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Chris Tomlin

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Everything posted by Chris Tomlin

  1. Morning all, Hope everyone is well. Our sub forum feels a bit quieter at the moment, I guess it's not just me who is super busy at this time of year, eh?! Few replies to catch up on first... Cheers mate. Yeah I really do think the models will work a treat. I saw one guy (think a GW employee) do some on Twitter and they looked decent. Haven't seen as many as I would've expected though. Definitely a project for me in 2017. Has anyone had any joy sourcing good Ardboy shields? Thanks for your posts and thoughts (the other one was too long to quote! ), appreciate the comments throughout. That's good to hear man. Always nice to know it's of some use tbh. I do enjoy the more thorough reports but you may be right. I think it wasn't helped by doing so many tournaments in such a short space of time. Backlogs like that are pretty demoralising. Cheers bro. Yeh battleshock is a funny thing, I got super excited about running 2x 10 Brutes but I just dunno now. Needs more testing next year. Hhhmm...just had a thought, what's the max unit size for Brutes? Is it just 10? Don't have GH to hand. If not, what about a single mega unit? Could be fun. Hey man, that's a seriously great post to read. Being able to inspire another persons hobby surely has to be the coolest thing - especially when you're producing cool stuff like that. Looks great. The yellow has come out well and the skin tone is nice. Obviously I am a fan of the basing as well!! My only suggestion would be to maybe add some warpaint, markings or something to break up some of the yellow? Dunno. Looks good as it is. Can't wait to see the finished army. Will look great on the table, as will you behind it now that you have a sweet TBS t-shirt on order! Keep up the good work! Ok, onto regular business now... Well it's kind of been a while since I posted here. As mentioned above the forum as a whole seems a bit quiet. Regarding this thread in particular I guess the blame has to fall on me for not keeping the regular updates coming, but it is hard work as I have to fit it around my working day. On top of this I haven't played with my Ironjawz or even done any hobby related to them over the past month or so and I think realistically, that's probably it for the year (in part thanks to Final Fantasy XV). That said, I will be finishing this thread off with reports of all games from 2016 and do a kinda wrap up on it. Then when the Tournament season kicks off in 2017 I can pick it back up and we can try and generate some momentum, interest and excitement for the thread again. Taking Da Black Sunz to America and possibly (though unlikely) the Masters in January alone will be a fun time. Also all my plans around additional units and generic Destruction stuff are all still in place, so there will be plenty of cool things and reasons to keep this thread going. I want to be the premier Ironjawz player and to have another great year on the tournament scene with them (great as in a great time, if not results!). I guess a bit of downtime was always going to happen, if not from tournament burnout but just because the Christmas period is such a busy time for me socially (also, again, Final Fantasy XV!). So for now I just wanted to check in really and say hi! Later today or tomorrow I will wrap on my final game of the Warchiefs GT in a similar fashion to the above reports. After that, my coverage of Clash and the other few games will just be a couple of lines (sorry @Forestreveries) with any particular highlights etc. So yeah, keep an eye on things...The Megaboss will return!
  2. @bennyp - You should find the refund has gone through now. Please confirm. Enjoy your hols and hopefully see you later in the year for my 2nd event of 2017.
  3. @Paddy O'Sullivan - Thanks for that mate, great advice there. Sounds like The Rembrandt (Best Western) might be a good shout if you get to Jacuzzi with @Liam Cook and the other Warchiefs!!
  4. Grudges are allowed, so let's see if @Andy Talbot fancies this? Ah bad times man! You'll have to keep your eyes out for my next event later in the year. Would love to have you down! Nothing round the corner or anything as the venue is situated probably a 5-10 min car journey from town. You're better off getting a hotel in town I'd say. There is the Rembrandt (think it's a Best Western nowadays) or the Premier Inn (Weymouth Seafront). There is another Premier Inn which is nearer to the venue, but a little further away from town, it's in the middle of both so potentially an option if you don't mind taxis etc. Other than that there are about 342356978 guest houses, B&B's and independent hotels etc right on the Esplanade in town. So plenty of options to suit a variety of budgets/needs. If you just google search it you'll get plenty of options. Personally I always try to book a Premier Inn or Travelodge when I go to events as you know what you're getting, you're not gonna have any bother etc, whereas you never know with the others! I'd say @Paddy O'Sullivan has probably booked as many B&B's for Weymouth events as anyone, so he may be able to shed some light. You and me both mate...it's crazy! As I say above, I genuinely believe it's worth waiting on the reserve list as spaces will open up (Unfortunately one guy needs refunding already - just need to confirm so I send it back to the right person!) and I will be arranging a time to get into the venue and see about maximising space (without compromising comfort or the feel of the event). Sourcing extra boards/tables is also something I'm already looking at. I have also received a message querying how someone could be on the reserve list given the time they sent their payment. I appreciate it will be disappointing for some people to not be on the list but as I've said, with the inevitable drop outs etc I am confident of accommodating pretty much the entire reserve list as it stands. That's not really the point being questioned though I guess and to that I will say I'm not overly keen on DM's that perhaps question my integrity in ticket allocation - have a look at the reserve list; there is a number of people I would consider good friends on the scene languishing there!! On top of this there is my offer regarding first dibs on the tickets for the next event for people who don't make this, so I think I have been more than fair. This is all I will say on the matter for now, but will be sure to include a caveat next time so there is no confusion around time stamps or entitlement to tickets etc (not something that's happened before). Thanks again for the crazy support! Chris x
  5. Morning guys, wow, just wow. 55 of 38 available tickets sold straight off the bat. That's crazy for a little event down in Weymouth. Thanks so much for all the interest, it's really mind blowing. Ok so with that said, obviously 55 is a bigger number than 38. Which means right now 17 of you are feeling pretty disapointed. Please please do not feel dispondant. I am very confident I will be able to expand capacity to 48-50ish entrants and will be looking to confirm this ASAP, though it might not be until earlier January. I would highly suggest sitting on the reserve list until that time as I suspect the large majority of you on there so far will end up playing, especially as we can expect a few drop outs. It's really not nice to see so many names not on the main list and honestly, I want you all playing! If you are really not not happy on the reserves then I can of course refund you right away, but you do lose your spot in the queue as such. But yeh, stick with it. Im also gonna say now, that anyone who waits on the reserve list and doesn't get into the event (you'll obviously be refunded) will have first refusal for tickets at my second two dayer later in 2017. Tickets are still on sale if anyone else wants to go on the reserve list. Once again, thanks so much to everyone who's paid up. I can't wait, gonna be an awesome birthday weekend!! Chris ???
  6. Guys and girls, Don't forget that tickets go on sale tonight as per the above instructions. Ever since posting those details I've regretted stating £36 over a more sensible £38, but it doesn't feel right to change that now - So with ever increasing ticket costs elsewhere, I can ensure you that you will definitely get more than your monies worth at this event!! Unfortunately I will be unavailable this evening, so if you have any questions, please get them in ahead of time. I will be reviewing all payments tomorrow morning and will put up the lucky initial 38 entrants, with everyone else going on the paid reserves (full info in the original post) then. Please please note that any payments I get before 8pm will be refunded tomorrow morning and you will not appear on the entrants or reserves list - don't try to be clever. Also, whilst I may be overestimating interest, I am pretty confident that this will sell out tonight. Please don't be disheartened if you don't make the list tomorrow morning, as previously mentioned I would like to expand numbers if possible and for this event to run at nearer to 48-50 players, so the reserve list is worthwhile. I will get into the venue and confirm final numbers in the New Year. Thanks in advance, Chris
  7. Looking forward to this, it's gonna be a great weekend! Christmas in Cardiff is always fun and the entrants list is looking super sexy (even sexier when adorned in Xmas wear!) What would be really great is if those spare places can get filled up - Go tell all your friends!!
  8. Hey guys, I am pleased to announced that this event now has a name; Tomorrow Burns It also has ticket release info! Exciting. Please see the original post which has been updated with all the new information. It's a bit wordy and not formatted very well so I will tidy it up at some point, but for now it contains all the details you need...I think! If not, please don't hesitate to ask. So get your Paypal apps open and ready to send me £36 (as a gift) this Friday!! Looking forward to seeing all your names pop up on my phone as the payments come in. Cheers, Chris x
  9. This means more people will be in fancy dress haha!! Let's get the venue kept open a bit later on the Saturday night for some Halloween fun and games afterwards!
  10. @Jimbo - I think we'll have a pretty full calendar next year anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much. People can just pick and choose the events they want...I can't imagine you'll be short of players!! Two questions instantly spring to mind; Are you going to keep it at 40 players? Are you going to offer this years entrants first dibs on tickets? I appreciate you may not know the answers to this year. IMO (not that it's worth anything here) the answer to both should be "Yes!" haha I believe AGOM used to offer tickets for the next event to the current crop of players, so there is precedent for this (not that you need it ofc!).
  11. Morning chaps, That is the weekend Clash was run this year, but with @Mo Ashraf saying this year was the last, I think you should be good to not clash on that weekend (see what I did there...). I will be back for your event next year regardless though x
  12. Morning, Hope you're all feeling like Megabosses and not grumpy Monday Maw-krushas?! I know which camp I fall in!! Few replies, then will crack into todays business... Thanks Nico! Gratz on a good performance this past weekend. Your army looked great as well. Love your Cabbage! Haha!! Hope you enjoyed the ep man ...you're telling me!! I'll let you off, I guess. Used two units of Gore-gruntas in an 800 point game yesterday. They were suitably rubbish. Even put the Warchanter on them and the pigs themselves rolled 2 hits and no wounds (12 dice, 3+, 4+) one phase...utterly ridiculous. That was even with your nice dice! REFUND!! Right then, I'm back! Now I'll admit, I have been in two minds whether to continue this thread. It's been fun to chronicle my games and thoughts thus far, but if I'm honest I'm not overly sure of the worth of it and it does take a lot of time! I'm not saying this in the hope that you guys reply telling me its great etc. I know some of you check in and read the posts, which is great and I really appreciate that Anyway, I've decided that I'm going to persevere for now. It would certainly be nice to finish the year off with having this as a complete record of all my General's Handbook games with the Ironjawz in 2016. Also, please don't mistake this for me falling out of love with the army or anything - if anything it's the opposite. I love looking at my Flesh-eater Courts, which you can check out here, but they are not as fun at all; So, lets get back to it; Game 26 - Warchiefs GT - Round Four vs Nigel Chorlton @Nigehelm (Chaos) If you remember from above, the TO's had taken the GH battleplans and given them a little tweak. This was Escalation, with the tweak being a Slaaneshi one; for every unit out of combat from Turn 2, you had to roll a dice and on a 1 they moved D6" in a direction of your opponents choosing. Pretty cool. Nige's army was a super fun one I thought; Archaon, Mighty Lord of Khorne, 2x 10 Nurgle Warriors, 10 Plaguebearers, 9 Trolls and a Hellcannon. That does not seem a lot when I write it down, but I'm pretty sure that's it? This game was a good example of what @TalesOfSigmar said above. I had to drip feed my units on, unsupported, whilst Nige was able to bring on Archaon to support his 3 small Battleline units T2. He had played a very defensive T1, knowing that my battleline was superior. Whilst this let me get on the objectives earlier doors, it did mean that he didn't throw any of his units away, which was pretty helpful in the latter turns. As well as Archaon, the Trolls came out to play and went for my Ardboys on the left flank. Being the nice sort of guy I am, I reminded Nige they were near some Damned terrain so could take +1 to hit and then regen the wounds suffered. This made them absolutely disgusting (shooting as much as combat) and whilst they went into the Ardboys with 10 Warriors, suffice to say the Warriors did not need to swing a blow as the Trolls had deleted my boyz! On the right, we had Gore-gruntas fail mystical terrain and have a complete spesh off vs Plaguebearers. This was fine as they were blocking off the right objective which I had 5 Brutes sat on. The Hellcannon had rolled on and just took off 3/10 Brutes in the centre. Urgh. Archaon had failed his Mystic Shield but went into the remaining Brutes regardless. After the dust had cleared from all his and Dorghar's attacks, they had slewn one whole Brute...OMG!! My eyes lit up here, as although I was unbuffed I thought I could put down some real hurt due to the lack of Mystic Shield, however I only managed to put 5 wounds on the Grand Marshal of the Apocolypse. Bad times, which got worse. I have said countless times on this forum that your big unit of Brutes needs Inspiring Presence and man does it! Due to the 4 casualties, terrain effects, the Hellcannon (and does Archaon reduce Bravery, can't remember?) my Bravery was reduced to 0 and I went and popped the 6 for Nige...TAKE THEM OFF! Ouch. Perhaps I was too agressive with them, but this really hurt. I was really up against it at that point as Archaon could sit pretty on the central one with the Trolls on the left. The Hellcannon wanted to fire at the Brutes on the right, but he rolled a 1 one turn so I was able to move them D6" in the opposite direction, which just got me out of the cannons huge range. Instead, he fired at the mighty Megaboss Krunk turns 3, 4 and 5...turns 3 and 4 saw him roll literally 4 ones to hit as Krunk laughed it off. However he finally went down to the relentless barrage last turn. Booo!!! Gone a bit out of order here, but before Krunk went down, he and the Cabbage had gone off and dealt with the Trolls, leaving the Ardnob to walk onto that objective turn 5 (he failed the Slaanesh roll turn 4). I cant exactly remember what happened on the far right objective to be honest, I know the Mighty Lord of Khorne got involved, but anyway...that was all irrelevant. We'd worked it out and it would all come down to one thing. If the Cabbage could charge and kill Archaon (who had Mystic Shield up) in the last turn, we'd tie the Major and I'd get him on the Minor (VP's). I had two big big swigs of Battle Brew (in game, and in real life!), managed to just get in range to scream and popped off another 5 wounds. Good start!! I rolled my charge dice, needing an 8 to get in........... Unfortunately it was not to be and a came up short (rolled something rubbish and not even close...anticlimatic), so shook Nigel's hand. Great game. I suspect I made a mistake being too aggressive early doors, I do think waiting for my characters may have helped. Though conversely he would've been able to score even quicker, so I dunno. Interesting and either way, I was still in it right until the end. I was actually shaking a bit when I was getting ready to roll the Cabbage's charge dice. As it was, we rolled out the combat anyway and I left Archaon on one wound, which would probably have been more annoying...especially as he splatted the Cabbage in return (it was alreadu wounded FYI). Result - Major Loss I know it's a bit vague there in places, but covers off the main points I think. It was really great to play Nige, I'd seen him about at plenty of events and he always looks like he's having fun. Was no different this game. It felt really winnable. Next time Nige, next time!! That's your lot for today. I am actually back painting Orruks Orcs this week; cracking into the Bloodbowl version of Da Black Sunz. Such great sculpts! I haven't done any conversions for my Bloodbowl team, but have already collected another Orc team so that I can play around with some Ardboys conversions in the future. Will defo work IMO and if anyone is getting rid of their Orc team, drop me a DM, I'll buy em. Cheers guys, nice to be posting again Chris x
  13. Great work @Andy Talbot (Gary says he doesn't do TGA so he won't see that...right?! ) Can't wait to team up with the smoothest man in Warhammer, @Paddy O'Sullivan, once again! The only question is, will the G in GWA stand for Greenskins or Ghouls this time? Also, big night in Sound Circus for all? Yeh? YEAH! #hype
  14. Please note, #beerface is mandatory. Consider it your birthday present to me.
  15. Hey guys, Urgh, slipped to page two!! Well, as you've noticed there have been no updates this week. I've experienced a bit of hobby burn out and have basically taken the week off everything Warhammer related after another mad rush to finish up stuff for a tournament event last weekend. Pretty sure I'll be back next week to continue the catch up and contribute to the other topics in here. Maybe see you Megabosses on Monday!
  16. I'm pretty sure @Cowboy Boots Matt managed to get a unit of each from one box, using some slick GS skillz and some Chaos Warrior legs I think!
  17. Just a bit of a heads up guys, tickets are due to go on sale a week today - 02/12/16. The time and paypal address will be announced nearer the day, as well as a loose description of the event (full pack to come in the New Year). Keep your eyes peeled!
  18. I think it's a problem across TGA as a whole... @Ben mentioned something about it previously. I dunno if I need to do anything once resolved.
  19. I look forward to hearing all about it man! Good luck Hey Dave, glad you think I gave it justice. Hope to play you again some time. Did you get a chance to listen to the podcast? There was a little joke in there for you! @John Harrison Thanks sounds like it could be fun. You speak with @Forestreveries as well right? We could get him in on it. I'll have a look at that DM in a min. So today is a tournament Friday and for the first time under the General's Handbook (I think?) I will not be running my Ironjawz! Still, I'm super excited about my themed FEC army. Should be a great weekend.
  20. Yeh it really is. You should check it out man. I might do a little review elsewhere of my experiences with the FEC, dunno. I'll definitely talk about it on the podcast anyways. Ok, so there will be no battle report today or tomorrow I'm afraid. I've sorted an early finish tomorrow for #RAW16, which means I have more to do before then. Next week I'll catch up with the final 2 Warchiefs GT games, my periscope game with @Forestreveries and then all the smaller campaign games I've played. That means week commencing 28/12/16 I can cover Clash and get back up to date. Any spare time I get today I'll try and catch up on some of the other topics in here and try to reply to DM's I've been lax on! @scrubyandwells & @MidasKiss are two I know I have in there!! Cheers, Chris
  21. Afternoon boys and girls, Yeh it's not ideal...but remember you do have a massive deployment zone to bring the units on from. The units will still have D6" as part of the Ironfist. Also Brutes will be stronger than a lot of what your opponents are putting down. The heroes will need to probably spend a turn or two running to catch up to the middle objective, but it's not so much of the problem on the left and right ones. It's a tricky battleplan that most armies struggle to adapt to in many ways, so I'm not sure we are that much worse off when you look at the bigger picture. That said, I think I have only played this 3 times tbh. Yeh as James says, the D6 from the Ironfist is usually enough to get where you wanna be (with a run) in this battleplan I find. You don't want to be on the other side of the table as then the characters will never catch up! Cheers mate. Yeh I did have Battle Brew in this game, but tbh defaulted to the single swig. You are correct though, I should've doubled down in this instance. Good spot. Noted for future reference. Here we go again... Game 25 - Warchiefs GT - Round Three vs Dave Knatt @The Nameless One (Flesh-eater Courts) Yey! More Flesh-eaters...which in turn meant more Crypt Horrors, though luckily Dave only had 12 Nah in all seriousness, I was happy to get in all the game time vs FEC as I'll be using them myself at an event this weekend, so good to get an idea of the synergies in practice etc. The rest of Dave's army was made up with a GHOUL PATROL (3x 20) and a number of characters including a pair of Ghoul Kings on foot (who Dave hilariously referred to as young men throughout the game!! "Dave, those are ancient creatures, probably thousands of years old!") and various Courtiers. This battleplan was actually mental. I was instantly glad that after the rigours of FHGT I had decided to take it easy this weekend and just drink beer. If I was FHGT drunk there's no way I would've gotten my head around it, it was hard enough as it. That said, it was amazing, I loved it and would really like to play it again. It was based on Gifts from the Heavens from the GH, however being themed around Tzeentch we were fighting in a crystal maze. What this meant in game terms was that you could leave the board from any table edge and reappear dead opposite. This made for a very cerebral game with a plethora of possibilities to consider and indeed try to counter/take advtange of. So because of all these, we both stayed reasonably tight to our table edges (you had to come on 9" away from enemies) as we didn't want to allow each other to come on behind our armies etc. It also meant that whoever did so first would in turn leave a gap in turn, opening up themselves for attack. Dave brought his entire GHOUL PATROL on his back table edge, knowing they'd have the opportunity to move around as they desired later on. We both basically skipped our first turns, instead waiting to see where the objectives dropped before getting down to business. I think I had a bit of luck here as mine dropped to the right which had two big pieces of impassable terrain in front of it. I chucked a couple of units off my left hand side of the table so they came on the right hand side and proceeded to create a barrier around the edge of the table so he could not bring units on to assault my objective. I think I have a photo of this kunnin' behaviour on my phone. I'll add later if so. Now that I had my defence laid down with the Cabbage (taking up the defensive role so it could stay on the table this game!), Ardboyz, Gore-gruntas and 5 Brutes doing the job, I decided to get a bit aggressive with the rest of the army, but instead of looking to be clever with table edge moves, I just pushed it down the centre. This paid off as Dave's objective unfortunately (for him) dropped centrally. Over the course of the game he tested my perimeter a couple of times, dropping Ghoul units onto my side of the board. He was unable to penetrate at get to my objective, but everytime I whittled the Ghouls down, he'd jump across the table and grow back with the Courtiers and Battalion buff. I killed over 40 Ghouls this game but failed to wipe out a single unit of 20!! In the middle of the board, the 15 other Brutes, plus Krunk and the Ardnob went to work and had a field day smashing up Horrors. I was able to take down their Courtier which helped massively. Despite assistance from the Ghoul Kings I did manage to score his objective which made the game unwinnable for Dave. I think we agreed that the game probably came down to the objectives landing where they did. As it was, the game probably could've been over earlier but there was a couple of occasions (priority, save rolls) where the dice kept Dave in the game with another chance. This actually made for a more fun game to be honest and I have to say it was an absolute pleasure meeting Dave. I don't think there was a single moment he didn't have a smile on his face. Super nice guy and even gave us a lift back to the hotel at the end of the night! Result - Major Victory That's your lot today I'm afraid people! As I said, I'm skimming these a bit so if you have questions on stuff that's a bit vague, please ask and I can flesh it out. Cheers, Chris
  22. Afternoon Ardboys! So yesterday I mentioned that there had been some confusion around who my round one grudge was to be for this event. Well, an early front runner had been Jon Warmington before it was agreed I'd be up against Russ. Fortunately, the stars aligned and I was drawn against Jon round two! Game 24 - Warchiefs GT - Round Two vs @jonwarmington (Flesh-eater Courts) Ok, so above I said fortunately as this was my initially feeling when I saw the draw. Jon then put his army on the table ; Haunter Courtier General w/ 5+ ward and ring, King on Dragon w/ -1 hit book, Ghast Courtier, 2x 9 Crypt Horrors(!!) and 30 Ghouls. I believe he had the Attendants at Court battalion and maybe had a Varghulf to round things out. Can't remember. But anyway, yeh, 18 Crypt Horrors...ouch! This round we were playing Border War (GHOUL PATROL!), the event specific rule was based around Khorne doing mortal wounds to units that were not in combat, however we completely forgot this for the duration of the game; skills! I knew this was going to be a tough game as although Jon hadn't played a massive amount of AoS, he was a solid player in WFB and had a super strong army here. His deployment surprised me a little as he deployed both units of Horrors on one flank, with the Ghouls camping out his objective and the Zombie Dragon on the other side. My deployment was standard for me, 10 Brutes in the centre with Krunk and the Warchanter either side and Ardboyz behind them. Cabbage off to my right opposite the Dragon with the Gore-gruntas on the far right. The two 5 man Brute units chilled off centre. Unfortunately Jon was able to take the first turn and did exactly what I would've done; went 5-0 up by claiming the two central objectives. I retaliated poorly, chucking the Cabbage into the Zombie Dragon and moving up some Brutes and the Ardnob to try and hold up the Horrors. Even with the -1 to hit, I thought the Cabbage could cripple the Dragon thanks to Destructive Bulk and the main attacks hitting on 2+ usually. Unfortunately it didn't pan out and what was way worse is that he straight off killed me return thanks to some silly silly dice. So...two games with the Cabbage so far and a total of two turns played across both!! Good work *thumbs up emoji*. I think I did actually get the double turn here, which was something. I rejigged the 10 Brutes, moving them off centre to go tackle the Zombie Dragon...which they finished off with ease as expected. Should've done that in the first place! Duh. I was cagey on the other side as I didnt want to give the Horrors and free combat rounds in my turn. The Brutes had claim the right objective so I think it was 5-4 to Jon at the end of my second turn. A lack of experience in the battleplans cost Jon a little in T2 as he actually left one unit of Crypt Horrors on the objective, not knowing he could tag and move on (this only became apparent T3 when I moved my Brutes off. Had I known this was why he left them in place I would have told him of course). One unit of Crypt Horrors went into the Brutes infront of them, though I don't actually think he wiped me out. Perhaps he did. Anyway from there, I managed to get Krunk and the large Brute unit into 30 Ghouls without any buffs on in T3...I thought this was it, my way back into the game. Now I really really do not like bemoaning bad dice rolls, however right now, this is me bemoaning bad dice rolls!! After battleshock he was left with 2-3 Ghouls, which was pretty frustrating. It was his turn next, he grew loads back, made them immune to battleshock and the rest was kinda history there. I really thought that was my one chance and tbh probably should've got it. Might not have won me the game or anything, but still. After that the Crypt Horrors rampaged a bit, and even though I killed a whole bunch over the game, did not come close to finishing either unit. I made one big mistake that compounded the loss; you may remember a little while back I played a 1k game Bloodbound which I won because the opponent left me a charge into his Slaughterpriest which was on the objective. Well, I kinda did the same there here. Rather than letting the Horrors fight the Ardnob in the middle of the board, I backed him off meaning the Horrors could move then charge him. This subsequently meant he got into my objective a turn earlier than he perhaps would've otherwise. At the end of the game I was 4 points down I believe. I never felt like I was in for the win and was constantly chasing the game, which isn't a great position to be in. Though that said, I did still feel in with a chance and fought right to the end to try and save it (which isn't always the case). The Flesh-eaters are super solid and realy punish you for not finishing off units. As it was I only scored points for the Zombie Dragon and the Crypt Ghast Courtier. A very good, competitive and tight, if not frustrating (for the right reasons, not meant at all negatively) game. I tipped Jon for a strong finish and he came in 2nd overall, well played that man. Result - Major Loss Wow...just finished that. Been adding bits on and off all day as I've been really busy. Rushed a bit at the end but we got there! Enjoy, @TalesOfSigmar - Chalmers, I'll reply to that question tomorrow mate. Chris
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