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Everything posted by stratigo

  1. But then the Slaanesh player summons 6 more keepers, so really you’ve done him a favor i haven’t matched it out yet, but I’m fairly sure your big unit of blight Kings can one round him if they get the drop on him 48 wounds isn’t a big ask in aos. Skeletons, skaven infantry, a bunch of chaos units, gobbos, and more can easily mass 48 wounds gotrek ruins the day of people whose army plan was “I’m going to shove my big gribblies down your throat turn one.” And Gotrek is a good solution to that issue mechanically skaven are barely going to care though, and I’m not sure Slaanesh realistically will either. This is the final nail in gristle gore. I can’t imagine another undead army having much issue with Gotrek though. Or either of the nova top 10 tzeentch lists. I dunno, maybe daughters of khaine will have a problem? But, man, they’ve been top tier for like a year so many armies revolve around dumping their entire army in your face in a couple turns with units that do as much or more damage than Gotrek will and ruining your day, and I think that is particularly unfun interactions for the game, so more reasons to not do that is pretty solid
  2. It doesn't sound very fun. "You have to play perfectly, but even if you do, hope you get a double turn". I dunno, competitive AoS seems like it has gone off the rails with slaanesh adding like, what, 500, 600 more points a game, Skaven with the ability to do literally everything well with no downsides, and the activation wars.
  3. Man your second game really reads like "Yeah I was winning pretty solidly until my opponent got a free 360 points". That's almost 20 percent more points than you are even allowed to bring. That's bloody nuts.
  4. stratigo

    Is SCE OP?

    This game is all about activation economy. A strong shooting attack saves you on economy, and is thus a strong tool. It so is high movement.
  5. For some conversions, I’d source middle earth sbg models. There’s a strong diversity of humans there that can be plugged into a bit more of a generic high fantasy than renaissance landshnecks
  6. My apoc rulebook fell apart less then a week after I bought it. And warcry looks to be the same type of book (and indeed Ash on GMG already noted his fresh copy looks to be coming unglued). It is real frustrating.
  7. Fyreslayers would need more than three units for this to really work out honestly.
  8. You can mitigate the cannons somewhat in deployment sadly. Particularly with how fast or teleporty armies are there’s no reason to set up where the frigates can target you while maintaining the ordination buff, the ordination being a fair bit slower than the frigates
  9. Yes you do it is uncomfortable to acknowledge it, but there are flatly a noticeable number of people in this hobby that are misogynist. As gamers we should openly acknowledge this problem and work to address it and not tiptoe around the subject
  10. There’s an issue I find in this view in that a person can buy an Army, but then find a change shortly making them bad for years. And then the answer becomes, buy a new army or don’t play. But that is essentially “be upper middle class or don’t play”, and I am deeply ambivalent to even more economic gatekeeping in my hobby
  11. Skaven are at the top for a reason. This is the reason. Clan rats in combat effective hordes meatshielding for all their supremely powerful characters and specialist tools
  12. You could make it the.... uh... the magmadroths lodge for a significant buff to the aurics
  13. Endrinriggers are indeed horseshit if they are forced to attack last, which is increasingly being a thing in a very frustrating way in the same way every army was getting negatives to hit after while, but it isn’t the most common thing, and you usually get the activation advantage in the turn you charge and most thing thusly die
  14. I feel the escort wing is getting closer and closer to being good. Almost there
  15. I hear some rumbling that Fyreslayers and Kharadrons really compliment each other in a strong way.
  16. Arkanauts are op what? Who thinks this? On base stats Arkanauts are a weak unit. They underperform heavily compared to most battle lines. What makes them them good is that you can khemist buff them. Their entire existence revolves around one synergy
  17. It feels like you lost to the ability to summon honestly. He threw his army forward, they all died, but that just meant he could pop summons on objectives and didn’t have to care about keeping a reserve
  18. You can still deepstrike and deploy. Both are at the start of the hero phase. You can no longer deploy after using ‘there is always a breeze if you look for it’
  19. Except it is not. I feel people get salty when they can’t throw together their 40k tactical squad and win every mission without building their list to the game or taking advantage of a third to half the rules. Here’s a hint, play with a full 20 roster. The game is balanced around the intent that you can mix out your set up from a roster depending on matchup
  20. Every army since 2.0 dropped has summoning. And it is a ridiculously unbalanced mechanic if you have some armies with and some without
  21. There is absolutely no information on ko, and I would not get your hopes up too much
  22. KO also is apparently not on the docket this year either if you go by their image of what they're doing this year. It is... more stormcast with fyreslayers in the background. Undead stuff, a vampire and it looks like skeles. Chaos. And ogres with gloomspite in the background. If that's their hint of what's coming up, well, KO aren't in it
  23. Gloomspite Gitz might be the coolest release and army AoS has ever done and I am almost green with envy at how awesome the army is on almost every level.
  24. Miner steam drills look really good as skyhooks too.
  25. I don't think anyone expected tzeentch to dominate, and everyone I know predicted a strong khorne showing. Khorne remains just flatly good as it always was, and one of the armies that just summons the best. Some khorne players bemoaned the end of all things, but the secret is that endless spells have barely made an impact. Only a couple are useful, and the armies that use them only need them for a single turn and are cast with enough bonuses to make dispelling the turn they are cast virtually impossible. Khorne has done nothing but gain in this edition, and some people bemoaned that they didn't gain quite enough.
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