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Everything posted by Greyshadow

  1. This one was different I think, we know the release was planned to come out months ago as we saw the new wildwood in White Dwarf back then. (It's also in the General Handbook too).
  2. If they released digital only then the customers who like physical books - and there are a lot of them, this is a physical hobby after all - would be upset that they are forced to buy the book twice. Also, perhaps they genuinely didn't know how long the books would be delayed for. We could be talking hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock. Agree this is a terrible situation and I hope it is resolved soon.
  3. Not sure I'd be much help with your question but you could try having a play around with the Warscroll Builder online army list builder. It is excellent and has just been updated with the latest points and is free. GW hosts it on their Warhammer Community web site. I hope this is helpful. https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/
  4. Nice @Sleboda, you wouldn't first think purple tones would work with faces but they really do. I have tried shading darker skin with Druchii Violet and it works really well.
  5. Oh my gosh that is beautiful - looks like it has hoped straight out of a John Blanche painting! That is truly fantastic well done.
  6. Gorgeous art - nicely done Cubical 7. This is looking great.
  7. Absolutely, that's what I am thinking. Don't encourage others to invalidate peoples lovingly painted units unnecessarily GW . We also need all legacy war scrolls available with points just like those in the compendiums.
  8. Thanks for the clarification - I haven't got my hands on the new handbook yet. Good to hear at least one Legacy army is intact. As Stato said my point still stands though. Have a counts as war scroll or hit the old scrolls with the nerf bat but people lovingly paint up models for the game shouldn't have the rug pulled out from under them and be told they can't play. I really don't like the legends model either as it excludes players from matched play. Legacy units shouldn't be top tier as that would be unfair for new players but people should still be allowed to play in events even if their army is no longer the best.
  9. So your mate comes round to your house and says: 'I finally finished painting my Tomb Kings army - want a game?'. You take a look at them and complement your mate on a beautifully painted army. Your opponent uses the points from the compendium, runs Death Allegiance and includes some Morghasts and Endless Spells. You say: 'game on' and have an awesome night. There is an independent tournament coming up and your mate wants to join you. The tournament organiser says you can come but not your mate: sorry, we are using the General's Handbook pack and so you can't bring your Tomb Kings. I am sorry but this is balls. If at any point GW has created a Warscroll you should be encouraged to bring it to an independent tournament if you want to. Legacy armies are not going to dominate the tables anymore so why not let them play?
  10. I wonder if we will get a White Dwarf update like what we did with Skirmish? They could tidy up a few tables and rules and through in a short battle report or two. That would be nice.
  11. I'd be really happy with a level 2. Though I love my Yhetees, some new plastic ones would be nice though. How awesome would a giant maw endless spell where the ground turns into a big Sarlac pit - that would be cool.
  12. I really like the concept of Path to Glory and would like to see it stick around. Seems like a fun way to slowly build your force whilst playing games. When I finish my Skirmish campaign I am working on I'd like to give it a try.
  13. I wasn't planning on buying this as I didn't end up using the last one all that much but I have changed my mind. They have packed a lot of great stuff in for narrative and open play that I really like the sound of. Meeting Engagement sound great too. Looking forward to this release.
  14. Calm the farm GeneralZero. GW have a very modern distribution system it is just that they are going through a period of unprecedented demand. You will get your paints soon enough.
  15. Oh we totally shouldn't be doing that kind of thing but I am the worst for it. Don't tell anyone but I even paint the underside of my bases black to hide the white marks from the magnet superglue... and yes I know. 🙃
  16. Should there be a Season of War section? (After the Realmgate Wars but before Malign Portents). I am not sure if there were any Black Library books set during this time but there was some material on the old website that contains lore from this period. While I think of it, do we know what time period Firestorm is roughly set in? Edit: Firestorm was set during the Season of War
  17. Very hard to be sure about this sort of talk but I do think it is plausible. There is room to add more factions to Death and some of the recent models from 8th Edition, like the Necrophinx, were cracking models and made it into the (early) Black Library novels. Who knows?
  18. Wow - mind blown by the Corvus Cabal! I have to have them! 🤗 Looks like I will be playing Warcry! The standard of these new war bands is just incredible.
  19. Being focused on Skirmish I haven’t even got around to getting Malign Sorcery yet! Although, I may be picking it up tomorrow morning! :) I am not sure I will get around to using the content in Forbidden Power any time soon. The new lore is the biggest draw for me but at the asking price I am not sure I can justify purchasing it for that.
  20. I have the old school one and as it has been flocked so the dice noise isn't an issue for me. I haven't had any problem with paint peeling off and mine is not varnished (the flock may have helped to avoid peeling). Invest in some sheets of bubble wrap. I use three 2' by 2' sheets which I place between two painted sides packed together. I also place every second board in the plastic bags that it came with so even the undersides are not in direct contact when put away. Another recommendation would be some black cloth to put over your table to protect it before you place it down, it can definitely scratch table surfaces (this may help dampen dice noise too). A cloth may allow you to avoid using those pesky clips. They hold the table surface together very well but they make it really a real pain to put together and pack away. You may want to consider dice tray. I was lucky enough to be gifted two beautifully hand made wooden ones with a rubber surface applied to the base followed by a layer of black felt. They really help with the cocked dice. Warhammer TV has some great painting guides on the Shattered Dominion tiles you may wish to check out if you haven't already. Also, they look fantastic.
  21. As others have said, yes this is absolutely possible in the lore. (That's what open and narrative play is for).
  22. I am painting up some Slaves to Darkness at the moment for Path to Glory. It is an escalation campaign expansion book that replaces the points system. You earn new units by playing in a campaign and each unit you add has to be the minimum size. I haven't started playing it yet as we are doing Skirmish at the moment (from the White Dwarf magazine expansion that came out earlier this year where your army is around five to ten models). I also have some Khorne models from the old Age of Sigmar starter set. If you have some Blood Warriors lying around at home you could paint them up to match your other Chaos Warriors. I have seen that done and they look great in other colours.
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