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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

Painting of my first converted ghouls

Ok so my slow progress on my flesh eaters is still going got some paint on my converted ghouls gone with the avaland yellow and black colour pallet really like it just need to high light the black and do the bases now. 



Goreblade Warband

The Goreblade Warband And here we are, the other half of the starter set. I admit, in my days as a WHFB player, I never really "got" Chaos. Sure, the sculpts were cool, and even with my mediocre painting ability I could make them look decent on the table, but something about wanting to see the world burn never really resonated with me. I hate to say, but that hasn't changed in Age of Sigmar.  It might be the lore side of things -- or, having devoured every bit of the stuff from the Bla



Derby Wargames Monthly Challenge 3 - Objectives Finished

In an attempt to try and keep the blog updated regularly here are the finished Objective markers for our club monthly challenge. I just tried to keep them in the same style as the rest of the army when painting them, and I added a green glow to the acorns to try and give them a mystical seed pod effect. I'd like to make more terrain to go along with the army now. The pictures are a bit over exposed again. I seem to lose the light colours a lot   



Building The Storm

So this feels like it's been  a productive few weeks, i'm behind schedule but an army is starting to form.  This week I've been able to paint a unit of Liberators to accompany the Retributors I already had finished, and a Lord Relictor so I have my first hero to lead the army in to battle.  Next up is going to be a second unit of Liberators, or possibly some Judicators (I'll ramble about them in a second), then i'll work on finishing off the rest of my starter box, before treating myself to

chris swift

chris swift

Sylvaneth vs IronJaws

I played my first game with the Sylvaneth recently against my friends Iron Jaws. I only took painted models for this game, so I was a little limited, but I could easily do the 2000 points we had decided on. We also played the comet scenario from the Generals Handbook.  My list consisted of:  Tree lord Ancient (Oaken Armor, an extra spell) Drycha (the spell that generates woods) Branchwych (regrowth) Branch wraith (Acorn of Ages, The Reaping Spell) Spirit of



The Branchwych

I managed yo get this girl painted up quickly for a game I had against some Iron Jaws. I don't normally base my models before painting them, but because the base and the Branchwych have a similar paint style I did them both together, speeding up the paint time. I base coated her with very wet paint so I could wet blend all the browns, gave her a couple of dry brush layers (i need a new dry brush i discovered!) then washed her with various washes. There is no real formula here - I just use very c



Time to get Weird

Hey boys and girls, sorry for the lack of content, but it's turning out to be a busy summer for me. However I have recently managed to finish some more stuff for my ironjawz, a unit of 10 dual wielding 'Ard Boyz with Boss, Flag, and Drum, and a Weirdnob. Here's a family Portrait As of now all bases in the force are bare until I can decide exactly how I want to do them, but other than that I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out, with the possible exception of the Weirdnob's smoke. I'



Drycha Completed

Completed Drycha last night. She was pretty fun to do. I put all the Flutter Flies and Squirmlings on so it was a pain to get them paint. I really didn't take that much care with them. I then went and did all the basing, which again was a lot of tufts, clump foliage and flowers. I also added the Woodland Scenics tree foliage to the top of Drycha and around her back so that she would fit in with the rest of the Sylvaneth models. Overall I am pleased with the model. She fits in nicely and looks pr



Its all about the base...

With Drycha nearing completion she needs a base to stand on. Most of my basing is done in a fairly standard way now. The first thing to go down is the playback, which I am a huge fan of. It makes the best kinds of rocks. All I look for to start with is pieces that will keep the model level and these are glued down with Mitre Bond. Once these have been chosen I can then get cracking on extra parts. For this one I took a square forest base I had lying around and just glued that down. Then its a ca



Khorne vs Dark Aelves - All-Gates Scenario

Regular opponent Tom came over for a game of Age of Sigmar. With the new Realmgate Wars book release, All-Gates, we decided to take a stab at one of the battleplan, Through the Breach.       Armies Tom had bought 2000 points of Dark Aelves (points from the new Handbook), and as I hadn't seen any leaks of the points myself we decided in true Age of Sigmar style to 'eye' roughly an equal force of Khorne.   Khorne: Wrath of Khorne Blo



WIP Sons of the Warhoof

Hey hey!, Just a quick update with a WIP picture of the Centigor. I've been working on 7 or 8 of these guys (all I could find!) and the Warhoof himself for the painting section of the Season of War.   I'm trying to learn how to highlight properly without just dry brushing everything. Not sure how much I like it, but at least it doesn't look chalky!



Starting Point

So to kick off the new army I made a quick trade with a buddy looking to clear out some old Empire stuff. He played 8th ed. but just couldnt get into AoS so I was happy to trade him some other game items for this. Here's a pic and then I'll walk through what your looking at: 1 General on foot with hammer and pistol 20 Handgunners 20 Greatswords 30 Freeguild Guard I feel that it's a pretty darn good start since the handgunners and guard are Battleline units and the G



Drycha WiP

I've bought some of the new kits for the Sylvaneth - basically I got one of each except for Allarielle with a goal to get them all painted for Alliance, @Ben event at the start of August. My Sylvaneth have always been a fairly fast army to add to as I tend not to spend a great deal of time on them, although with these new models I will be trying to make sure that I focus on some of the details as the models are too nice to just rush through haphazardly.  I started with Drycha as she was the



The Brayherd Arrives!

The Brayherd was unleashed again today in my quest to cast the stores of my city into the Realm of Chaos. Game 1 saw us take down a force of Ironjawz, Game 2 saw us smashed as we tried to Breakthrough and Ogor blockade! While I was at the shop I snuck off to their Malifaux table and took some glamour shots of those gentlest of Beastmen!   The Ungor, led by the Pigman of the Southern Sootlands The Pigman is still said to be a myth, but those whom live in the Sootlands wou



A little background

I love the general lore of flesh eater courts, but I really wanted to do something a little different than the French inspires men at arms style madness. This is half rough draft half me writing down my rambling thoughts.   I really want my courts madness, to be reflective of a darker more bestial nature, I am currently working on a name but, the court view Nagash as "a great deciever", lying and stealing away souls from their rightful place next to the carrion king, lord of all. They



Thunderstrike Brotherhood and Goreblade Warband

Thunderstrike Brotherhood  My first experience with Battalions in Aos was with the starter set -- I'd looked into them in 40K before, but never really got into that game, and had already sold my old 8th Edition Lizardmen Army as part of a move from California to Texas. So, when that shiny box art caught my eye, I was in for a surprise... STORMCAST ETERNALS Thunderstrike Brotherhood: Lord-Celestant on Dracoth  Lord Relictor 2 Units of Liberators 1 Unit of Retrib



Big Spider needs Big Base!

My first model finished for this month is more of an experiment in a new basing style. I saw some really cool basing on some Stormcast by Dave Roberts at Call to War this weekend. One problem I've encountered is undercoat paint being pulled off polyfilla when the texture paint goes over the top. This time I varnished the base before applying the Khorne red which went under the Martian Iron Earth and this seemed to stop it lifting which was good. I tried a different  colour palette on the rocks w



Eternally Grateful

Finished my 10 Eternal Guard for this weekends tournament (Call to War at the end of June). Not sure how much I'll use them, but definitely going to try and squeeze them in as objective grabbers. Paint scheme is the usual quick wood elf scheme I've been using. I do need some more forest meadow flowers for the bases. I also haven't done a rune on the banner yet as not really sure what to go for! 



Silver Tower Model completed

Although I'm supposed to be painting Eternal Guard I actually spent the last few evenings finishing off my Duardin Cogsmith. I wanted to work with metals and try out some techniques to get old weathered metal and I'm pleased with the results. I still struggle to get the really bright highlights in though.  The base was a really fun experiment to do. It was something very different to any base I've made before, but I took a lot of inspiration from James Wappells blog where there are loads of



Derby Wargames Monthly Challenge 2 - Silver Tower Character

Ive been making steady progress on my entry for our clubs Paint a Silver Tower Hero competition ready for next month. So far I have made reasonable progress on the metals, although I do want to go in with a bit of weathering and some scratches in places. Ive also finished the red robes, although its pretty subtle and doesn't really photograph well. One thing I wanted to try and create was a Golden Demon style base for him to be displayed on. I found a chunk of wood that I cut and sanded to shape



Bring forth the Eternal Guard

Continuing the wood elf theme for another month or so I have been working on the Eternal Guard. I only want to do 10 of these guys just so I can use them for fun. I've finished the seven regular guys. I've just got the command group to go and add in the foliage and flowers to decorate the base.   



If you go down to the Woods... (now with added Dragon)

I finished the Wood Elf Dragon today. Painting these older models has definitely been an experience - it makes you realise the difference in quality with the new CAD sculpts. There is definitely a certain charm to the older models, but I also appreciate how the new designs take paint and respond to different techniques in a way these older ones just don't.  I used a lot of dappling and patterning on the model - firstly this helps to tie it in with the Carmine Dragon I have so they look like



Depression (why don't older models have any!)

I feel like I'm getting nowhere fast with this Dragon. I love the chance to go back and look at these old sculpts, but they are difficult to paint compared to new models because of the lack of defined detail. The scales don't seem to take washes very well, and parts just seem to merge into other areas. I still think it will look OK when its done though! 



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