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Realm Themed Armies

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I kind of wish there was even more realm specific rules.  The artefacts are nice, but I think it would be cool if you could use spells from realms you are from instead of where you are fighting.  Will probably give that a try in some narrative games in the future.  As it stands, there's only the smallest amount of rules support for being from a realm.

Even if they did the Legends type thing and didn't make matched play points, I would definitely use an expanded set of realm based rules.  Templates you can stick on units to make duardin from chamon metal skinned.  What happens when normally nobile temple elves are forced to contend with the restless dead for centuries?

I want to say this is the kind of thing I'd make as fan content, but I'm too aware of my hobby schedule.  I have a couple thousand points to paint for upcoming events for both 40k and AoS, so I'll have to just settle for musing in a post.  Well, maybe I need to be posting less and painting more :D

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2 hours ago, Nin Win said:

I kind of wish there was even more realm specific rules.  The artefacts are nice, but I think it would be cool if you could use spells from realms you are from instead of where you are fighting.  Will probably give that a try in some narrative games in the future.  As it stands, there's only the smallest amount of rules support for being from a realm.

I agree with this, especially the part about being able to pick a Realm as part of your army's character and not just one they are currently in, but I get why it is the way it is.

To answer the opening poster's question - yes, very much so!

One of my current projects is based around the Realm of Ulgu, consisting of a mix of different Aelven types like Scourge Privateers, Daughters of Khaine as well as both the Mistweaver Saih and Tenebrael Shard from Silver Tower. I also have Malign Sorcery so in addition to the Gemenids of Uhl-Gysh and the Umbral Spellportal, I'll probably also do a couple of the more Realm-neutral spells in the same blue-greys and brown-greys as the rest of my Ulgu collection.

I'll be also doing something similar for Shyish, but for those particular-themed Endless Spells as well as any miscellaneous Nighthaunt I end up getting. 

(WIP in spoiler)




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I am planning to do a Tzeentch army based on Chamon. With the daemons transmutating into metal and I plan to add some metal magic effects.

However, I want to write an story for its beginnings and I want the start to be arcanite based and so I want it to start in a human city. However I don't know any city in chamon, is there any?

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19 hours ago, Joel said:

I am planning to do a Tzeentch army based on Chamon. With the daemons transmutating into metal and I plan to add some metal magic effects.

However, I want to write an story for its beginnings and I want the start to be arcanite based and so I want it to start in a human city. However I don't know any city in chamon, is there any?

There might be a city mentioned in the Kharadron Overlords Battletome, but you can always just make up your own. Start with the Free City generator they posted on the conmunity page a while, or just start throwing together ideas based on what you'd LIKE to see.

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Ulgu Skaven :) I'm planning to grab a whole bunch of the new Nighthaunt models to convert into a whole army of caped darkness-draped vermin. The Craven King will be mounted on my Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace.

Also considering elements of Hysh, as the leader of my Ulgu Skaven covet the shiny treasures of that distant realm greatly, and hoard every piece he can get his claws on.

Or maybe a separate Hysh Skaven army as well, since I enjoy the idea of it, but have a hard time imagining what that would look like. Any ideas on that would be appreciated :)

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Hysh Skaven would be hilarious. Reminds me of the thread a while back about "pure Skaven". Having a knightly, almost heroic (all relative...or just in their head...or to blend in?) So steal a lot of Stormcast and High Elf bits, make them all regal...ish, and use a lot of weird glowing crystals on the bases. Bam! Hysh Skaven.

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