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New meta?


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Still real early but from the first few games I have gotten in, (got the GHB 2017 last night and play 4 games) I think things are a little more balanced and there will be a greater diversity of armies that are playable.  At first we will see holdovers of stuff that was good in the last edition and is still good.  I except to see the Khorne Murderhost throwing 90 Bloodletters forward a lot, the Stormcast Hammer and Atherstriking and the Kunnin Rukk still pew pewing.  This will be mixed with some of the new armies that got strong new abilities like the Seraphon.

Should be a fun time. 

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Whether meta will change or not is not the most important thing about ghb2017. What matters most is that for 100 % certainty I can say that the gap between low tier armies and top tier armies will narrow down considerably. Sure that boneplitter kunnin rukk might still be effective and kill that cowardly skaven army, but that army costs considerably more while skaven army (such as pestilens) was brought down in their cost (even if ever so slightly). 

I don't care if there is going to be new top tier army as long as the lower tier armies have genuinely good chance at combating that army. With that said, I predict SCE will be top tier in the upcoming meta as they received very little to no nerfs.

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7 hours ago, angrycontra said:

I predict SCE will be top tier in the upcoming meta as they received very little to no nerfs.

Well ain't that a surprise xD

Major victories against that lot should get double points. 

(I'm role-playing. Totally fine you hate on my enemies) 

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16 hours ago, angrycontra said:

I predict SCE will be top tier in the upcoming meta as they received very little to no nerfs.

They got basically no discounts (-20 for Tempestors and +20 for Javelin prosecutors could be a wash, but the latter were more usually fielded), while their battalions (which were part of what made them powerful in the first place) got hit hard. Plus no real benefit from Massive Regiments (30 liberators are expensive and unwieldy).

I would consider that, everything considered, a nerf.

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For a little while at least, hordes, hordes everywhere. Folks will take advantage of the max unit discounts to counter shooting and take objectives. 

Whether that will last? Who knows. There's some amazing, cheap monsters floating about now - wouldn't be too surprised if eventually the horde counter will be big gribblies capable of munching through large units.

All that said, shooting is still shooting....

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10 minutes ago, ledha said:

Remeber too that the "no 2x the same item" hurt a bit the stormcast. No more double mirroshield/lantern of the tempest.

Well, good luck getting more than one Artifact in the first place :D with the new battalion prices, I think battalions will be rarely seen in tournament Stormcast lists.

Why did they introduced the rule in this edition is something I will never understand.

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2 hours ago, DanielFM said:

Well, good luck getting more than one Artifact in the first place :D with the new battalion prices, I think battalions will be rarely seen in tournament Stormcast lists.

Why did they introduced the rule in this edition is something I will never understand.

aetherstrike force is cheap enough to be affordable i think. And a vanguard wing with a big blob of 30 liberators will be seen

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2 hours ago, ledha said:

aetherstrike force is cheap enough to be affordable i think. And a vanguard wing with a big blob of 30 liberators will be seen

Aetherstrike remains a top battalion, and the points increase won't hurt it much. With a few Gryph-hounds and a Castellant you still get everything you want from this battalion with points left over for other things (such as a Protector screen, my personal favourite), without giving up anything of what made it good in the previous edition. As for the 30 Liberator blob, that idea is going to die out fast, once people realise the actual footprint of that unit, and how completely impossible it's going to be to ever port it around if your opponent is even remotely aware of board control and table space. Multiple units of 5-10 is still the way going forward. I fully expect Skyborne Slayers to make a return, and Vanguard Wing to die down.

Back on topic, I think the new meta will consist heavily of three things; speed, hordes and less monsters. Shooting is still going to be good, but less dominant in a horde meta, and the new battleplans will require far more board control than the old ones. Being able to cover ground fast with lots of wounds is going to be imporant, and keeping those wounds alive since you're spread out more is going to become key. Alpha strikes and deathstars will still be dangerous, but less so since the objective play cost of these strategies will make you vulnerable to losses even when you destroys everything on the table.

Quick prediction; the winners for destruction are Bonesplitterz, Spidergfang and Gore-gruntas. The losers are BCR, Gutbusters and Megabrutes.

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22 minutes ago, Payce said:

Being able to cover ground fast with lots of wounds is going to be imporant, and keeping those wounds alive since you're spread out more is going to become key ...

Quick prediction; the winners for destruction are ... Spiderfang 

This bodes well for my spider army protected by many grots and trolls :D

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