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Tournament List and New Year Plans



Greetings you 'orrible bunch of gitz,


So after much deliberation and plenty of advice from the community I have settled on a fun looking list for my first tournament.

(All thanks to @Gaz Taylor for this list)


Frostlord on Stonehorn (460)
- General
- Trait: Bellowing Tyrant
Frostlord on Stonehorn (460)
- Artefact: Battle Brew
Huskard on Thundertusk (340)
- Artefact: Talisman of Protection

Ogors x 3 (120)
Ogors x 6 (240)
Ogors x 9 (360)

Total: 1980/2000

I have collected a few small ogre armies in my years and love painting them and the ease you can convert them, so this was by no means a hard sell. I was also really worried about playing a high model count army (moonclan grotz that I was aiming for) as I don't play as many games as I would like and I am a bit worried about being too slow on the day and ruining someone else's experience. Plus on top of that I am studying for a degree and need this army done by March, to some that may be plenty of time but for me its almost a rush! 

Anyway, feeling really excited to get going and get the army bought. I will be buying it in the start of January so I stay social with the family ( And my own personal She-Demon AKA the missus) and complete some essays on time. I have bought a unit of second hand ogors, lead belchers and an old metal tyrant to practice the paint job on. I am still thinking grey skin and blue armour. I love the background of the Beastclaw Raiders however I hate things looking the same so I need to figure out some unique looks for my army.  I am currently considering using a frost 'leeching' effect from where the models make contact with the bases, as if the frost emanates from them or continuing with my crystal theme, however it isn't super fluffy.  Ideas would be appreciated!

Also on the 23rd I have my second driving test, with any luck I may pass and then I can attend events around the country, meet a few more of you and perhaps even get some battles in. Until then I am enjoying Warhammer TV and trying to watch as many batreps as possible!




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Yeah its probably not going to make me many friends unfortunately! I think I should probably have a look at some frozen wastelands to get a few ideas as I am not set on anything yet.

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51 minutes ago, Stevewren said:

That list will be fine for your first event. Good luck getting it finished. Make sure that you post some pictures. 

Thanks Steve, will do my best :)

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