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Blog Comments posted by Mohojoe

  1. 27 minutes ago, carrigher82 said:

    I second what you say about @seryth7 he's a top sport, always a great game and he's a good mate. I know he also enjoyed that final game from conversation post shameful KFC on way home. Good to meet you mate and no doubt cross paths again in the future. I'm enjoying reading your blogs

    Bit miffed I didn't get to play against the Fyreslayers but there is always next time. Looking forward to bumping into you fellas again, will have to let us know if you guys are heading to any tournies our way

  2. 16 minutes ago, Dez said:

    Remember to always remember the scenario! Haha I know it's hard to sometimes, and it's great to just have fun. If you have your eye on the prize though, building your list towards winning scenarios and keeping track of that will get you from the middle of the pack to the top tables.

    Tournaments are fun, everyone go!

    eah i get distracted so easy by big shiny things!

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Jamie Grinstead said:

    Looking forward to seeing your Ogor army on the day! I still have my Ogre army from Fantasy days but haven't got around to rebasing and turning them into a proper Ogor force.

    Nurgle certainly gives plenty of opportunity for conversions, however as you say there has been a lot of things done there already. I really liked some of the conversions of some of the new Tzeentch models.

    The army is nearly done, now its just a case of trying to improve the standard of my painting so you don't all recoil in horror on the day!

    How you getting on with your Ironjawz?

    Nurgle seems like the easy route to me. I think I could do an army well but I wouldn't be challenging myself and I am not really a fan of how they play, very tough tanky army that soaks everything up. Tzeentch I have not really looked at in all honesty because they look very hard to paint, requiring a lot of wet blending for the colour transitions and I think it may be too much of a challenge at this stage. 

    I have been thinking about stormcast, as an abandoned chamber that have lost the favour of sigmar. I love writing narrative to fit my armies so that is already a huge tick in the box for me, they have easy to paint figures, allowing me to paint them well and improve ( although the new gryph hound and dracoth stuff will provide a big challenge) and it will allow me to have a load of kits to draw from for conversions.

    In all honesty they didn't do much for me until I saw the starter set painted up in your store. the models actually are pretty funky!

    Anyway, I need to drop the Mrs in the city for an interview today so you may find me browsing through your stock later trying to work out what to get next!

  4. 6 minutes ago, PlainOldGavin said:

    A long, long time ago in a White Dwarf far far away, the hipster inside of me always wanted to paint an entire army of Glade Guard in a cherry blossom theme. These inclinations are urging me towards Sylvaneth, but to try and instil some good habits, I'm going to finish these Stormcast before I move away. Thanks for the reply, I didn't honestly expect anyone to even view this!

    In the real world I am an ecologist so I have always had the romance of doing a lifelike sylvaneth army but I never can find the time! I am currently finishing up my ogre army for a tournament and trying to decide what to collect next for a big project army. Cherry blossom sylvaneth sounds like a really good theme though!

    I seem to be torn between wanting to do an army that is really unpopular (Hipster also) and wanting one that plays well. They dont usually go hand in hand!

  5. You are not alone, I think a lot of us have similar tales behind why we are now getting into the hobby and many of us have been drawn back. I myself have been a long time lurker who hadn't really participated since my days as a sprog. However the boom that we are experiencing now makes it the perfect time to dive back in. Looking forward to your painting. Any ideas what armies may draw your attention so far?

  6. Great start! love the lore set up and your figures. I have a soft spot for the fimir of old and cant wait to see how you capture their strange character. On a side note how did you go about creating your map? It is a brilliant bit of media for your blog and I would really like to do something similar for my own.

    Keep up the great work :)

  7. 22 minutes ago, Soulsmith said:

    Nah fair enough, I was the same all the time til basically moving here. I guess the taboo of it in school, hid it away, took big breaks. Now I am being consistent, and even my warchanter is noticeably better than my weirdnob, who I personally think is ace. Hah, well maybe one day, the Top table at a tourney eh? ;) 

    Sounds like a grudge match mate!

    I was exactly the same, When AOS dropped i went fully into it for a while and then sold up everything to get on top of life. Now I have time I am all in again with a view to it being more long term, hence the blog and fluff and stuff. I dunno if we will make top table but a grudge match is definitely on the cards! would be good to fight our own models haha!

  8. 1 minute ago, Soulsmith said:

    I'm afraid not, at least not that I know of. I only have 1000 Ironjawz, give or take a couple of characters, and I want to give greenskinz a break to paint 1000 points of disciples. I also have to do my Blood Bowl team. But I'll look into it. My local GW is running a Legion of Legends I am in, and are planning an AOS tournament.


    Hey if you're ever in York!

    Ah I had totally forgotten about your Disciples, seriously looking forward to seeing what you do with them, I am pretty sure I will be vicariously collecting them through you haha. 

    One of my big things this year was to start attending events a lot more. I have been a bit of a hermit when it comes to the hobby and I am hoping to change that. York is around a 4 hour journey for me so it would probably have to be a tournament or event to draw me in!

    I have a 1000 point Duardin project on the cards at some point... ;) 

  9. 23 minutes ago, Soulsmith said:

    Awesome, I am definitely intrigued with this undead ogor. I will commit to fluff when the warchanter is finished, and include my most recent battle.

    I love battle reports told in a narrative style, really helps set the scene. I would really like to have a go at writing one up at some point but that heavily relies in me getting a match going haha!

    Are you planning on taking your army to any events this year? 

  10. 1 minute ago, Vaulark said:

    Thanks I will try to get some more at as quick as I can. I did catch some errors and made some readability changes that I'm currently try to figure out how to edit on here.


    There are a few here and there but there is nothing that stopped me reading and enjoying it, bound to be a few in any large amount of text :)

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  11. 40 minutes ago, Stevewren said:

    I'll be using crystal resin for the top and bottom pools as it dries hard and reasonably quickly. I'm going to experiment a bit to get a greenish tint to the water for the first one. The waterfall itself will be done with Woodland scenics realistic water just squeezed down the Perspex and teased out a bit. 

    is that just a clear drying two part compound I assume? Ive been considering something similar for ice. Making a solid clear resin lump and then buffing it with some high grit fine sandpaper for a frosted effect. 

    As for the green tint are you thinking watered down glazes/washes or perhaps something like green crushed glass blended with your resin mix?

  12. 1 hour ago, Mohaniker said:

    It's looking good, you should be proud of your painting,  I really like the colour of skin your going for, reminds me of the LOTR orcs. The colours are all of a similar shade and tone, and it might be worth putting in some brighter spot colours, like bright green glow from the bone idols eyes and mouth? Just a thought

    Looking forward to seeing more!

    Thanks! To be honest, the bone idols originally had an orange glow to them but it just didn't really suit the rest of the model. Think I may try to add some green spot work like you suggested, could be cool!

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