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About this blog

One of my 2018 hobby goals is to consistently post my hobby progress.  I've tried in the past but I fall off the wagon .  Main Project will be a Daughters of Khaine Army (IM HYPED FOR THIS NEW RELEASE!!). But I will also be posting other random WiPs and pictures from games and tournaments I participate in.  Hope you guys enjoy! And I would love any feed back or ideas you have!


Entries in this blog

Daughters of Khaine Test Model

Hi Guys! I figured I would post some pics of my first Witch Elf I painted up as  a test model.  I absolutely loved painting this fig! The sculpt was awesome, super clean and dynamic posing! This is the first female model I have ever painted and would love to hear some feedback as this will be the army that I begin painting up this year for the tournament circuit.  I plan on keeping everything to this standard as I have set a personal goal to win a best painted award at a GT sized event this



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