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Is Blades of Khorne still a thing?


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Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,

I have an inner crisis, that is lelated to the army concept of "Blades of Khorne".

Before Istart to explain, what I would like this topic to be, I wanna say, that i might rant a little bit sometimes.
Nobody shall feel offended in anyway, becasue I will mainly rant about the army itself, units, point values etc., I will never ever personally offend anyone.
But never the less, if someone feels offended in any way, please let me kindly know, I don't mean it.

So I have an inner conflict, because I feel a little betrayed by a named tabletop company, that provided me with the "Blades of Khrone" army.
When I began to collect the army I purely decided due to the generell look of the units, and I did never regret it, even not now.

But when I started playing, even before the GH ever arrived, that army was just ******. But wich army wasn't at this point?
So I am ok with that so far.
Then the GH1 came out, and it went better, because now I only got rofl stomped, when I didn't understand synergies & list building.
So far so good, it was a pretty harsh time, but I learned a lot.

Then the Blades of Khorne book came out, and I was positively surprised. The point value was adjusted due to favor of my favorit units. In generell it felt good to me.
The cost of the battalions especially made my army feel very potent to play, and it was pretty scary to others. I only heavily disagreed with GW's decision about the Blood Thith sytsem to the point, I found the last option senseless.
You could basically bring in a demon unit, for example a Blood Thirster. That would have been a great game changer, if needed, but I had to reserve the points for him.
At least, that's what my local store manager told me.

And then came GH2... .
For me it went just straight downhill from there on. The GH2 in combinations with the FAQs ( like Bloodsecrator can not stack anymore ) just kind of broke the army for me.
To be frank here I mean things like:

1) Bloodsecrator doesn't stack
2) point cost of Bloodcrusher went much too expensive
3) point cost of Skull Reapers went also too high and made them kind of not worth anymore
4) Wrathmongers where in generell too expensive, as they are just hard hitting, fragile glass canons
5) abilities can not be used on the same unit more than one time ( at least my store manger tells me that )
6) battalion cost are now so high, that it is sometimes not really worth taking one anymore, because the rest of the army already needs a high modelcount

Within the 3 year I play my army now, I have an avergae win rate of 15%. Within the beginning it is normal, but can it be real, that i also used very good lists ( sometimes list build by real pro players ) and I son't have a chance?

How I could summarize BoK now is:

Imagine a dog, that chases a car barking and barking. He wants to get it soooo hard and then... waaaaahrgh. HBut what will the dog do, if he ever catches that car? Nothing, because he would never have thought, he would have come so far.

And that's exactly the thing. When the Secrator basically is done ( and we can only have one now ), if he got SHOT / SNIPED, the army is just kind of done. The barking dogs become little kittens then.

So what i did now is, I gave 90% up on my army. Because it is not fun anymore to be rofl stomped by little armies, that destroy 20% of your forces, before you even arrived in combat. And then destroy more 30% with magic then.
and keep shooting you in combat, because you can not reach the ranged units, because you get distracted by melee units, that also might just grind you to dust ( Retributors, Kurnoths, Saurus Guard, etc )

So I would ask you, who really play BoK themselves, what do you think in generell?
Is it still worth to play them, are they still a thing?

Sorry for my bad english at some point, it is not my natural language, but I give my very best.

I am grateful for your replies & maybe ideas, that get me motivated again.


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5: there is nothing that stops an ability from affecting a unit multiple times - but not all abilities stack, or can be used more than once. This is an important distinction. 

I see two instances of 'that's what my store manager told me', which leads me to suggest you should find those answers on your own. Your store manager can be wrong. Do the research. Khorne is all about the mathmatical synergistic mindwracking, which is why they're such a difficult force to play. 

Which brings me to the final point, shouldn't this post be in 'Let's chat: Blades of Khorne', the highly active thread that is relevant to your concerns? :P

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Well #5 is just wrong. You certainly can still stack prayers.  And in fact, that's pretty much a "must."  skull reapers are worth their points once you realize what double killing frenzy does to them.   


I had a unit of 5 skull reapers with double killing frenzy and whipped to fury that took Nagash down to 2 wounds in one round of combat.

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37 minutes ago, Ba5terD said:

And then came GH2017.
For me it went just straight downhill from there on. The GH2 in combinations with the FAQs ( like Bloodsecrator can not stack anymore ) just kind of broke the army for me.
To be frank here I mean things like:

1) Bloodsecrator doesn't stack
2) point cost of Bloodcrusher went much too expensive
3) point cost of Skull Reapers went also too high and made them kind of not worth anymore
4) Wrathmongers where in generell too expensive, as they are just hard hitting, fragile glass canons
5) abilities can not be used on the same unit more than one time ( at least my store manger tells me that )
6) battalion cost are now so high, that it is sometimes not really worth taking one anymore, because the rest of the army already needs a high modelcount

Within the 3 year I play my army now, I have an avergae win rate of 15%. Within the beginning it is normal, but can it be real, that i also used very good lists ( sometimes list build by real pro players ) and I son't have a chance?

How I could summarize BoK now is:
Imagine a dog, that chases a car barking and barking. He wants to get it soooo hard and then... waaaaahrgh. HBut what will the dog do, if he ever catches that car? Nothing, because he would never have thought, he would have come so far.
And that's exactly the thing. When the Secrator basically is done ( and we can only have one now ), if he got SHOT / SNIPED, the army is just kind of done. The barking dogs become little kittens then.

So what i did now is, I gave 90% up on my army. Because it is not fun anymore to be rofl stomped by little armies, that destroy 20% of your forces, before you even arrived in combat. And then destroy more 30% with magic then.
and keep shooting you in combat, because you can not reach the ranged units, because you get distracted by melee units, that also might just grind you to dust ( Retributors, Kurnoths, Saurus Guard, etc )

So I would ask you, who really play BoK themselves, what do you think in generell?
Is it still worth to play them, are they still a thing?

I am grateful for your replies & maybe ideas, that get me motivated again.

Hey mate! Great that you made a topic about it and I think that context of play also matters a lot here. I believe you shouldn't have to give up on an army if you do not want to, however at the same time I do agree with you that since GH2017 a lot of things where errata'd  that gave us a grip on the metagame and because they where altered I'd say that we are hanging in there but not with the same solid grip as we ever used to.

However first things first, I think it's very important to note that if you play 'competitive casually' (thus non-tournament "room for errors" style) you can still play Blades of Khorne and have a lot of fun with it. At the same time if your local scene is hyper focused on tournament "no room for errors" style then Blades of Khorne becomes less fun to play as the options to play it and counter it are known by now. Which leads into your 6 points.

1. The Bloodsecrator not stacking is something practically everyone in the 2016 era called for and thus it was expected it would change like this in GH2017. To be honest with I think this is a good thing. The only oddity remains is that AoS keeps being inconsistent about design calls like this. While prayers in Daughters of Khaine are subject to rule of one for example, what is to expect from the Khornate and Stormcast prayers? 
To me this change whilst massive still hasn't lead to a direct demise but indeed it makes things harder. At the same time though I will also say that GH2017 brought us a viable Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster, which in itself is a huge boost. Combined with the cheap Bloodletters, who also became cheaper.
2. Nothing changed for the Bloodcrusher costs... I do agree with you that 160 points is too high and since this suggestion with Age of Sigmar Skirmish I have no idea what the design team really wants to do with them. At the same time though Skullcrushers are better at 140 points, running them is a real option.
My personal gripe with the errata's and changes revolving with Daemonic mounted units is that they do not have the Daemon Keyword. Where all other Chaos Daemonic mounted models do...
3. Absolutely agree that Skullreapers now should be 160 points as it seems to be the new standard for this type of elite, at least by the other design choices we've seen. Having said that they are workable. I expect their cost to change with GH2018, having said that though I also thought this of Bloodcrushers, who's cost stayed the same.
4. I then dissagree with you on the Wrathmongers. They work very well for me as a support tool at 180 points. IF they would only be capable to make infantry/cavalry hit themselves back then yeah, they'd be too expensive. But because it works on Monsters it's up to you to drive them to their right destination. We can do that. With both Slaughterpriest and Bloodstoker.
5. Still works for our Prayers (for now).
6. Practically all Battalions have very high costs now if they are even remotely relevant. My personal thake on them is still that I'd rather see a Stratagem 40K like system thake the whole Battalion system over. Too many rules are tied to them which make them odd. Especially when mattering so much to know who starts out. It's silly for competitive play honestly.

What I will say is that Blades of Khorne is designed to be played with Daemons aswell IF you want to have some hold on a competitive scene. I know some (for whatever reason) want to skip on Daemons and I simply can't say it's a healthy choice. Because to me it leads to a 'must play Gore Pilgrims' army that can be boring really fast. Making use of the boosts we have had in GH2017 is essential. The most relevant of them are found in Khorne Daemons, which should be used to your advantage. 

As above I do believe Blades of Khorne is very much worth playing. It does depend on your scene, own army list and plays though. 

There are basically a lot of paths to go within Blades of Khorne if you:
A. Use Daemons, especially Bloodletters and Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster
B. Use two Bloodstokers from time to time and tinker with Slaughterpriests (Gore Pilgrims)
C. Still playtest without Battalions from time to time and do include two Bloodsecrators, for the reason being, your opponent will now have to kill two

Sometimes however it's even better to have the army get some rest and try out a different path. What's kind of interesting and funny at the same time is that in many aspects Daughters of Khaine can be like Blades of Khorne 2.0. You do not have a Bloodsecrator but in return you do get:
1. Morathi a difficult to destroy beatstick that does what you wish Skarbrand could do (in terms of sticking around)
2. Tons of fast Mortal Wound output with some very dynamic models (on 25mm bases)
3. Flying models
4. Ranged support
5. Magic and Prayers
6. A very easy to use and relevant Allegiance ability

This also more or less highlights why Blades of Khorne doesn't work ideally anymore for ultra competitive enviorements/top Tournament play.
- Blood Tithe has been altered to only work at the start of the Hero phase so you cannot use it in conjunction with other Hero phase boosts (often)
- The metagame has catched up to what a Bloodsecrator did, I quite frankly think that it stacking could work out still (but then again basically as much as a Kroak on Vortex and fate diced Skyfires do....)
- Un-errata-ed armies come out who work on the same level as Blades of Khorne used to. Which sounds simple and honestly is a good thing for the game but shows that Blades of Khorne basically got a push back in tiers thanks to two Errata changes. Directly being those for the Bloodsecrator and Blood Tithe. A double nerf if you will.

At the same time, our army does still work out just not for aiming to win a tournament/steamroll a tournament. The costs of the mayority of our units is worked out great and other than Skullreapers needing a minor cost decrease and Bloodcrushers needing a bigger cost decrease everything still works out well. 

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Maybe that's exactly the thing. My environment has absically 8 main players ( in a capital city with 450.000 citizen ). Those are very highly competetive. Whenever I show up with my new list, to play something out, I just get destroyed. And I was wondering why.
So I started to study the Battletome over and over again:

Maybe the big drawback was indeed my decision to not use demons.
The reason ( because you didn't know ;D ) is simply, that I find the human models much more interesting and scary to some point.
I would still like to avoid demons, but I guess I can not.

What I really liked to do is, to bring 3 Bloodsecrator and then just an ass full ove Blood Reavers. Having them in groups of 10 only, and engaging the enemy with only 1 unit at a time is pretty funny ( at least for me). Because that way I basically ripped his unit apart, or if I didn't, he wasted all his attacks to a simple unit of 10 Ravers worth 70 points.

But that's now why I miss. Blood Warriors are still resiliant, but not really beatsticky anymore.

What I now found out is, that I really should have a look at the rules & ask here, in the forum, and not the store manager. ( Thank you for that advice ). it just seems he doesn't know exactly about it, even when he says so.

So what choices do I / and others at this point, have:

1) Take the demons also! Don't avoid them!
2) Give it some cooling time, and maybe play something else too, that is more competetive.

So, what choice of List building is there? Beside Murderhost... . That's my issue there, I really don't see any opportunities anymore, although I tested A LOT of totally different style lists. And I just got stomped every time.
I have to admit, that maybe, I just don't get, how to play BoK. Could be I just don't understand them... . Or I am just unlucky with my opponents.

Just to give you a hint, what armies I usually encounter:

1) Undead combo with Zombiedragonlord, ass load of Zombies, that are buffed by several minor heros / other stuff
2) Beastclaw Riders... with minimum 2 Frostlords... .
3) Ogres, that deal soo incredible much damage and are so resiliant... .
4) Stormcast Eternals with several unfunny lists, that it would easily fill a topic for just ranting around about them being cheesy sometimes ;D
5) Greenskins, Orks ( I actually had not really a problem with them )
6) Skaven with their machines
7) Soulblight
8) even more Undead in several variations

I have the feeling, that I can not find a meta for me, to kind of handle the majority of them in a tournament. But for some reason they can.

Is it actually possible, to build a Khorne List, that could handle more than one specified enemy?

I really don't know yet.



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I find it interesting that our situations are so similar yet so different. I also have been playing khorne bloodbound since the beginning, I don't like daemons either but I have never used more than one bloodsecrator and I usually don't stack prayers and I like taking battalions like bloodforged, brass stampede, and dark feast. Most of the people I play make good lists but not anything tournament level. 

I have not played death since their new battletome but I have played FEC quite a bit. Wrathmongers and slaughterpriests are great for killing zombie dragons and such.

I have always struggled with ogres and beastclaws. Thundertusks one shot all my hero's and I couldn't kill ogres fast enough to get anywhere. But that was before the stone horn faq.

I have realized that my local scene seems to be rather unusual compared to many others on this site, not many people are meta chasers and I have not had many problems keeping my bloodsecrator and Aspiring death bringers alive. 

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To enjoy stuff more perhaps changing the way you play vs changing your army? If the only scene is Competetive @Killax had some excellent suggestions and commentary.

What I mean about changing the way you play:

- Use the Open War Cards

- Play Scenarios that aren’t as much destroy the other player (more objective based)

- Pick unusual battleplans... there’s a whole load of them available. (And there’s all of the Khorne Battleplans as well.)

- Try stuff that’s more Narrative.

- Use the Malign Portents Cards (and rules)

- Make sure you’re bringing (or using) LoS blocking terrain (and use more of it)

- Use the Scenery Rules (I find loads of folks skip those ... especially tournament-centric players ... because the rules are random and random is the opposite of a heavily defined no-randomness mindset.) They’re part of the core 4 page rules ... but not used often in the tournament scene.

But it most of all:

- Make sure that you and your opponent are on the same page on the “type of game you’re trying to have” ie Are they using this game to prep for their next tournament? Or is this a ‘beer and pretzels game.’

Either way, don’t give up hope! The GHB 2018 is around the corner ... and everything will change then. B|

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1 hour ago, Killax said:

This also more or less highlights why Blades of Khorne doesn't work ideally anymore for ultra competitive enviorements/top Tournament play.
- Blood Tithe has been altered to only work at the start of the Hero phase so you cannot use it in conjunction with other Hero phase boosts (often)

This!  I would love to know why they did that.  Very annoying

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Actually nobody seems to know, why they wanted the Blood Tithe points to happen at the begin of the hero phase.
I don't see a difference at all, if you do it at the begin, or you do something else before.

TheOtheJosh is also right. From what I know is, that my entire scene aims to play the styles of games, where they test their tournament lists. Basically I hab never anyone else, who just came for fun. It is the case, that the "Bier und Bretzel" style is not interesting for anyone. For that reason, the cards are also not used at all, because they wanna have more competition in personell competence.
I mean, I can understand that.
I also wanna achieve something with my army, so that means, i wanna win at least one time.

And there we got it again, as it seems to be Khorne's thing not to be sooooooo competetive, as others are. Or maybe it is, but I don't know how.

When I think more about it, sometimes our store management gives unusual borders to games.
That means, within the tournaments we have to apply the following rules mainly:

a) 500 Points ( IMO really??? what is that? There shall be 1000 or 2000 )
b) no named characters ( eeeeeeeh... )
c) scenario chosen via GH2 ( so far ok )

And the rest is more about, that measurement takes from base to base  etc. The pretty normal stuff.

What I really really liked is that list, and playstyle from a youtuber called "Masterpiece Miniatures", he had that Muderhost & Gore Pilgrims combo within 2000 points and just killed the Kharadron player at the other side of the table. Looked fun to me, but is too expensive now.
There could be the Murderhost only be taken, but I technically could fill that one even more, to shoot more Blood Letters to the front.

I have tried that once, so that means I proxed it. I went to melee within turn 2, becasue my enemy took 1st turn, and I killed all his Battlelinewith 30 Bloodletters. But that was all i got at this moment, to try it out. So we had like a few heros, and one bigger Battleline unit.
But then he detroyed the Bloodletters, and my heroes with his Slaves to Darkness heroes entirely.
yeah I eamn, it was a test only.

Skullcrushers didn't wrk for me so good aswell, because they are like sitting ducks, once in combat. 5 WOunds, with a save of 4+, and only 2 attacks.
I got a question to that:

From what I read in the rules, the Skullcrushers inflict non savable wounds, if they charged. Then I have to roll a dice, for each unit THEY are in contact with. On a 4+ the yget D3 wounds.
Is that correct? I guess it is.
sometimes our translated books have very strange translation versions, that are totally confusing.

So now I am already a little more calm due to my army, but not quiet relaxed again, I still have the feeling I will perform underwhelming.
Is there any Idea, what I could buy, to have a good list?

What I own right now is:

1 Juggerlord
1 Mighty Lord of Khorne
1x3 Skullcrusher
1x10 Blood Warriors with Goreaxes
2 Slaughterpriests
2 Bloodsecrator
5 Khorgorath
1 Bloodstoker
1 Skarr Bloodwrath
1 E.D.Bringer
1 Skullgrinder

That's basically it. I have had more, but had to sell stuff due to the money being needed.
So beside the Khorgoraths no demons, although they are no demons for some reason.

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47 minutes ago, Ba5terD said:

TheOtheJosh is also right. From what I know is, that my entire scene aims to play the styles of games, where they test their tournament lists. Basically I hab never anyone else, who just came for fun. It is the case, that the "Bier und Bretzel" style is not interesting for anyone. For that reason, the cards are also not used at all, because they wanna have more competition in personell competence.
I mean, I can understand that.

When I think more about it, sometimes our store management gives unusual borders to games.

What I own right now is:

1 Juggerlord
1 Mighty Lord of Khorne
1x3 Skullcrusher
1x10 Blood Warriors with Goreaxes
2 Slaughterpriests
2 Bloodsecrator
5 Khorgorath
1 Bloodstoker
1 Skarr Bloodwrath
1 E.D.Bringer
1 Skullgrinder

You seem to have few cheap Battleline choices in your list of available units, and are working with a more “elite smaller model count”’force. And minimal sized Battleline units as well (No Bloodreavers, Bloodletters ... etc.)  Perhaps you need more bodies? (And less elite units...)

For folks In my local tournament scene, I have folks reporting that they define the game settings for the Tournament by pulling the scenario from the Open War Cards. 

Even the GHB 2017 talks about using the Open War Cards in a tournament setting (on p.11)

But for you, I’d push for using the full set of rules, not just the “tournament rules.”

Approach it with your opponents as “The best players can think creatively and handle challenges”. If a little bit of scenery ruins their plan it was probably a poor plan. ;) 

Stick up for yourself ... everyone should have an opportunity to have fun when playing, not just the ‘tournament players’.

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So basically more bodies means more wounds. Could work out pretty good, I was thinking about Blood Reavers maybe, or even Blood Letters, because Letters seems just to be better.
I had , and thats true, to make an army of eliute units, that strike hard, but they cost too much in some case.

What I think right now, whether it is worth it, to buy unkts now. I highly trust you guys on that, so I could concider to get that units.
But also in my mind keeps that voice like " Make yourself another tournament army than Khorne."

But there even the question...wich? But therefore Killax had a really good point wich to choose.

I guess I should let the dust sttle a littel bit, maybe I would be much more relaxed then, maybe tomorrow even, cuz' it's friday ;D.
For now I also had a talk with people from my lokal store, and they told me like, they don't see Khorne armies at all reaching the middle section in tournaments. They thought Khorne might just stay behind, because of it's meta and generell playstyle.

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4 hours ago, Killax said:

While prayers in Daughters of Khaine are subject to rule of one for example, what is to expect from the Khornate and Stormcast prayers? 

This isn't entirely accurate.  Prayers from the "Prayers of the Khainite Cult" in the battle tome are subject to the rule of one, but not prayers on warscrolls.  I think many people will misplay this, but the wording is quite clear in its reference to the prayer lore and not prayers in general. 

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18 minutes ago, Ba5terD said:

... I guess I should let the dust sttle a littel bit, maybe I would be much more relaxed then, maybe tomorrow even, cuz' it's friday ;D.
For now I also had a talk with people from my lokal store, and they told me like, they don't see Khorne armies at all reaching the middle section in tournaments. They thought Khorne might just stay behind, because of it's meta and generell playstyle.

Play what you want to play. There are nearly infinite possibilities in terms of army composition choices ... even within the current battletomes. 

What is good today, will get rebalanced... and then there will be a new group of units that are overpowered... especially when a new army is released.

As was mentioned in a recent Kharadron Overlords discussion on why they’re not winning Tournaments, Playing the meta means that you are just playing with an army that isn’t just “fairly balanced” but that you’re playing with an army that gives you an advantage.

So, top level tournament players are both good players and will use armies that give them an additional benefit and put their opponents at a disadvantage. BoK doesn’t have as many of those ‘puts your opponent at a disadvantage’ setups.

So work on giving yourself a breadth of choices and enjoying the force that you like ... because chasing the meta just ends up with one having a rapidly emptying wallet.  B|

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4 hours ago, Ba5terD said:

Maybe the big drawback was indeed my decision to not use demons.
The reason ( because you didn't know ;D ) is simply, that I find the human models much more interesting and scary to some point.
I would still like to avoid demons, but I guess I can not.

There is nothing wrong with playing the models that you like, in fact my lists are almost always at least in part influenced by that.  However, I don't think there should be an expectation that an army made up of models selected for appearance or flavor should compete with an army composed with the sole and express purpose of winning games.  I think balancing your own desires of the hobby is a hard line to walk.  I struggle all the time between fielding the models I like and playing a competitive list.  I don't think there is a right answer either, other than play what makes you happy.  If Khorne as you play it isn't doing that, then maybe you should move on.  I don't think many people on this forum would criticize you for wanting to be more competitive, or for wanting to follow the rule of cool, it's your call.

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4 hours ago, Ba5terD said:

I don't see a difference at all, if you do it at the begin, or you do something else before.

Well, usually your turn is your turn and your opponent have little to say about your actions except a few programmed reaction like dispell, occasionnal overwatch, aetherwing moves, etc... 

If you suddenly give your opponent to do a large range of things at any point during your hero phase things can get messy quickly, can you react? who has priority? etc etc...

Too much questions. If you fix the moment when that battery of option is given you get muuuch less question. Now you have the choice to make the player act BEFORE or AFTER the player. That is a question where opinion might diverge on what is the most powerful.

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4 minutes ago, buffs for the buff god said:

My army which is khorne bloodbound with some slaves to darkness thrown in. Its been doing alright but none of my opponents read the FAQ'S soooooooo blood secretors still stack.......

Shame on you. How dare you wear the Mark of Khorne.

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So is there anyone, who has a decend winr ate of his games? Who could give advice, what he / she does? Might be I just concentrate too much on the buffs, and the tactics on the field is wrong.
I used to bring as most as possible units to the melee, but that's a istake as I see it.

There should only be one at a time, that is potent enough to destroy that attacked unit, so it will not swing back. And then I wanna hold my other units away from the enmy as long as possible.

Is that correct so far?
What i concider is, whenever I am in combat with many units, my opponent always can swing back, and that might just destroy a unit, or even more than that.

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Khorne is still doing well. Daemons better than mortals, obviously, but there is plenty of khorne list who do well in tournament, and some good khorne players can really be a pain to fight.

Wrathmonger are excellents, bloodwarrior are one of the best unit of it's size (they are the bane of glass canon infantry and will be a nightmare for DOK, and beat their direct competition with ease), bloodletter are one of the most undercosted unit of the game, bloodsecrator and bloodstocker still rock, slaughterpriest is excellent and even more in gore pilgrim... there is plenty of options

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16 minutes ago, ledha said:

Khorne is still doing well. Daemons better than mortals, obviously, but there is plenty of khorne list who do well in tournament, and some good khorne players can really be a pain to fight.

Wrathmonger are excellents, bloodwarrior are one of the best unit of it's size (they are the bane of glass canon infantry and will be a nightmare for DOK, and beat their direct competition with ease), bloodletter are one of the most undercosted unit of the game, bloodsecrator and bloodstocker still rock, slaughterpriest is excellent and even more in gore pilgrim... there is plenty of options

Yeah, as a Stormcast player, Slaughterpriest buffed bloodletters terrify me.  My armor down't mean a darn thing against mortals on 4 or 5+ to hit.

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2 hours ago, buffs for the buff god said:

My army which is khorne bloodbound with some slaves to darkness thrown in. Its been doing alright but none of my opponents read the FAQ'S soooooooo blood secretors still stack.......

Are you sure you wear the mark of Khorne, and not the Mark of Tzeentch? ;)

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As all sayd, you need bloodreavers.

Do not be discorauged. I stopped of play BoK for a while for other reason totally different, i stomp my friends and i dont want do it like this. I played 52 games and lost 4 or 5. One vs gh2016 Silvaneth on a tournament, for dices and some fails on the comp of army..., The others against Flesh eathers in gh2017 and another one vs nagash. Nut i play against fireslayers, kharadrons, freeepeoples, stormcast, aelves, dark elves, changuehost, ironjawz, mix of destru, beastclaw rayders skavens in general and clan skyre with 12 stormfiends.

Nobody of them can stop the swarm and the point leech, only death with his high mobility monsters and his heal, i just cant catch him with the unit i want, is the only problem. I Usually made for the juggerlord to kill all this monsters or take him a couple of wounds, but the undead monster are the most resistent in general of the game.

I dont thinks khorne was bad, and if you feel that, i think in ghb 2018 they down to 160 the wrathmongers, and maybye skullreapers. And maybye also the batallions (legions of nagash batallions price are really good, i dont know why nurgle still have 200+ points batallion and death have 70 good points batallions..).

But khorne is in the middle high of the table right now. All army dominating right now is going to get a bit nerf in ghb2018, dont worry.

If you want a top army you are getting the point very bad, you can win in AOS with all armys, the only you need are skill ingame (and more bloodreavers) haha. Righ now only Changuehost and stormcast are the dominating armys,all other armyes are more or less at the same tier. (and for khorne, only nagash grand host is or counter right now).

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18 hours ago, chord said:

This!  I would love to know why they did that.  Very annoying

What occured with the older Blood Tithe ruling is that it lead to a lot of unclearities really. Being able to do it at any point in the Hero phase lead to unclearity of using it 'in between' effects and such. But as before the best way to fix it would be a 'at the beginning of Hero phase OR at the end of Hero phase'-ruling. I doubt it will happen however.

My best guess is that currently the design team doesn't care for Khorne anymore. But I can't blame them either. What I believe is the case there is that the straight forward design probably doesn't excite the designers (team). Which I get because this has happened more often with Khorne in Warhammer Fantasy and certainly is also the case in Warhammer 40.000. In both systems there is like one to two extremely good unit and that's basically what the army tries to revolve onto. 
The same oddity that is there with Daemonic Mounts and their lack of Daemon Keyword. It's about as an easy fix as adding the Wizard Keyword to the Nurgle Herald, but for whatever reason Blades of Khorne is either Mortal or Daemon and never both. 

18 hours ago, Ba5terD said:

From what I read in the rules, the Skullcrushers inflict non savable wounds, if they charged. Then I have to roll a dice, for each unit THEY are in contact with. On a 4+ the yget D3 wounds.
Is that correct? I guess it is.
So is there anyone, who has a decend winr ate of his games? Who could give advice, what he / she does? Might be I just concentrate too much on the buffs, and the tactics on the field is wrong.

Yeah Mortal Wounds (plenty of saves for it still) but otherwise correct. Their usage for me is ideal when they can be applied as flankers but very much are support unit just by themselves. I do think Brass Stampede makes them much better but I have yet to try that because I don't have enough Bloodcrushers but don't really fancy myself getting much more either.

My best guess is that your result will massively improve with Bloodletters still. As mentioned since the GH2017 reveal I think that no Khorne army should be/want to be ran without any form of Daemon. Gore Pilgrims is great, Bloodreavers are good but Bloodletters are what allows us to include a scary hammer. Which is extremely important due to how relatively easy Slaughterpriests go down if your opponents wants them removed.
Placement is essential. Feel free to toss up your current army list aswell. IF you are willing to give it a try still with Khorne I'd say at least obtain 30 Bloodletters because they become a whole lot better with a Bloodstoker aswell and really scary with Killing Frenzy from a Slaughterpriest.

In addition I think you can work towards Gore Pilgrims, as it has a lot of flexability in terms of offensive support and tactical depth even with forced to run prayers.

What's perhaps even more important to note is that I feel Age of Sigmar in general comes out of the paint the best at 2000 point games. Anything below that really skews some Allegiances in odd favours. Such as the Destiny Dice usage at 500 points or being able to Ambush your whole army with Legion of Night.


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