my fav of all time is the Stone Pass Trogg. Great sculpt!! (Guess thats another 3)

3. Nor really wanting new sculpt per say but the Gore Gruntas could have really been more dynamic. Look at palladors or dracolines... those are very dynamic. (1, going by kits i guess)

4. All of StD... need updated big time. 

5. New skeleton warriors. Compared to the Sepulchral Guard they're seriously dated. This kit would sell like crazy!!! (Spears, sword & board, archers)

Just a few off top of my head. 

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1. Chaos Chosen - preferably looking like Varanguard on foot. The elite of the elite of chaos should look as if they can at least go toe to toe with a squad of liberators.

2. Nightrunners - give us Eshin minis as dynamic as the bloodbowl team.

3. Steeds of Slaanesh - I wish the current chariots, hellstriders and seekerscould capture the sense of speed the Diaz era minis had.

4. Zombies - always loved that kit but it is *really* showing its age. Besides, no GW kit should look weaker than Mantic sculpts, that's just against the laws of nature.

5. Skyre Acolytes - See nightrunners. Also that much money for an ancient monopose battle line unit is insane.

6. High/Dark Elf elite infantry - they showed us how dynamic they could make aelves with the Namarti, but the older figures are too static because they were sculpted to rank up. Imagine how awesome swordmasters or black guard could be made.

7. Wardancers - speaking of dynamic. I know they're not strictly available any more but come on, how good would they be in plastic!?

8. Keeper. Of. Secrets.

9. Goblin Wolf Riders/chariots - these could be so, so good given the quality of the Fenrisian wolves and bloodbowl grots

10. Flesh Hounds - Given how awesome the Shadespire mini and Khul's hound look, the potential to makes these as cool as they deserve to be is there, and the CAD work would be minimal.

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I see some people saying "Freeguild guard" and the like, or "I think AoS should move away from the Warhammer aesthetic as much and as soon as possible"

Two reasons why I think this is not gonna happen anytime soon:

1- Changing existing factions too much would alienate the owners of such factions. For instance, make new Freeguild minis where there's little trace of the Imperial fabulous wardrobe and Renaissance feel, and you'll have old Imperial players grumpy (as if we were not alienated enough...). Same for Lizardmen (loose the Aztec and you're left with generic dino men) etc

2- Many of the aesthetic decisions carried from WHFB have been solidified in lore, artwork and novels for some years now. I can't imagine this is not a conscious decision. A GW man told me as much once when I asked him about future plans. He told me nothing, like good redshirts do, but he did say "keep an eye on the novels and the artwork, sometimes they work with what they have, but lately they've been answering to feedback on their popularity".

And why I think they shouldn't:

It would make WH simply a generic fantasy setting. The heavy historical references, visual and narrative, were not just shorthand, but what made the difference between simply D&D but with more minis, and Warhammer. Now there are tens of fantasy settings, most being inspired from Tolkien with a pinch of Warhammer (Green orcs, for instance, were popularised by GW, and it's well known that Blizzard took a wee bit of Inspiration from Nottingham when making their Warcraft videogame), some inspired by other sources (steampunk, post-apocalyptic, classical mythology, asian legends...). 

Not all in Age of Sigmar can be steampunk in a viking mythical setting. True, historical elements can't be trademarked, but I really can't see how GW thinks third-party bits manufacturers can hurt them that much. I may buy Kromlech, Victoria or Maximini bits, but they will always come with a box of Imperial Guard grunts or a Space Marine tac squad to serve as their base. After all, if GW doesn't sell Aztec or Japanese themed Marine bits, it's because they don't see it paying off, so others doing it is both not a threat to their sales, and a natural consequence of supply and demand. 

I also don't think they'll release any freeguild minis in years, maybe decades. The ones existing are quite good, and they've kept the old Imperial Knights around for more than 20 years...

Now that I have said that, to the point:

- Imperial Knights. Please, come on! Call them Free Orders or some such nonsense, but gimme new knights! My White Wolved and Knights Panther have been waiting for almost 30 years with the same blocky fellas on ponies. While all other factions got bigger horses, the Empire, one of the best cavalry units in the game (before the Demigryphs came to be) was still riding friggin ponies!

- Snotlings. They're very, very old.

- Orc Boyz. They are also super old, and so far they've proved resilient and easy to paint, but their poses and their style looks dated. I know Orcs now use Black Orcs in plastic (quite nice, I must say) as basic unit, as a sign of AoS power creep, but these simple guys, these boyz, do need some love.

- High Elf basic spearmen. Remember the old Imperial spearmen, with their two heads and one pose? These guys look like that, only they've never been resculpted. I don't think they'll ever be, though. The Wood Elves got the best redo a Warhammer army ever got, with incredible minis, a plethora of pose options and the beginning of what I like to call the "Motion Era of Warhammer minis", when minis began to convey movement and action in a way that didn't look forced, blocky or very obviously cast in one piece. But the High Elves were left in the gutter, even if they were one of the top selling armies.

- Chaos Knights. They look like coffee machines. Worse, they look like the Michael Bay version of their old counterparts. When the Storm of Chaos came, the new Chaos Knights looked so awesome (in its original meaning), so grim, so heavy, so... terror inducing. Big bulky figures clad in heavy armour with fur capes enlarging their figure. Then the Chaos Knights were released and they looked like the old Chaos Knights again, only more complicated or with more detail. No cloaks, no fur, no heavy armour, just tin coffee machines again. I have a soft spot for the plausible, and the chaos warriors looked plausible while the chaos knights did not. 

- Keeper of Secrets. This one's a given, though, we'll get a new one very soon. How will he/she look is anyone's guess, though.

- Generic vampires. I understand that the Von Carstein Hammer look was a bit silly, I don't mind basing the vampires more heavily on the Blood Dragons spiky armour and the gothic armour aesthetic from the last Dracula film. But so far the models have not been great. The vampire with half a wing is very love-or-hate, and I do indeed hate. The others are Vlad (and Vlad is Vlad, come on), Mannfred's sleeveless muscles look a bit ridiculous, Isabella and the vampiresses look good, but so far, that's almost all our options. The vampire on the zombie dragon looks amazing, but that's all. I think we need some sort of multi-part box with several vampire options, like the Collegiate Arcane wizard. Say, two full vampires (maybe even one male and one female), with enough pieces to make him/her look aristocratic (without having to resort to Christopher Lee robes), battle-ready of more sorcery. Vampires are cool, and there are many options. Let us have them!

- Most new Khorne units. I dislike the half-naked warriors, but what I think was very bad choice was the open mouthpiece. It just doesn't work. It doesn't. Compare old Khorne mini looks, with their heavy brass Khorne symbol for horns and their skull faceplates, they look neat. Get some new bloodreavers (or whatever their name is) and see the silly helmets with open mouts. Compare the old Aspiring Champion with the new one, and the new one has a good pose, better detail, more dynamic stance...but I can see his mouth. Something's wrong there. Change it. 

- Aaaand, Stormcasts. All of them. Sorry, I hate those shoulderpads and their big big mac size. They don't look fantasy enough, and it's clear they wanted big shoulder pads because the Marines had them, but I think it was a mistake. I wish they had gone with half a head smaller, a tad more slender, and simpler, more plausible shoulderpads. That's what I want. I also want the Empire to be a renewed faction in a renewed WHFB, but I'm aware of my chances.

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1. Fleshhounds. The resin are awful and the two plastic hounds are amazing. 

2. Marauders. Kairic Acolytes and Bloodreavers look fantastic, I'd love to see some Darkoath Barbarians!

3. Warriors and Knights. Again, StD/Darkoath could really use some makeover chops. 

4. Daemon Prince. I know it's a relatively new and not-terrible model, and I'm afraid of GW making an optionless mono-pose replacement, but it would be nice to see Prince's get a boost 

5. Gors. Ungors. Wargors. I wont hold my breath, but I'd love to see some new ranges for them to match the Tzaangors excellence.

6. Dragon mounts. I'll also throw my hat in here. I think the spindly dragons have not aged well and would love to see some real beasties. Drakespawn and Smaug as examples.

7. Valkia. After seeing the beauty that is the Khinerai Heartrenders, it pains me to look at my favorite Blood Valkyrie again. 

8. Khorgorath. Wildcard! I want a customizable-er normal kit, damnit!

9. Furies. I'd love to see Furies get an update and reimagined alongside...

10. Be'lakor. I love the Belly Acher and he seems perfectly poised to return in Ulgu and grow in strength hiding in the Shadow Realm. Maybe it's only his Shadow made manifest? Regardless, I'd love to see Be'lakor as a bent out of shape Chaos Lord who is intent on enacting the death of Archaon. 

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1-Chaos Chosen, eouldnt mind having a unit like them given the plastic treatment with more options and poses.

2- Ogre Shaggoth- with option for Kholek or whoever they want to called the helmed hammer wielding lord of the Thunder now.

3- Centigors, great unit, fairly original, very boring sculpts, which althouh detailed could do ith mre than three options.

4 - Beastmen Tuskgor Chariot with option for Razorgor and either a beastlord or shamn, or hell both.

5 - Chaos Furies, I would like these to be the most basic troop of Chaos, hundreds (maybe 20 on the tabletop)  of them scampering flying and diving before the main beast/daemon/human army.

6- Another vote for Be’lakor, he does still look great, but would like to see him rival Morathi in size and detail. Could even have a fee familiars or shadow forms.

7- Zombies- for Undead, terrain decor, mutations, general conversions, trophies etc, a 10-20 strong box in similar detail to the corpse cart ones would be awesome, with lots of options too.

8 - Ogor Tyrant, lots of potential to be a great kit.

9 - Slann Kit, lots of potential.

10 - Gorbulls,  although Zealot have already made minotaurs far beyond what Id every imagine Gw would do.

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1 hour ago, Kronos said:

5 - Chaos Furies, I would loge these to be the most basic troop of Chaos, hundreds (maybe 20 on the tabletop)  of them scampering flying and dicvng before the miam beast/daemon/human army.

Oh, I forgot about them,. They are terribad.

Four God-specific Furies options (and maybe an unaligned) would be awesome.

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