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Everything posted by Lightbox

  1. Wow! I love you colours you've used. Really vibrant and different! Hope your last game went well.
  2. So as anyone who knows me will know I often hop between projects a lot ans I'm awful and getting painting finished. But I'm trying to change that. My golden horde topic over on painting and modelling shows some of my more recent conversions which I need to get painted up, along with my daughters of khaine melusai. Though recently I've mostly been working on my dark eldar for 40k and pretty happy with my archon. I think my skills are really improving!!
  3. That could be a funny possibility. Which also reminded me my dad once wanted to start a vampire hunter mordheim warband (one of the fanmade ones) and call his leader Van Hire
  4. So finally finished (besides her base) the horse mounted version of my vampiric big boss Cassia. Still not sure on a full name though I'm sure I'll think of something! (Any ideas do let me know!) And of course it wouldn't be Cassia if she wasn't covered in the blood of her victims... She will be getting her inaugural games in tomorrow as we practice for our path to glory firestorm campaign and I will try to post some battle reports here. Hopefully with pictures though most will be unpainted alas... (Sorry, it's a long process!) Anyway here she is in all her gory glory!
  5. So we're back today with more dynamic death... Deatherizers (okay I'm bad at alliteration) because after painting dragon Cassia the only logical step is to paint her up some blood knight bodyguards right? (10 of these buggers to do...) And of course a neigh neigh horsey riding version of Cassia because I don't always want a dragon riding general... Especially not for our upcoming path to glory / firestorm campaign where the general must be the same in each game! (But I'm totally allowed to field her as a vamp lord or lord on dragon) As you can see this random mounted vampire lady I made a while back works well for cassia (just ignore the slightly smaller nose... Necromantic vampire magic for you...) And you may have noticed this well dressed Cassia doesn't have her dinner all down her well have no fear, once she's finisher I will go mad with the blood technical paint and make her suitably red I'm planning to go ethereal looking with the horsies hence the green for cassias horse and the grey initial coat for a bloodknight. You also get to see Cassia's progression over the course of this evening. (Alsowhat you can't see is one knight has a broken lance... Budget cuts and all... I might try and fix it later but tbh he is easier to transport like this)
  6. So today I had a lot of fun painting up my vampire to sit on her zombie dragon Need a good surname for her but I'm getting there. Then it'll be onto actually creating some background for my soulblight army. She's already going to have the nickname of 'the bat queen' for employing large use of her bat-like gargoyle followers (counts as fell-bat conversion, pic below) and of course regular bats (gonna have to get myself bat swarms just because they can be useful for protection) She will also have a horse mounted model that will be painted up later but I'm proud of how she's turned out. Good fun applying the blood too obviously she's just a messy eater.
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