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Everything posted by urion

  1. Thank you. I have a thing for giving horrific figures yellow robes. I've done it for all the robed figures in my Nurgle army as well.
  2. Lol. Not really. Just bent enough not to fit together well. Luckily the game store had a table that had a border around it that the board sits in perfectly.
  3. Here is my Tzeentch warband. Lead by Aeos'aelios, the Summoner and Azoth the black, lord of chaos. I've had a lot of success with this warband. It has a good combination of spells, shooting and melee. It has change through several games, but the core is pretty much the same. The chaos warrior has died and has been replaced with a Tzaangor along with a few other additions.
  4. Now I really want to do a piece of terrain like this. I think I would give it special rules to make people want to send their units up their. Some sort of buff, but you can also be pushed off the edge for example. I'll have to think on it. Great job on the piece.
  5. Here is the Black Coach I painted for my Death army. I was surprised to see that the Black Coach is no longer a vampire, although that is fine with me since the "Black Coach" historically is not associated with vampires. I, like many others, am not a fan of Finecast so I looked for the metal coach on Ebay and found one for half the price of the Finecast one. I'm happy with the overall appearance of it. I didn't want to use colors that were normally seen on the Black Coach, besides black obviously, so I went with yellow robes for the wraith and dirty white for the lace curtains.
  6. Thank you. That is a board that my brother worked on, he painted it, flocked it and used resin for the water. It got a little warped when he left it in the car on a hot day so he traded it to the local game store for another one and is currently working on that one. I have some more picture I'll be posting that involve more terrain he has painted.
  7. urion

    Baltazar Khepri

    Presenting Batlazar Khepri, Master of the Order of the Coptic Stag.
  8. urion

    Tzeentchian Warband

    Here is my Tzeentchian warband for AoS: Hinterlands. The leader is Aeos'aelios, the Summoner, followed by Azoth the Black, lord of chaos, Zer Zeki, chaos warrior, Greygav, Tzaangor, and Ippix, the Horror.
  9. Hello everyone. I'm new to the TGA and this will be my first post on these forums. I'm not quite new to AoS28 though and I've posted several times on the facebook page. I'm not sure how many people there are on here that aren't on there so I thought I'd post some pictures here that I've already posted there just in case some of you haven't seen them. The first picture is of Aeos'aelios, the Summoner. He is the leader of my Hinterlands Tzeenchian warband. The concept behind him is that he is a shapeshifter who uses specially prepared masks to take on the forms of other beings. Anything from a powerful bloodletter to a lowly goblin.
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