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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. I could see it being Dispossessed and Fyreslayers being combined with possibly a kit or two alongside Grungni. Add in a Cities Style 1 in 4 rule for Kharadron and the Sky Dorfs can continue to be a standalone book that can be further developed which makes sense for the more popular of the new Dwarf factions.
  2. I was really happy with it as a base. It's just a white undercoat and Daler Rowney Sepia ink.
  3. Been busy building up the next wave of the Pile to get paint but should really get going on May before it's too late. As much of this as I can get done:
  4. Ah I see. I misremembered there being a "no keyword" option but that's just Be'Lakor. So that is something to be aware of that you'll be down one summoning node if you opt for him.
  5. All he needs is Chaos and Daemon keywords. Not sure what you mean about summoning. This Allegiance just has the set ways of doing that AFAIK.
  6. @Infernalslayer I quite like it. Reasonable cost. Extremely flexible targeting as you just have to see something. One of our few ways to keep support heroes honest. Most times it's the equivalent of an empowered Arcane Bolt and sometimes you have those games where you spike it and they start to add up.
  7. @Infernalslayer Do you have any Slaves? A Blessed Sons Sorcerer Lord on Manticore would help a lot of those issues. Fast and solid melee capability. Plague Squall let's you threaten anything in sight. The Trait speeds up your 10 strong BK to 11" of movement and can still charge near a tree. Some Knights would add more speed and love the Oracular Visions buff.
  8. That's wonderful @LuminethMage one of your nicest pieces. The water and rune in particular came out really well.
  9. The Warlord has returned! Photobomb by Gobbla in Dicebag form
  10. Nice to have little Gobbla done to go with big brother
  11. If it's the same as 40k it would be specific modifiers (to hit, to wound etc)
  12. I definitely like that direction. With the sheer game warping power of them (Artifact, CP, Turn order manipulation) they have created far too much of a "Haves and Have nots" situation. When some books don't have any worth considering and others have several consisting of the armies strongest units with powerful rules added for good measure it's not good for the game.
  13. With the sheer number of factions with more on the way, the game shifting to as many Orruk Warclans style books as narratively possible would be wise.
  14. Maybe I need to rewatch the WW video but my takeaway was army imbalance is fine if you're amongst the most elite players in the world and it's awful where most players exist skill wise. That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement of a ruleset if your argument is just get as proficient as the best players in the world.
  15. You could try that or drop the non artifact shaman and 6 herd and grab a command point to run the Boingrots 15/10
  16. @Chumphammer my first thought is having a 15 strong Boingrot unit might be worth trying. The Mortals check only cares about number of minis in the unit no proximity requirement, leverages the Snufflers buff better and you'll get 8 back from the Shrine after they get wiped the first time.
  17. With the sheer number of factions I wonder if 3.0 will be a period of some consolidation. Both their games are reaching a near breaking point in simply getting everyone updated during an edition.
  18. Could definitely see that after Slaves and Vampires. Possibly some long term thinking for eventual Old World overlap there.
  19. It saved me from myself when I started in 5th. I bought this to start: Tyrion, Teclis, Alarielle w/Maiden Guard, Imrik and a Tiranoc Chariot. Thank goodness a friend put me in touch with someone selling the 4th HE half.
  20. Probably just wishful thinking but given how extremely close the Blood Knights are to their minis and the helmets and shield designs being a departure from the Marauder sculpts gives me hope.
  21. Given GW's recent trend of having the art closely mimic the miniatures and the frequent use of Bloodreavers when they depict light Chaos infantry is this a sign of new Marauders?
  22. The Allegiance is called Legion of the First Prince now. It specifically says it replaces both the Allegiance and Subfaction from Wrath of the Everchosen. Unless the Battalions have been altered in the new book they won't be usable as the Keyword it uses isn't valid anymore.
  23. The problem for me is the constant churn of books written in only a make army and fight approach. It's been decades of "find likeminded people to make it work" which would be fine if this was some small outfit that quickly threw together some free framework to use their models. But it's not. It's a giant company who expects a constant churn of hardcover book sales. I would love to have the more immersive, narrative experience they apparently view the game as but all I've been handed is a competitive ruleset with poorly thought out distributions of power both internally and externally.
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