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Everything posted by Painbringer

  1. Today I finally finished the Ylthari from the Ylthari's Guardians warband. Now the warband is complete and I'm looking forward to my first WHU game.
  2. It depends a lot on the terrain setup. I've seen a lot of battles where there were no LOS-blocking terrain pieces. WH40K has very strong shooting, with high damage output and high AP values (I actually think this is a huge flaw of the game). If you do not have anything to block LOS with during the first turns of the game, you may easily loose a huge part of your army. However, things change dramatically if you are forced to go to a certain position in order to shoot and then your units get tied up in melee - a good terrain setup can create such scenario. Regarding the initiative roll - I simply accept it as the part of the game and something that makes AoS unique. If you throw in some endless spells, then this can lead to some very interesting (and difficult choices). Keep in mind that even if some player gets "double turn" it may not mean anything, especially if there are no (or very little) units with ranged weapons and/or wizards. This will basically turn to another round of hand to hand combat, where your oponnent will get to pick who fights first once again (of course, some rules or abilities may change that).
  3. I collect Sylvaneth, Stormcast and Wanderers and I played Living City from the Firestorm book. I did not expect "Cities of Sigmar" Battletome, but I am definitely looking forward to it!
  4. Hey, thanks for the kind words! Glad that you like my army! I've taken a look at your Sylvaneth and they look great with this autumn colour scheme - are you aiming for the Alliance of Earth and Sea (Deepkin/Sylvaneth battalion) ?
  5. I've bought Khorne Judgements set two days ago, so I immediately decided to paint the Hexgorger Skulls:
  6. I usually play my new models as soon as they are asembled - I don't mind playing with unpainted minis. However, I try to paint as much as possible. I try to paint on a regular basis and it really adds up over time - my Sylvaneth are 100% painted now and I finished a lot of stuff for my other armies, but it took almost two years (and it's the first time that I have a fully painted army after 10 years of playing miniature games). I like painting heroes and big models and painting large number of infantry models is not something I enjoy too much (unless it's Sylvaneth stuff) - so for my Khorne and Wanderers i decided to take a different approach: I contacted a guy who does commision painting to paint most of my units, while I focused on heroes and big stuf like Skarbrand. It really helped me a lot, because now I could use my limited hobby time to play or paint the models I enjoy, while in the same time most of my other units were getting finished as well. It's really funny as well, because now, in my mid-thirties, with a child on the way, job and what not, I managed to finish painting a lot more stuff then 10 years ago, when I had much more time available I guess I just sorted out my priorities and learned to use my available time more effectively.
  7. For June: - 10 Spite - Revenants - 5 Bloodletters
  8. Here are 3 more Kurnoth Hunters from the "Looncurse" set:
  9. This month I've manged to finish: - Arch-Revenant - 3 members of Ylthari's Guardians - 3 Kurnoth Hunters with scythes - 5 Adeptus Custodes (I know they are not AoS models, but still )
  10. I have almost finished painting Ylthari's Guardians - I still need to paint the sorceress (unfortunately I find her the least interesting model in the unit). These guys look great and I'll be using them for my Skirmish games.
  11. I got the Sylvaneth half of the "Looncurse" set last weekend. I have already painted Kurnoth Hunters and Arch-Revenant. Here is the Arch-Revenant:
  12. My primary army is Sylvaneth (I have around 3500 points and I will probably expand my army a bit more in the future). Besides Sylvaneth, I also have a pretty large Blades of Khorne army (around 2800 points) as well as Wanderers and Stormcast Eternals (around 1000 points for each).
  13. I want these Endless Spells (bugs?) now!!!
  14. It's time for the new update! I've painted 15 more Dryads, but I also bought a unit of Spite-Revenants. I like these models a lot - so I will probably build them (instead of Tree-Revenants) from the kits included in the Looncurse set.
  15. I agree with this 100%. Terrain manipulation, placing forests and teleportation was what really made Sylvaneth unique (and beautiful models, of course) - even friends that I play with thought that this was really cool. I am definitely interested to see how the army will change - I mean, we still don't know the exact scope of changes. Maybe GW is just "upgrading" the Wyldwood model, but if they are changing the whole mechanic, then this is will be a significant change that may take the whole faction in a completely new direction/playstyle.
  16. Guys, WH page on Instagram posted this a few hours ago: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv9XqoGFYYe/?utm_source=ig_web_options_share_sheet Take a look at the logos on the board that is shown in the clip - there are Mordheim and Battlefleet Gothic. So the question is - does this mean something?
  17. Lat night I have finishe painting Alarielle. I cna't remember when was the last time that I had so much fun working on a singl model (and it also took a lot of time). So here she is:
  18. Recenlty, I've bought some Khorne minis and had a few extra Blood Warriors. So, I decided to convert them a bit. These models are going to be used for my Skirmish games (as well as some AoS 28 games). The extra parts come from Skullcrusher and Skullreaper kits and the head for the leader is actually a Dryad head The last miniature is made from Stormcast Eternal Liberator, with additional parts from Putrid Blightkings and Skullcrusher kits.
  19. I am currently reading the "Spear of Shadows" (and I like it so far), but I have one question - is this audio drama the continuation of the story, or some "additional" story? How is it related to the second book in the trilogy?
  20. The work on Alarielle is going really slow. There's still a lot to do, but here's some pics of how it currently looks like:
  21. Besides Sylvaneth, I also play Blades of Khorne. However, a lot of my Khorne stuff (Bloodreavrs, Blood Warriors and Skullcrushers) has been painted for me, since I really don't have time to paint everything. What I wanted to paint myself were heroes, monsters and bloodletters (since they have an easy paint scheme and I enjoy painting them :D). This morning, I have finished Skarbrand, so you can take a look at this bad boy:
  22. Recently I bought Alariele the Everqueen - and now my Sylvaneth army is completed (I really cannot see myself buying anythng else at this moment). Right now, I'm painting some Khorne stuff (that's my second army), but I expect to finish that soon, so I can start painting Alarielle during December.
  23. I agree! I always imagined some folk metal as a background music for my Sylvaneth (and some brutal death metal would be fitting for my Blades of Khorne)!
  24. Recently, I've decided to add some Wanderer allies to my Sylvaneth force. However, soon after that, I decided to build a small Wanderer army Since I don't have much time to paint recently, I'm mostly focusing on heroes. When it comes to units, I found a small studio that does commisions - and I am very happy with both quality and price. Below, you can see Nomad Prince that was painted by me (keep in mind that I managed to break smaller set of antlers when I was assembling the mini, so I improvised):
  25. I have finished my Branchwraith today (it is actually a converted Branchwych - I used Dryad arms):
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