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Hobby update 21/02/2017



Long time no see. 

Things got crazy and I have neglected this blog. I am currently identifying invertebrate species for the BTO and rushing to try and meet university deadlines and juggling my finances.  This has all lead to me not doing as much here as I wanted to. 

So what has been happening?

Earlier in the year I set myself a few resolutions for 2017. Namely these were to attend some events, stick to painting and to become more of a community advocate. Despite the crazy stuff going on in the real world I am actually doing pretty well on this.

My army is nearing completion to table top standard. I still need to paint a gargant, convert 3 ogors and paint up two riders for my stonehorn/thundertusk.

My first tournament is looming up, The Titans event at Athena Games hosted by @Jamie Grinstead and Co. ( anyone interested in attending or learning more can find the event information here: 


And I have taken it upon myself to try and create a sort of primer for new and returning players to the hobby. It aims to be a compilation of basic tips and advice for people to refer to, collated from members of the community. It can be found here:

I have also managed to get several games in, playing a few scenarios to help me get used to my army and geared up for tournament play. I haven't had much variety of opponents but the games I have played have been very insightful. 

So with that all said, whats next?

I am looking to start a new project after Titans and to bench my Ogor army. It felt like a rushed army for the tournament and it doesn't have the level of conversions in it that I wanted. So I am looking for a new army. I currently am leaning towards a nurgle/chaos themed army however it seems like very well trodden ground and I would like to try something a bit different with a strong theme and a lot of conversion opportunities. I have been considering something within the Order camp or sticking to destruction however nothing has grabbed my attention yet. Perhaps I should wait for the years new releases? Or I may throw myself into something if an idea takes me. 

I really love low fantasy dark stuff and #Aos28 has been a huge inspiration for things project wise. What I am really looking for is something that has centrepiece models that i can get stuck in with the green stuff and kitbashing to really highlight my passion within the hobby. If you have any ideas for goods armies, let me know in the comments. 


Till next time




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Looking forward to seeing your Ogor army on the day! I still have my Ogre army from Fantasy days but haven't got around to rebasing and turning them into a proper Ogor force.

Nurgle certainly gives plenty of opportunity for conversions, however as you say there has been a lot of things done there already. I really liked some of the conversions of some of the new Tzeentch models.

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4 minutes ago, Jamie Grinstead said:

Looking forward to seeing your Ogor army on the day! I still have my Ogre army from Fantasy days but haven't got around to rebasing and turning them into a proper Ogor force.

Nurgle certainly gives plenty of opportunity for conversions, however as you say there has been a lot of things done there already. I really liked some of the conversions of some of the new Tzeentch models.

The army is nearly done, now its just a case of trying to improve the standard of my painting so you don't all recoil in horror on the day!

How you getting on with your Ironjawz?

Nurgle seems like the easy route to me. I think I could do an army well but I wouldn't be challenging myself and I am not really a fan of how they play, very tough tanky army that soaks everything up. Tzeentch I have not really looked at in all honesty because they look very hard to paint, requiring a lot of wet blending for the colour transitions and I think it may be too much of a challenge at this stage. 

I have been thinking about stormcast, as an abandoned chamber that have lost the favour of sigmar. I love writing narrative to fit my armies so that is already a huge tick in the box for me, they have easy to paint figures, allowing me to paint them well and improve ( although the new gryph hound and dracoth stuff will provide a big challenge) and it will allow me to have a load of kits to draw from for conversions.

In all honesty they didn't do much for me until I saw the starter set painted up in your store. the models actually are pretty funky!

Anyway, I need to drop the Mrs in the city for an interview today so you may find me browsing through your stock later trying to work out what to get next!

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