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Everything posted by Mohojoe

  1. Good to see the old boyz getting treated well I have been working on 1000 points of Ogors for a match I have set up for friday. Heres the Tyrant to give a flavour of what I am working on
  2. I was exactly the same, When AOS dropped i went fully into it for a while and then sold up everything to get on top of life. Now I have time I am all in again with a view to it being more long term, hence the blog and fluff and stuff. I dunno if we will make top table but a grudge match is definitely on the cards! would be good to fight our own models haha!
  3. Ah I had totally forgotten about your Disciples, seriously looking forward to seeing what you do with them, I am pretty sure I will be vicariously collecting them through you haha. One of my big things this year was to start attending events a lot more. I have been a bit of a hermit when it comes to the hobby and I am hoping to change that. York is around a 4 hour journey for me so it would probably have to be a tournament or event to draw me in! I have a 1000 point Duardin project on the cards at some point...
  4. I love battle reports told in a narrative style, really helps set the scene. I would really like to have a go at writing one up at some point but that heavily relies in me getting a match going haha! Are you planning on taking your army to any events this year?
  5. Yes! more fluff for the destruction forces! I am hoping to tie mine into a potential narrative campaign further down the line so the more of it I record the more I can use later on
  6. The smell of sulphur was invasive to Sigmund's nostrils as he took up a defensive stance behind the line of leadbelchers. The scratch built cannons they wielded, while obnoxious to the senses, made short work of the undead hordes marching against them. The scraps of iron and brick they spewed into the enemy hordes sent bone and armour flying with each destructive volley. His ears were ringing as the cannons were raised vertical. He and his brother bulls pushed through the retreating gunmen, creating a defensive line as the great iron tubes were packed again with gunpowder and refuse. A wave of ghoulish creatures rushed toward the bull formation. The line shuddered under the weight of the impact yet stood firm. Sigmund repelled a bone club from a sickly green assailant with his broad blade before plunging his iron gauntlet into the creatures face. He let a small grin slip as he felt the skull of the thing shatter under his mighty blow and his assailant crumble at his feet. The victory was short lived however as a cavalry lance ran through his shoulder and he was battered aside by a skeletal mount. His head smacked on the cobblestone floor sending pain shooting through his senses, like a spark racing through a fuse. He cast aside his unwieldy sword and scrabbled for the shaft of the discarded spear, only to feel it grind against his collarbone as the shaft was splintered under the foot of a clumsy Ogor. He felt a guttural roar break from his own mouth as the pain assaulted his senses. His brothers ranks were retreating back down the corridor as the cannons continued to blast, supercharging the air above him and forcing him to hug the cold flagstones. He could not understand their cowardice, Ogors feared nothing! With a grim resolve he shifted his weight and attempted to crawl towards his retreating clan brushing aside carcasses and skeletal remains as he moved. A clammy hand coiled around his ankle and wrenched him back almost pulling his leg from its socket. Instinctively Sigmund rammed his spiked gauntlet into the floor to hold his position, a fruitless effort as it found no purchase between the gore and bone that littered the ground. He lashed out at his assailants grip and was rewarded with a jaw shattering blow from a club for his efforts. He hacked and coughed scarlet phlegm as he was raised above the ranks of undead by his captor. Out of a swollen eye he caught an image of the foe and would have screamed had it not been for his devastated jaw. The creature holding him was a gigantic fleshless creature, framed with a set of colossal wings and a gaping maw. His bowels loosened as the creature let out a primal screech and smashed him against the catacomb wall. He understood now what had sent his brothers fleeing however the knowledge gave him no satisfaction as his limp body was thrown aside. He landed with a sickly wet thump behind the creature, sending its own minions flying with his impact. He struggled to breathe as his mouth filled with bile and bitter metallic tasting fluid yet could not eject the liquid nor swallow. For the first time in his life he was truly afraid. His eyelids fluttered as he gargled his last breath and magenta bubbles formed around his quivering mouth. His gods had denied him. Sigmund's body lay there long after the battle had ended. Forces had retreated and days had past. Buried under corpses of others his body had stiffened and begun to decompose. His skin no longer boasted the pale authenticity his clan was known for and instead was tattooed with a mosaic of welts, bruises and dark bloodied smears. The silence of his squalid resting place was denied as a deep chanting was heard, slowly at first but increasing in volume and fervour. The sound was invasive and seemed to not echo through the chamber but to be swallowed by everything it touched. Sigmund's corpse twitched. his eyes fluttered. The shattered bones within his defeated body began to realign. With an unnatural shudder, his back arched and and unknown force urged him back to his feet, his impossible stance righting itself as his limbs reset themselves back to a serviceable position. He reached for a battleaxe dropped by a fallen foe and became aware that he was not alone. All around him bodies were rising in service of some unknown entity. He felt his eyes lock on the tunnel that lead toward the Ogor encampment and his feet begin to carry him in its direction. His soul screamed out as he sensed the atrocities that were being commanded of him. He begged, pleaded, cursed and threatened but to no avail. This body was no longer his, and the Lord of Death would not be denied.
  7. The square channels cut through the rough rock in the ceiling allowed four pillars of diminishing light into the dank antechamber. It was a bitter reminder of the daunting task that lay ahead after the sun had set and the blessed connection to the world above had vanished. The only luminescence would be from the crackling braziers that lined the flagstones and the occasional glint of an overly curious glow worm. Amidst the discarded iron weapons and splintered bone sat the hulking form of Bruma Talltongue, chief tyrant of the Gravewarden clan and tamer of Gargants. His pale skin appeared almost translucent under the splinters of light which gave him an ethereal quality, more at home across the belly of a fish than a battle seasoned Ogor bull. He bore a neatly clipped beard and a shaven pate above a set of brooding eyes arched by thick eyebrows. A thick cowl of fur draped around his shoulders was one of the few reminders that he had not always dwelt in catacombs and had in fact hailed from the mountains that cracked the sky. His thickset bulk was framed by a purple tabard and a leather cape. His deft hands busied themselves with the mundane, yet important task of honing an edge on his gnarled broadsword, pausing only to sip from his tankard. They made quick work of working the whetstone over the nicks and worn edges caused from the work of the previous evening. Several hours passed as he worked, he efficiently tested the rest of his equipment, cleaning the barrel of his blunderbuss of carbon powder and oiling the perishing leather straps of his armour in preparation for the coming toil. A trumpet call echoed across the stone tiles, a shrill warning that cut through Bruma's senses, warning him that he needed to prepare himself for the task at hand. He began the arduous process of climbing into the ice cold touch of his chainmail hauberk before strapping his hefty shoulder pad over his right arm. The thick metal plate he wore upon his shoulder bore the icon of his two faced god and had deflected more blows than he dared count. A rumbling began echoing through the halls. It started in the stone, working its way through his feet and reverberating deep within his bones until it shook his very essence. It was a feeling unlike any other and one that he had never grown accustomed to. Deep within the flesh of the earth an abyssal terror had awoken, as it had every night, to claim the souls of the damned and set them to work. Bruma rose from his makeshift throne and tested the weight of his weapon, assuring himself in his duties. He stretched his mighty limbs as he swung the blade, feeling each sinew bear the weight of the pig iron weapon. Confident in its quality he nodded to himself and drained the remaining mead from his tankard. As he rested the cup on the cold floor the bones around him began to reverberate with ethereal energy. His grip tightened around the leather handle of his sword and gritted his teeth as he prepared for another night of servitude...
  8. There are a few here and there but there is nothing that stopped me reading and enjoying it, bound to be a few in any large amount of text
  9. Mohojoe


    Pure quality.
  10. I am currently running a kylo renx2, bala tik and a storm trooper deck. Works really nicely. Sweet, I may pop in one evening when I get a chance and say hello.
  11. I dunno, Its inked onto paper, seems pretty concrete
  12. Hear hear! *Raises tankard and twirls beard*
  13. I keep getting distracted by Star wars Destiny, that game is seriously fun. Wheres the best place to park near you if I was to pop in with the car?
  14. Ooh I like the sound of this! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Tickets bought, see you on the battlefield! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. My tickets for the TITANS tournament at Athena Games are bought and paid for so its time to get serious and organise myself. I have 2 months to get my force organised, painted, based and get to grips with them. The list I have settled on for the event is as follows: LeadersTyrant (160)- Massive Ogre ClubButcher (140)UnitsLeadbelchers x 6 (320)- Gutbusters BattlelineLeadbelchers x 3 (160)- Gutbusters BattlelineOgors x 6 (240)- BattlelineOgors x 6 (240)- BattlelineOgors x 6 (240)- BattlelineOgors x 3 (120)- BattlelineBehemothsAleguzzler Gargant (180)Aleguzzler Gargant (180)Total: 1980/2000 The list is not the most competitive, I could easily drop most of it and just pile it up with stonehorns/thundertusks with moonclan grot battle lines or savage orruks. But what would be the point? It is my first tournament, I want to play an army I like aesthetically, make friends with people local to me and learn the competitive side of the game in a consistent environment. If I am winning matches due to just playing broken units I wont learn and I might convince myself I know what I am doing! Anyway, I have been working on the fluff behind the army, as I love creating backstories and themes to tie my armies together. Grave Wardens Guardians of the Southern Undead Asylum The land of Creighton is a cursed kingdom, where those who are struck down are fated to rise again, forever in the service of a dark entity. The free people of Creighton struggled for decades against the undead incursion, barely holding them back from the civilised as each fallen warrior rose again as an enemy of the crown. After centuries of fighting tooth and nail to protect the innocent from the slow and inevitable march of death, a final measure was decided upon. An asylum was built outside the city boundaries where all of the dead and dying were locked away to prevent their eventual attack after reanimation. As the number of imprisoned undead rose it became harder and harder to maintain the asylum. Each guard that fell joined the ranks of the undead until the decision was made that mercenaries should be hired instead of men from the homeland dying in vain. This is when the tribe of the Gargant Twinfolk were hired. For a weight of meat every month the Gargants and their Ogor underlings dwelt beneath the ground amongst the crypts of the asylum, battling against the undead hordes and preventing their escape. The tribe believes that the necrotic hordes are the final challenge they face on behalf of their gods. Only once the corruption has been laid low will the Gargant brothers they follow ascend to godhood as the incarnations of Gork and Mork and they will all be allowed sight unto the great hunting plains, where they may revel in feast and conflict. Years have passed since the events that caused for the ogre horde to be employed and the Asylum has fallen into extreme disrepair. The hordes beneath the earth have become so numerous that the Tribe have been pushed back closer to the surface, while deeper underground the dead have been mindlessly clawing at the dirt, blindly preparing to unleash the kingdoms darkest secret... I am Saving the rest for post updates as I update my progress here and a painting log I will be doing now I have a new phone for photos. I have decided to go against the grey skin I was doing in favour or a more natural skin colour, I think I need to focus on the basics before I go mad! I am painting all the cloth and clothing a rich purple, a colour that has represented death in the past. The basing I will be doing will be using celtic runes and crypt like themes to tie into my overall theme. I will also be trying my hand to heavily convert a lot of my figures to really make my force look unique and stand out. The paints for these are all due to be delivered tomorrow so with any luck I should be able to start posting some progress photos. The army ties in very nicely with my borthers ( Also attending the tournament) who is running undead, so we may even have some crossover pieces. Thank you for taking the time to read all of this if you got this far See you all soon.
  17. About to buy our tickets Honestly in terms of streaming I think you need current standings, commentary and closeups of armies and talks with players. No small feat at all. I should probably pop in at some point and get to know the place before the event. Do you have any AoS Ogres instock at the minute @Jamie Grinstead ?
  18. Conversion work in general looks pretty damn good. You have got me all excited to get started on mine
  19. Woah. Amazing painting, especially your mawkrusha. The gargant looks great with a lick of paint.
  20. Glad I am not the only one, I do however have a bit longer than you to get it done! good luck bud.
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