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Lord Krungharr

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Everything posted by Lord Krungharr

  1. That is amazing! Really good to see some new stuff take the podium. I almost want to keep all my Dark Aelves now just to put sparkly glitter all over them Definitely a big mass of chariots to get through, tons of bodies in the back for objectives. Those are super fast monster killers, plus everything else killers with the Fleetmasters there. Massed cheap redundant heroes for Orders, good stuff. And pretty much any Aelvish units charging will Strike First if they want. Were there any Steam Tank players?! Wondering how those will fare in competitive scenes. Or all Cavaliers, which also seems potent. I think redundant Warforgers will do well in a similar fashion, buffing saves when they're not giving MW auras.
  2. Yeah the Tree Revenants do that every turn anywhere on the table, and get a once per game free AoA or AoD. Pretty decent in combat if needed too. Forgot about Palladors. Those guys are cool! The Vanguard Hunters can teleport to within 6" of the board edge, which is less good but still something. Realizing that Steam Tanks w Advance in Formation and More Pressure to the Wheels would be REALLY fast. Run/Shoot/Charge....that's a pretty good alpha strike to pin things down and soften them up whilst the 2nd/3rd waves of infantry and cavalry come up behind, possibly to Counter Charge. I just built my Underguts 4xIronblaster army, but am thinking my Steam Tank army might surpass them in mobile shooty chariot capacity. Allied Stormstrike Chariots come to mind now too. A couple of those are pretty fast and great on the charge, and still tanky with a 3+ save and like 10-11 wounds? Hmmm.
  3. The only good game I ever had vs Ironjawz was with my old Legion of Azgorh, and he took 3 magma cannons and 40 Fireglaive shots bottom of turn 1....goodbye Mawkrushas! Here's some Clan Eshin battleshots.....killing Gobbsprakk was SOOOO gratifying!
  4. I might do the allied Stormdrake Guard. For now I only have a Knight Draconis, or 4 Desolators. Desolators have some MW breath, very solid consistent AP2 melee, of course slower than the Stormdrakes but I like them. The other allied option would be Tree Revenants, 3x5 of them. Or if Living City, Tree Revs 1x5 plus Treelord. Outflank the Treelord for backfield mayhem and terrain smashing.
  5. I finally found an altar for a decent price! Looks like the Judgements are still out of stock 😛 I'm going full Bloodthirster now, with 1 of each type, including Skarbrand, then 3 units of Flesh Hounds, and since it's all Daemons, 2 Bloodmasters. Then looks like I can fit Hexgorger Skulls and the Wrath Axe in there too. Saw a guy running a similar list at a tournament this weekend, and he clobbered Kroak & Co, and won at least 1 other game. I think he might have had all regular Thirsters, and some Bloodletters instead of the Hounds, though I suppose those could have been summoned.
  6. I guess if anyone has a hero-phase charge rule, then if they can retreat far enough and make it to within 5" of say, a shooty enemy, they just pile-in because when anyone charges previously in the turn they get to pile-in, and even if they can't strike in the combat phase for being a bit too far away after the pile-in, the enemy wouldn't be able to Unleash Hell, or shoot at anyone else in their next turn. Beardy cheez I say.
  7. I went 2-1 with pure Clan Eshin on Saturday. First was Frost-geyser mission vs Kruleboyz Grinning Blades. Had to end on bottom of turn 4, he had 18 to my 16 points, but he failed his Grand Strat, but I still had plenty of heroes left, and WIN! By 1 point Then vs Avengorii Dynasty w VLoZD and 2 Terrorgheists, the cool bat-centaur Lord, and 4x10 Skeletons. He failed his GS by failing all but 1 of his resummoning/resurrecting rolls....and I just picked off his units a couple at a time. I baited his general VLoZD turn 1 with my Deceiver general, who lived, and then Skitterlept out of combat leaving that guy waaaaay back in his far corner. My plan-scheme worked! Yes-yes, I certainly mean to do that ! Then I got curbstomped by Ironjawz game 3 w 2 megabosses, 3 chanters, 3x10 new Ardboyz, and 7x3 new Brute Ragerz? Not the weirdboy ones. Did anyone know that apparently like the entire army can move, or charge in the hero phase?! I did not! And did you also know you can charge in the hero phase, retreat, and then pile into combat later in the same turn? I did NOT! And did you finally hear about a Megaboss gaining attacks and wounds every combat phase if they kill any models, cumulative over the whole game, and then having a once per game artefact to boost the damage from 2 to 5?!?!?! NOW YOU KNOW. Guy was actually a really fun and nice player, but WOW, that is some bologna OP rules that need to be reigned in big time. The only thing I can think of that might have helped besides me seeing his list and rules first, would have been to castle completely to one side (as he was all strung out along the table) and trying to just erase little units as I went, hoping to kill enough while going for a draw, then edging out later in the game somehow achieving tactics. Alas it was not to be. Oh well, still a winning day for the ninja rats!
  8. With them shoving the Duardin to the outskirts they'll be hurting for engineers who can make steam-tech. There used to be a Freeguild/Empire Engineer on mechanical steed, and he had a little crank on his rear to wind him up. He's my Cavalier-Marshal now. SOON I'll have horse-cycles too to counter-charge at his command! Tempted to get Gyrocopters or Bombers to kinda go with that theme but....Gyros 🙄 I'll try out the Corsairs and Fleetmaster, and see what else I can fit in there at 2000. Tis true, I will lack many bodies for objective contesting.
  9. If using a more combined arms force, what would the best chunk of Dark Aelves be to include with a Steam Tank Company (Comm. w 3 tanks, Warforger) and Cavalier entourage (Marshal/5 horsies)? At first I'm thinking 20 Black Guard and a Sorceress, but now I'm wondering about a bunch of skirmishing Corsairs and a Dreadlord and Fleetmaster? Trying to get my first real Cities game in next week.
  10. I'm getting back in the blood bath again; Slaves to Darkness is just not my jam. Gonna start with Bloodthirsters, because I have 2 little old metal ones, and a ton of the Bloodthirster bits, so they're gonna get ginormous axes! Making a Wrath and Fury thirster...then if I find another little one I'll make the Rage Thirster. And when I get an old He-Man torso/waist part or similar cheap bits, I have legs and arms and heads plus armor to make a Skarbrand. Then I'm thinking Flesh Hounds for battleline, since I'm partial to Daemons. To round it out, I saw a list on Goonhammer that had a Slaughter Priest, Realmgore Ritualist, Skar Bloodwrath, and also 3 Skullcrushers. Does that sound good? To limit how many more models to buy, I could rebase and add bits to make my Chaos Dwarves priests into Slaughter Priests, short ones...but piles of skulls could compensate. I do have 2 Karkadrak Lord conversions that could be good Skullcrushers since they're more mortal looking, and the Lammasu is actually the right size (and the wings I could use to augment a little Bloodthirster). Not sure about Skar Bloodwrath though, anyone think he'd be more worth it than a Cockatrice? (I have a Cockatrice). It's a Blood Tithe point, just not a recurring one. I also have 10 Chaos Dwarf Bloodbowl Chosen which I could use as Skullreapers. However I'm not sure if they would fit into a Bloodthirster-centric list. Anyone think they could work in there, or do Skullreapers need more mortal support? Would be fun to have a mortal Khorne Chaos Dwarves segment, then the Thirsters w Hounds. And do I need/want the invocations and Altar?
  11. As a non-KO player, this army of reknown is utterly insanely overpowered, and will make playing against KO even less fun than it already is. This entire phenomenon of Regiments and Armies of Reknown is reminiscent of late 7th ed 40k when Formations went bananas. I don't think subfactions will be trashed in the next phase of Battletomes. They got rid of the Warscroll Battalions, wisely IMHO, and can't fathom that they're getting feedback saying 'bring those back!'. I just find it strange they'd give such powerful new rules to things without new models. I'm frankly more worried that if this is a harbinger of a new edition, that means new battletomes all around! Which is not cheap.
  12. Very similar to Ogors with the Mournfangs and Stonehorns. Mournfangs are definitely very good, tough, speedy, killy. BUT for a unit of 4 plus a little extra you get a Stonehorn Beastrider...extra killy, durable, fast, plus monstrous rampage. At least in Ogors, different subfactions make each unit work better/differently.
  13. Got my tome in the mail today. Wow, that guy on the inside cover looks weary and in despair. Go humans!
  14. Oh I see...no news is bad news in this case. I think the big bells/furnaces should be able to move themselves, slowly, and THEN move an extra 3" for every 10 friendly Skaven models within 3" of it, up to an extra 9". And the bell should have the battleshock immunity, or the Bravery 10 thing like the Warpseer has. Frankly the Furnace should only do that for Pestilens rats, and the bell for ALL rats.
  15. Why though? No need for pushing the bell or furnace is awesome! And cheaper units, also good.
  16. Another difference though is Zoggrok's MW thingie is on a straight up 4+ with the tongs, and is not a spell so can't be unbound. Magic can fail hard. Plus you can only cast the spell once no matter how many Warforgers there are, but they do have the save buff bubble on multiple fronts, so yes, I need another 1 or 2 of them.
  17. What about this for some Yhetee action but with Boulderhead: Huskard on TT (general, touched by Everwinter, Rimefrost Hide, vulture) FLoSH (Rockmane Elder, Seat of Alvagr) 1x6 Yhetees, 2x3 Yhettees (battleline) 1x8 Ironguts Thundertusk Riders (vulture) Battle Regiment (so 2 drops) That gets some strike last potential near Ironguts with the TTR, and the FLoSH is so tanky and can get beyond screen units with him Monstrous Action. Not sure why but I'm really tempted by this! Maybe I'll try it out with some proxies first. I've been known to go wild on building without testing and regretting it hard later.
  18. People who were complaining about the Cities Warforger are REALLY gonna love Zoggrok :D
  19. There are some solid new units in the new Ironjawz supplement! A full army of Maw-gruntas and a couple support weirdos seems highly viable and FUN. Plain old Brutes still rock though for foot guys. The new Ardboyz though are awesome models, and the Rally on them could prove very very worthwhile. Still.... BIG PIGGS! I'd go with them were I to build Ironjawz now, maybe with a Maw-Krusha too. I wanna see them fight a Stonehorn army. And Brutes fight Ironguts.
  20. I just got the new tome...forgot about the battalion, it allows that many artefacts? Good stuff. I think the King will come in very handy actually. He's a Priest so that could help get rid of some invocations or shut down prayers, and you have some anti-wizarding with the Null stuff. The Gatebreaker sure is clobbery, but the Beastsmasher seems nearly as good especially vs monsters, of which there are plenty to be fought out there. Worth taking I think. 4 Gatebreakers is certainly excellent but the variety will be more fun for you and the opponent, and in some matchups, perhaps even better. I kinda like the Kraken Eater. Snatching up champions or banners in the net seems potent. Objective kicking possibly handy, and he's still decent in a fight (I like the Krakenskin Sandals for that guy).
  21. I'm on the fence about taking Lord Skreech vs a 2nd Deceiver. My Grand Strat will be Masters of Execution, so a 2nd Deceiver will help to achieve that. But of course Deceivers are pretty disappointing in terms of killyness. Lord Skreech has some good utility for casting too, and more damage potential. Right now I'm thinking: Masters of Execution Deceiver (general: Shadowmaster to save his hide though I know I'll miss the Devious Adversary attacks, Flaming Weapon, Shadow Magnet Trinket) Deceiver or Lord Skreech ?! (if Deceiver, me thinks the Farskitter Cloak) 2 Deathmasters Slynk & Co. 3x10 Gutter Runners 1 Warp Grinder (to give me another option for some Gutter Runners or a Deathmaster, or just tagging objectives, absorbing Unleash Hell) Vermintide
  22. Eager to see how they might buff Magmadroths, and/or debuff or outright pound enemy monsters! Definitely the coolest looking Duardin EVER I think.
  23. FINALLY got a win with my StD army, and simultaneously my first win vs Seraphon! Very gratifying. He had kotals claw which cut my damage in half basically, and had a Slann, Skink star guy, lizard hero and aggridon hero, plus 2*3 aggros, 20 + 10 saurus warriors. Mission geomantic pulse. -I gave him first turn and he moved up to the center line. I did the same but couldn't quite reach his Aggros w my knights but crammed 4 chariots into his 10 warriors and got em down to 4, chosen ran n charged into the 20 lizards and that combat lasted many rounds. Chosen really sucked this game. As they usually do. -The knights held their own vs the aggro general and unit but then my Blizzard wizzard got the unit down to 1 wound which my karkaLord finished off. But he failed to kill the general so failed Lust for Power after his knight incantor auto unbound my Chaotic Conduit previously. karkaLords really kinda sucked this game too actually but mainly cuz of the Seraphon coalesced damage debuff. But at least I was able to achieve 3 tactics. Had I realized I could have gotten the List for Power from Blizzarding a hero I coulda gotten my grand strategy. Tried to do Champions if Chaos turn 5 but my karkaLord killed him in the charge so I could not have even charged w my last wiz in 11" which probably would have failed anyways. End 24-12. I got a chariot to his pyramid to deny him the grand strat also, and unbound his magical dominance, and he only got 2 total tactics, plus couldn't keep on the objectives except the big block of saurus guys. Maybe I'll try the Chosen as allied SkullReapers instead, and see if I can fit in a whip guy. Sold my Bull Centaurs, so will need another battleline unit if I stick with StD.
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