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Everything posted by adreal

  1. How are people dealing with the low amount of cp we get in this city?
  2. So I was wondering if I could get some feedback on this list idea Basic plans are to deploy the wwr and the eternal guard in a block with the general, the battlemage, the sisters of the thorn behind them with the Phoenix covering them all with his aura. Have the wild riders off to the flank Hidden pathways 30 sisters and a nomad prince to shoot and scoot into the battlefield and the shadow warriors pop up in support or on a objective
  3. Hidden pathways two units (say 30 sisters and a nomad prince) Shoot and scoot (1cp) Shoot and scoot (1cp) Shoot and scoot (1cp) Shouldn't need to move again, plop shadow warriors in the midfield (strike from shadows) and you should have rolled over a flank with eternal guard holding the center
  4. I got my waystrider second hand without the sword, so I gave him a wild wood rangers draich, so he is going to be the champion of my wildwood rangers (handy as I've lost 1 wwr), in saying that, he would be awesome as a nomad prince in the battalion. I'm also using my spellweaver (floaty chick with stick) as a ghyran battlemage, mainly as i plan to get a sorceress to use as a sorceress. Some shadow warriors for midfield shenanigans (why are they not wanderers, I mean really, the rules scream wanderers), and I'll have a pretty cool aelf army from the living city, really looking forward to hidden paths 30 sisters of the watch
  5. I was assuming it would be more a generals handbook type of thing, but more cities is always good
  6. Okay so coming up with a wanderers themed living city list Nomad Prince: 120 -general: Druid of the Everspring: Lifesurge Nomad Prince: 120 Sorceress: 90 -Cage of Thorns Assassin: 80 -Spear of the Hunt Annointed on Frostheart Pheonix: 320 10 Sisters of the Watch: 160 10 Sisters of the Watch: 160 10 Sisters of the Watch: 160 20 Eternal Guard: 260 5 Wild Riders: 130 5 Sisters of the Thorn: 130 10 Shadow Warriors: 110 10 Shadow Warriors: 110 Emerald Lifeswarm: 50
  7. So hunters of the hidden paths, how does this interact with the shadow warriors deployment ability
  8. You do understand that they are not the old naggaroth high elves, and a bunch of aelves that fit in with the sneaky assassin type
  9. Loving all the wanderer changes, wild riders will actually do something, sisters of the watch are awesome, just differently
  10. So kinda new to this whole warcry thing, but I have chosen to go with my nighthaunt Campaign list below
  11. Really curious as to how wanderers will work in cities if that rumour is true, wait and see I guess
  12. There wasn't much mention of wanderers in the previous battletome either, yet they do get a fluff section in the big rule book
  13. I'm going to most likely go living city in the new book, strip my wanderer models that made the cut and work out from there. I hope if you have a aelf general then certain aelf units will be made battleline (the darkling coven guys, eternal guard, Phoenix guard, black ark corsairs) so you have abit of flexibility in what you take. I hope that all racial options will be available to every city, again, just for the flexibility after the cull. I hope we don't become a static gunline army, I would like the classic human, aelf and duarden anvil line to work, as well as hit and fade guerilla style warfare as well as some rock hard cav charges.
  14. Idoneth deepkin have namarti reavers, you know, a elf unit with bows
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