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Everything posted by Malakithe

  1. Not sure why people are comparing the foot soldiers to skeletons. They're not the risen bodies of the dead. Think of them more like if you built a robot then put some AI in it. The AI takes over the host it was given. These guys are supposed to be more of a proper military organization for Nagash and not some trash you raise from the ground to do all your work for you. They're not beefy skeletons but constructed war machines with the souls of trained professional soldiers
  2. Spears plus fuzzy possible terrain in the background
  3. So...some kind of giant terrain? A bone castle? Wall set?
  4. I hope they included an improved Morghast warscroll in their book. Also no Death army would be complete without some kind of Monster unit so here is hoping to a bone construct behemoth preview
  5. I hope they included an improved Morghast warscroll in their book. Also no Death army would be complete without some kind of Monster unit so here is hoping to a bone construct behemoth preview
  6. New Squig based list idea. On the fence about the Stampede but the movement rerolls will probably be good for the Bounderz. Can the ManglerBoss be included in the battalion? Mortal Realm: GhurLoonboss on Mangler Squigs (280)- General- Trait: Fight Another Day- Artefact: Gryph-feather CharmLoonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110)Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)- Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of Gork12 x Squig Herd (140)12 x Squig Herd (140)12 x Squig Herd (140)5 x Squig Hoppers (90)15 x Boingrot Bounderz (300)6 x Rockgut Troggoths (280)6 x Rockgut Troggoths (280)Squig Rider Stampede (140)Total: 1990 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Wounds: 182
  7. Yes and no...Hearthguard Berzerkers have their 4+ ignore everything but only if they are near a hero. Vulkites lost theirs but theirs was dependent on unit size. Now with 2w each they are actually more tanky then before. And Auric Hearthguard, the shooty ones for you non Slayers, can absorb wounds from foot heroes. Their overall tankiness has dramatically increased while their damage output has increased as well.
  8. The gears keep turning lol I actually like this one. Good amount of bodies to cover the field. With 165 wounds its super tanky. The MagDad with Ignax'x + Coal-heart will be tanky as well. The Auric Hearthguard can absorb hits for the foot heroes plus deal out some ranged shooting. Vulkites will probably have shields for better objective holding. Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (280) - Artefact: Ignax's Scales  - Magmadroth Trait: Coal-heart Ancient Auric Runemaster (120) - Prayer: Prayer of Ash Battlesmith (140) 10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160) 10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160) 10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160) 30 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (600) 10 x Auric Hearthguard (240) Lords of the Lodge (140) Total: 2000 / 2000 Wounds: 165
  9. This is the first version. I know the MagSons should be ran in pairs but this one is to run escort for the MagDad for the reroll 1s for the save. And he is a good candidate for the Vostarg weapon. - Lodge: VostargAuric Runefather on Magmadroth (280)- General- Trait: Fiery Endurance- Artefact: Ignax's Scales- Magmadroth Trait: Coal-heart AncientAuric Runeson on Magmadroth (240)- Ancestral War-axe- Artefact: Vosaxe- Magmadroth Trait: Ash-horn AncientAuric Runemaster (120)- Prayer: Prayer of AshBattlesmith (140)30 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (600)10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160)10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160)5 x Auric Hearthguard (120)Lords of the Lodge (140)Runic Fyrewall (40)Total: 2000 / 2000Wounds: 149 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another version. Trying to include Mags and extra bodies is hard to do lol Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (280) - General - Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Magmadroth Trait: Coal-heart Ancient Auric Runemaster (120) Battlesmith (140) Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (240) Auric Runeson on Magmadroth (240) 20 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (480) 10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160) 10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160) Lords of the Lodge (140) Runic Fyrewall (40) Total: 2000 / 2000 Wounds: 133
  10. The Shardfist Pelt is exactly the same as the Smoldering Helm it seems.
  11. Never thought about the Shardfist Pelt but ill definitely look at it now
  12. I love how @Malakree measures the value of everything in Rockguts. Its like a new currency
  13. Another list. This would just be fun to see on the table as I like Magmadroths. - Lodge: LofnirAuric Runefather on Magmadroth (280)- General- Trait: Explosize Charge - Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Magmadroth Trait: Coal-heart AncientAuric Runeson on Magmadroth (240)- Artefact: Igneous Battle-throne - Magmadroth Trait: Ash-horn AncientAuric Runeson on Magmadroth (240)- Magmadroth Trait: Lava-tongue AdultAuric Runemaster (120)Battlesmith (140)30 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (600)5 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (120)5 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (120)Lords of the Lodge (140) Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Wounds: 133
  14. I see where your coming from. My initial thought was I wanted more Mags but didnt have the points. The MagSon's purpose is to run escort with the MagDad to provide the rr1's to both Mags saves via the Ash-Horn trait and he is a good candidate for the mandatory weapon item. The unit of Aurics were added in to give the foot heroes 10 more wounds, not so much their damage output. If they deal some damage or slow down a monster thats a bonus. They will mostly be absorbing hits for the Runemaster since he is the only 'caster'. Those were my initial thoughts anyway.
  15. Doing some research and experimenting. Not 100% set on Lodge/traits/items and all that. - Lodge: VostargAuric Runefather on Magmadroth (280)- General- Trait: Fiery Endurance- Artefact: Ignax's Scales- Magmadroth Trait: Coal-heart AncientAuric Runeson on Magmadroth (240)- Ancestral War-axe- Artefact: Vosaxe- Magmadroth Trait: Ash-horn AncientAuric Runemaster (120)- Prayer: Prayer of AshBattlesmith (140)30 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (600)10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160)10 x Vulkite Berzerkers (160)5 x Auric Hearthguard (120)Lords of the Lodge (140)Runic Fyrewall (40)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Wounds: 149
  16. Who would 'cast'/build/deploy them? GW would probably make the Endrinmaster the only hero that could since he already is the repair guys
  17. I have this visual in my head of Rockguts throwing giant rocks in a high arc over a battlefield. The view pans to a KoS as he looks up just in time to see the rock coming down on him and he says "Oh ****" then gets crushed all looney toons style. Hard to imagine how a solid rock kills a ghost but thats fantasy for you lol
  18. So are we calling these guys Ironsplitterz or Bonejawz now?
  19. This is true from a rules and gameplay standpoint. But not so much aesthetic and lore. The two factions are so radically different its just going to look goofy on the table top. Im all for combo books and stuff and i like Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz aesthetics separately but together? Thats like haveing a tabletop of nothing but Squigs and Thundertusks. Rules wise though it should be amazing and nuts
  20. They can put out all the books they want. Now keeping them up to date and balanced on the other hand is a whole other story...unless they can beef up their update cycles and writing schedules and such they will be in a never ending cycle of writing a new battletome once another is complete just due to the sheer amount of time it takes to write, format, balance, rewrite, rebalance, blah blah...Ogors wont be released till the end of the year. Then there is still aelves and whats left of the old books that need to be 2.0. So thats roughly next july give or take...by then i wouldnt be surprised if they came out with another stormcast book then the cycle would restart itself. And thats just books. Its even worse as far as models go. Honestly GW needs more headcount to keep up with the monster they created
  21. Oh good...that only leaves 5 months of anxiety to deal with
  22. Smells like a little Shake N Bake is coming
  23. Ive been thinking that for a long time now. Almost none of the stand alone specialist games last beyond the first 6ish months or so then GW ports them into AoS just to keep the models around
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