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Everything posted by Swooper

  1. Someone made battletomes for them, if you're interested: Regarding the Idoneth and, specifically, the Mistweaver... well, I have a theory. We've heard something about them being able to use magic to enable them to swim through the air and bring sea creatures to land battles, right? Well, what if this kind of magic manifests as mists? Then, the role of the Mistweaver becomes pretty clear, doesn't it? They'd be the mages that conjure the mists, and the mists bring flying shark cavalry...
  2. New (blood bowl) beastman models? This announcement has already exceeded my wildest expectations!
  3. Hi everyone! This thread is made to post stuff I paint that doesn't belong to my Brayherd, mostly Silver Tower for now but other things later. I had already painted roughly half of the Silver Tower minis: The Gaunt Summoner and familiars, Ogroid Thaumaturge and half of the Kairic Acolytes, Tzaangors and Horrors. For completeness' sake, here are some pictures of those. That left me the other half of the Acolytes, Tzaangors and horrors, the Grot Scuttlings, the Skaven Deathrunner and all the heroes. The main reason I hadn't painted the rest of the minions yet was that I didn't feel like painting identical models again, so to avoid that I went to a bits site and got Tzaangors and horrors from their respective boxed sets, and bought a whole box of Acolytes at my FLGS. The rest of them will be used in a future conversion project I have planned (after the Brayherd is done to a satisfactory level). I've been working on the first hero for the past week and a half, and the Darkoath Chieftain is now complete! I decided to do him in a very Slaanesh-y colour scheme - pale skin, dark leather and metal, purple cloth and so on. Next up are the five remaining horrors, which I'm going to paint in a batch.
  4. That wing is so good. What's your process to get that blood vessel effect, if I may ask?
  5. Last week I posted my barely started Darkoath Chieftain, now he's nearly done. Need to do some tidying up to do here and there (the harsh glare of the camera reveals new mistakes every time!), add blood spatter on the sword and dripping from the Tzaangor's head, and finishing the base. I would very much like feedback on the base, since I can see two possible directions for it, and I'm very unsure which one to pick. Whichever I choose will likely be used for an entire Slaanesh mortal army later on (my next project after the Brayherd). Right now it's got Armageddon Dust and nothing else on it. Option A: Agrax Earthshade, drybrush with Karak Stone, done. Maybe add some dry desert looking tufts. This would let the base offer a warm tonal contrast with the very cold feel of the mini, but feels kind of boring and simplistic, especially after I've gone all in with autumn forest bases for my beastmen. Option B: Paint the texture given by Armageddon Dust with Eshin Grey, do a heavy wash of Nuln Oil and/or Drakenhof Nightshade, then drybrush with Dawnstone. Add some red tufts, and then cover most of the base with Valhallan Blizzard. In this case, the contrast would be dark/light rather than cold/warm. Thoughts?
  6. I'd pay £2 per month for a dark theme.
  7. A very early WIP of my Darkoath Chieftain. Going for a very goth-y Slaanesh colour scheme with him. Skin mostly done, needs some cleaning up and smoothing of highlights in some spots though. Cloth, leather, fur and the hair on his head basecoated and washed, the rest is still untouched.
  8. We kind of already figured those out like 20 pages back There were several others as well, I think the DoK release closed like 6 rumour engines.
  9. Today's warhammer-community offerings: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/02/20/daughters-khaine-part-2-morathi-shadow-queen/ The Iron Heart of Khaine ability is interesting. So is the fact that her monstrous form doesn't have a command ability, while her elf form does.
  10. I like it, but I don't think he should be a survivor from the World-That-Was. That would imply he's thousands of years old, which feels kind of unnecessary for this kind of character.
  11. Anyone else been frantically refreshing warhammer-community constantly all day? We were promised lore articles, damnit!
  12. Love pretty much all of this reveal. The Morathi model is fantastic, the scorpion stinger is such a nice touch (hope they'll push the scorpion theme when Slaanesh gets a release). Really looking forward to the lore parts.
  13. They're probably the same god according to this. Mathlann is the elven name, Manann is the human name.
  14. The title of the video seems to imply something more than just scenery.
  15. Youtube mirror of that video is up, in case anyone else hates the facebook video player: The figurehead is holding a very stormcast-y hammer, for whatever that's worth.
  16. Nearly done with a batch of gors, only need to finish some freehanding on the banner. Thinking about either one of the classic beastman symbols (horned skull or something), or a maze pattern like I've done with the warpaint. Will be blue either way. Thoughts?
  17. It's taken me a while (been sidetracked by a lot of other projects lately), but I've finally finished the ungor shaman and another batch of gors. Well, almost, I haven't done the banner yet as I want some input on that. They all have the lighter Mournfang Brown skintone, although for some reason I don't think it looks as good on the gors as the ungors - the brightest highlight ended up too stark and I had to darken them down a bit with a sepia wash. The majority of the rest will likely be in the darker Rhinox Hide tone, maybe with some variation in the highlights. Here he is, mixing the dye for the warpaint in a skull. The mushroom on the base is from the old Night Goblin Regiment kit, and was much easier to paint to a satisfying level than the ones I've made from greenstuff. I'm considering either drawing one of the classic beastman glyphs, or just something similar to the warpaint maze pattern on the banner. Both would be the same blue. What do you guys think? I'm getting pretty happy with how the warpaint is turning out now. I painted the pattern in black first this time, before going over it with three successive blues, trying to leave a thin outline of black at the edges, and I think it's looking much better than before. Will probably go back and fix the warpaint on the first batch of gors at some point. This is what I meant with the skin highlights looking too stark - and this is even with 1-2 layers of sepia to soften it. Should have blended the final highlights better I guess. See, this mushroom is just a pudgy mess with no edges. Sculpting something this small out of greenstuff with your hands and barely adequate tools is hard. So, as I mentioned at the beginning of this post I've been working on some side projects lately. That's mostly* been Silver Tower, which I kind of considered "done" until me and my friends actually started playing the boardgame, and were pleasantly surprised at how fun it really is. I had only painted the leaders (summoner and ogroid) and one of the two copies of each monopose minion model in the box (except the grot scuttlings, because those are some of the ugliest models I've ever seen), and none of the heroes. I was planning to get around to at least most of the heroes at some point, but didn't fancy painting all the minions again. But now, I kind of need those models to play. Dilemma. What I ended up doing was buying some tzaangors and horrors from a bits site and a box of kairic acolytes (the rest of them will be used for a future conversion project I have in mind) so I could have some variety. The scuttlings have been assembled and I figure I'm going to use them as a speed painting exercise (gods know I need that) as soon as my FLGS gets some white primer. So that's what's been eating into my hobby time lately, and will continue to do so for a while. The herd will sadly have to go on hold until I've got everything based (all the Tzeentch cultists have sculpted flagstone bases) and primed, and at least some of it painted. I think I'll set up another thread for the Silver Tower project sometime in the next few days, in case anyone is interested. *Also assembling a ghorgon, and turning the Knight-Questor into a Lord of Slaanesh.
  18. Fair enough, I'm just trying to see pictures in the clouds like mostly everyone else in this thread!
  19. The AoS facebook page posted some army list suggestions based around the heralds recently, I noticed the Death one had two Black Coaches in it. Seems weird for them to be pushing such an ancient model. I didn't connect the dots when I saw it, but with this rumour about a new coach it's starting to make sense.
  20. I just realised that you used basically the same colour scheme for the goblins and the elves. I always try to do radically different colour schemes for different armies for variety, I'm curious: Why did you choose to use the exact same colours for the two armies?
  21. Got a batch of five gors and my ungor shaman in progress. Basecoats and washes done, will probably start layering and highlighting tonight. Need to repaint the banner though, it'll be XV-88 instead of Rakarth Flesh.
  22. Wasn't there a guy on here who converted a Screaming Bell recently, using some AdMech walker legs and wall pieces? That thing looked a lot like some of the sketches in this thread.
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