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Everything posted by Kyriakin

  1. If only LOTR was 28 mm, as some of the Abrakhan, Easterlings, Haradrim (etc.) would have been perfect. You'd even have camels...
  2. This is a very solid result... but I am not feeling that orange on the base. In a scheme that is otherwise so organic and muted (which I like), that deep, bright burst of orange really draws my eye down to the base and away from the model. I feel a brownish mud - or at least having the orange earth as flat (i.e. rather than built up as a solid ring) - would work so much better. Failing that, maybe there is some way to add that orange to the upper part of the model to balance it out a bit?
  3. Sorry, I should have made it clear that Legends points/warscrolls would be completely separate from regular AoS, with no overlap
  4. I think there is only one way to solve this ongoing problem. Once all the 2.0 battletomes are written - and depending on lead times, that may have happened already - make a huge, hard-back Warhammer Legends book with all of the Old World Legends warscrolls, Old World art, Old World fluff and, most importantly, points values in the back. Seriously, it can't be a coincidence that both pre-GHB AoS and Warhammer Legends have flopped as unpointed systems. The comments on Facebook Legends postings were literally 95% about the lack of points - be it for ease of pick-up games (i.e. casuals) or from a more competitive mindset. There were 15 or 16 old world armies and won't be any more to alter the established meta, so, aside from some minor adjustments, this would probably be a one-time effort that can be priced at a premium price-point for players who already have all their models and terrain ready to go. *** Edit: I should state that this would have no overlap with the main game, with the warscrolls and points only usable in Legends *,, I can already hear the wails of the "Fantasy sucked, get over it" crowd, but wouldn't it be nice if "moving to Legends" actually meant something other than a squatting-in-all-but-name to a game with no points and only one viable army (i.e. Dark Elves), and instead meant these WHFB armies taking their rightful place within an active game where the fluff and aesthetics match. In such cases, Dispossessed, Wanderers, Empire (etc.) players may actually be glad to move on and with less consternation, as they actually have something palpable to move on to. AoS can then take the direction it wants to take. A clean break from the past.
  5. Wanting points does not necessarily equate to competitive. Points mean pick-up games are easy to organise via a universal language, and you might actually find someone to play against (I have never witnessed an unpointed game of AoS post-GHB16, and I don't know any tournament players). This is why Legends is DOA (seriously, search for Legends battle reports on YouTube).
  6. If that's the rationale, Soulblight are screwed lol
  7. Yes, they are so characterful. I just wish each had individual rules, and I really, really would have wanted the rolling pin to have been utterly destructive for the lolz.
  8. Another thing is that with their 6" pile-in (with rend to boot), Yhetees offer something interesting mechanically that isn't typical for an army of big, strong dudes. It becomes more like a dance, rather than just "get in there, bish-bosh". They are less than 10 points per wound too, so are both underrated and fun. While Skal is overpriced (although less so now), the ability to pop-up anywhere with your Hunter and cats is again provides a different dimension from the "run up and smash 'em, lads". Yea, I quite like the Hunter too. I know HeyWoah gives him a bit of stick by calling him the "gingerbread man" - due to his slightly unnatural arm position - but there are far worse sculpts out there
  9. But an ice/everwinter-themed BCR with no Icefall Yhetees, Frost Sabres or Icebrow Hunter would be pointless. What's left with that theme, other than the three mounts? It would be like trying to create a "Clan Pestilens" virus-themed army after the hypothetical squatting of Plague Monks, Censor Bearers and Plague Priests. A Plague Furnace and 200 Clan Rats painted green? Brilliant. Let's face it, at that point, a "BCR" sub-allegiance would just be an elite army of Stonehorns, Thundertusks and Mournfang (i.e. monster-mash themed, rather than everwinter-themed).
  10. I only chose BCR for the Everwinter theme, and recently dropped over $500 on 21 Yhetees, a Hunter and 18 cats for a full Ice Age forge. While I accepted the risk of getting hit with newer (better) sculpts after this purchase, to lose the actual units/warscolls (i.e. with no like-for-like replacements) and my army's overall theme would be a disaster for me. Given that this army was my way of moving on from my TK's squatting, GW's ongoing refusal to provide a road map of future intent would start to really test my patience. Also, what is with this drive to remove all unique themes and character from all the armies, and soup everything together? Has the game been taken over by those that mostly prioritise "unit options" and "balance"?
  11. Arkhan remains my long-shot choice for the new faction's leader, with the existing model being repurposed as the centrepiece for nuTK.
  12. I was just flicking through some warscrolls on the app, and realized that the Morghasts have the same REANIMANT keyword as the statue-based TK stuff has (e.g. Sphinxes, Sepulchral Stalkers, etc.). Visually, they feel like something that could easily be merged into a "spiritual successor" to Tomb Kings, or perhaps even represent the actual template for that faction.
  13. Of the plastics kits, yea I'd put Marauders and Saurus Knights at the bottom of the pile. However, some of the Finecast is another level of terribad. Fell Bats <<<<<< Marauders
  14. Glad I'm not the only one thinking Kislev. I was considering throwing the Ice Queen on a Black Dragon and painting it as an Ice Dragon, but will see where Darkling Covens end up in all of this first.
  15. Yea, but the rules wouldn't represent it (i.e. verisimilitude)
  16. The army loses it's Everwinter flavour, and becomes Ogre Kingdoms 2.0 I don't mind them being in the same book and having an overarching combined option, but good god I hope we can still take Guts or BCR completely in isolation with fluffy rules. Orruk book will tell us a lot, because Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz both currently have clearly defined and separate identities.
  17. I think some ogres are potentially on shaky ground, and it really depends on the future of BCR. If the BCR ice/snow aesthetic is dropped, and the Start Collecting stuff is folded into Mawtribes, then Yhetees, Icebrow Hunter and Frost Sabres are as good as gone. Conversely, BCR might be seen as unique enough to not only remain, but even get the above models replaced with new plastic kits. Both extremes are possible at this point. Of course, the middle ground of remaining as one of two options (i.e. in addition to Gutbusters) in an Ogre tome is the most likely option, with the same crappy Yhetee and cat Finecast being retained. I don't know much about Gutbusters, but I would be worried about Gnoblars, Firebellies, Gorgers and, following some recent squatting of mercenary options, even the various Maneaters.
  18. Wanderers still GHB legal for a year, and I'd guess Kurnoth will be out by then.
  19. I always wondered if you could take a whole load of Wood, High and Dark Elves and unify them with a paint scheme. A few head swaps might help if, say, you are doing a High Elf army and don't think the Executioner skull heads would fit, but, in general, they are all tall, slender guys with cloaks, weapons and varying amounts of armour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, there is more to the "counts as" situation than just aesthetics. If the rules don't fit the theme of your army, that can be a problem as well. For instance, if, say, Icefall Yhetees were dropped from some new combined Ogre book (i.e. one where the Everwinter has been retconned out of existence), people could say "just use your 21 Yhetees as Gorgers". While this might work aesthetically in terms of base sizes, stature and posing, the Gorger rules would not remotely fit the "silent killer from the icy blizzard" theme that should be represented by those models. Dwarf players don't want to use their guys as humans. They want books of grudges, mining, grumpiness, reverence for ancestors/tradition, metal-smithing, bluntness, beer brewing and other classic dwarf tropes baked into the rules, which counts-as Freeguild would obviously never have.
  20. Couldn't the remaining Wanderer kits just be for Cities of Sigmar? Nothing left (or even anything that was just squatted) really fits the Kurnoth aesthetic, IMHO. The sculpts that do fit this incoming aesthetic - and, indeed, probably inspired it - were lost in the previous squatting (i.e. Wardancers, Warhawk Rider, Shadowdancer, etc.)
  21. Smart money is on an ogre tome that allows mono gutbusters, mono BCR or a combination of both. Your models look about as safe as is possible, while I would be most worried about Gorgers, Knoblar Grots, Firebelly and the various Maneaters. Butcher could get a new model of unknown base size, but the concept is likely safe at least.
  22. I never really liked High Elves but, as an aside, has any WHFB player base been screwed over any harder? Assuming they had models, TK players have had a solid faction for years - albeit with a Sword of Damocles over them the whole time - as they were wiped out together as one whole thing with a large roster of options. Unlike, say, Darkling Covens, Wanderers, Dispossessed, Free People's, (etc.) - which had GHB allegiances and an OK range of options - High Elves got split into a million barely playable micro factions for years, and have now suddenly been almost fully wiped out. In addition they remain as one of the few WHFB armies with no spiritual successor faction, with just sporadic hints of "angelic aelves" at some unknown point in the future. That's not even mentioning the Spire of Dawn fiasco...
  23. Not remaking the newly-lost units, but a new, DoK-style faction that is spun-off from Wardancers aesthetic is likely.
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