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Files posted by Hanskrampf

  1. Allegiance Cards: Dispossessed

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  2. Allegiance Cards: Darkling Covens

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  3. Allegiance Cards: Fyreslayers

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  4. SCGT 2019: Realms and Sorcery!

    Someone sent me a messaged and asked if I could make an overview of the pre-picked Realm rules for the SCGT 2019.
    So here they are: 4 rules for each of the 7 Realms on a DIN A6 card (105x148mm) with a fitting card pouch for transportation.
    This is a 'remix' of the cards available in the 'Realm of Battle' sets:
    https://www.tga.community/search/?&q=Realm of Battle&type=downloads_file&search_and_or=and&search_in=titles&sortby=relevancy



  5. Allegiance Cards: Skaven

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  6. Allegiance Cards: Gloomspite Gitz

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  7. Allegiance Cards: Artefacts of the Realms

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    this set contains 12 artefacts for each of the 7 Realms card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  8. Realm of Battle: Ulgu

    Decided on in which realm your game is taking place?
    Pull out these cards and have everything ready: from realmscapes to spells, these cards have you covered instead of wasting your time looking up rules in the Core Book and in Malign Sorcery.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Realmscape rules, Command Abilities, Realmsphere Magic spells and additional rules for this realm card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your Core Book, General's Handbook , Battletome and Malign Sorcery nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  9. Narrative Play: Special Rules

    You ever wanted to use those sweet Narrative Play Special Rules in your games, but it's too annyoing to flip through the General's Handbook all the time or you always forgot them? Well, look no further.
    These handy cards keep your games fast and streamlined, lay down the cards you want to use, discard the rest. And your GHB is free again to be opened on another page!

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Realmscape rules, Command Abilities, Realmsphere Magic spells and additional rules for this realm card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your Core Book, General's Handbook , Battletome and Malign Sorcery nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  10. Allegiance Cards: Tamurkhan's Horde

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  11. Allegiance Cards: Maggotkin of Nurgle

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  12. Allegiance Cards: Daughters of Khaine

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  13. Allegiance Cards: Stormcast Eternals

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  14. Realm of Battle: Aqshy

    Decided on in which realm your game is taking place?
    Pull out these cards and have everything ready: from realmscapes to spells, these cards have you covered instead of wasting your time looking up rules in the Core Book and in Malign Sorcery.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Realmscape rules, Command Abilities, Realmsphere Magic spells and additional rules for this realm card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your Core Book, General's Handbook , Battletome and Malign Sorcery nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  15. Realm of Battle: Chamon

    Decided on in which realm your game is taking place?
    Pull out these cards and have everything ready: from realmscapes to spells, these cards have you covered instead of wasting your time looking up rules in the Core Book and in Malign Sorcery.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Realmscape rules, Command Abilities, Realmsphere Magic spells and additional rules for this realm card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your Core Book, General's Handbook , Battletome and Malign Sorcery nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  16. Realm of Battle: Ghur

    Decided on in which realm your game is taking place?
    Pull out these cards and have everything ready: from realmscapes to spells, these cards have you covered instead of wasting your time looking up rules in the Core Book and in Malign Sorcery.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Realmscape rules, Command Abilities, Realmsphere Magic spells and additional rules for this realm card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your Core Book, General's Handbook , Battletome and Malign Sorcery nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  17. Realm of Battle: Hysh

    Decided on in which realm your game is taking place?
    Pull out these cards and have everything ready: from realmscapes to spells, these cards have you covered instead of wasting your time looking up rules in the Core Book and in Malign Sorcery.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Realmscape rules, Command Abilities, Realmsphere Magic spells and additional rules for this realm card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your Core Book, General's Handbook , Battletome and Malign Sorcery nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  18. Allegiance Cards: Skaven Pestilens

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  19. Allegiance Cards: Brayherd

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  20. Allegiance Cards: Legions of Nagash

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  21. Allegiance Cards: Order

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  22. Allegiance Cards: Death

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  23. Allegiance Cards: Legion of Azgorh

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  24. Allegiance Cards: Chaos

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



  25. Allegiance Cards: Skaven Skryre

    Age of Sigmar started out simple enough. But the first General's Handbook changed a lot of things. Suddenly you could personalise a few things for your army with command traits for your general and artefacts for your heroes.
    Then dropped the first battletomes which included allegiance abilities.
    And the amount grew rapidly.
    Because I don't like flipping back and forth in my books for every other ability, I created some cards to help keep the important rules right at the table, beside your models.

    All cards are available as print files with 3mm bleed and cutting marks, as a 'web' version (for viewing on smartphones/tablets), US letter and DIN A4 printing sheet.
    each set contains: cover / card backside, Battle Traits, Command Traits, Artefacts, cards for spell lores and faction specific skills card size is 63 x 88 mm (same as Pokemon, Magic, 40k Datacards, etc.) language: English I tried to keep the original wording, but sometimes I had to abbreviate it to fit on the card without scaling down the font size. The rule intentions should still be clear. 'Dice' was continuously replaced with D3 or D6, 'wound roll' with 'To-Wound roll' (same for hit), 'Mortal Wounds' sometimes with 'MW' each set can be stored in a faction specific card box, with contents listed on the back (instructions)  
    I will expand these cards further, but don't count on any release schedule or certain timeframe after release of new stuff.
    If you find any errors or have suggestions, please let me know. I had fun creating these cards and hope people will find them useful and have fun using them in their games.

    All rules, artwork and the Age of Sigmar logo  © Games Workshop PLC
    These cards are for personal use only and you should always keep your General's Handbook and/or Battletome nearby to solve any conflicts from bad wording on the cards.
    These cards are only a playing aid and never could nor should replace an official publication.
    Please let me know if I have used anything you would like to be removed.

    Overview and changes



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