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Everything posted by TheWilddog

  1. Thanks for writing this up. Lots of good insight here that many hobbyists can relate to. Hope you get a bunch of hobby time in 2019 and enjoy all of it!!!
  2. It will be very interesting to see what approach they take with the BT, just a consolidation with some tweaks and added stuff, or a complete overhaul. I hope they keep our core summoning mechanic, I have actually become quite fond of it.
  3. So pumped, so what are we expecting? Battletome plus some Endless Spell? This is more than I was hoping for anytime soon.
  4. 😂The 10 Cawdor I have mocked up will join my existing 110, bringing my total Ghoul count up to 120. Sad thing is I can envision a couple of lists that could use a few more! ! ! ! 😂
  5. Love the Cawdor Necromunda kit. Think they make the perfect Flesh Eaters, have a great deluded monk vibe.
  6. I really like the basing overall and they work really well as is. The only observation I would give is that the green dominate color composition of the bases blends into the greens of the minis a bit. I tend to like a to have my bases contrast more with my minis. Maybe add some differing color tuffs and foliage to break up the greens and yellows. Again this is a minor suggestion and overall your work is top notch. I am enjoying the pics.
  7. Nice post and good idea to brainstorm some of our ideas here. I agree Ghouls should come down, I would say to 80 and see how it goes from there. I agree that most of the battalions need a reduction. I think this is true across most armies and is a system wide problem that they will hopefully address with this GHB. I think they need to fix the battleline issue. The fact that Horrors and Flayers are only battleline with their respective courtiers make no fluff sense and makes for awkward builds. I say just make them both battleline for FEC armies. You have precedence with Brutes in Ironjwazs having a similar situation. I think its a good perk for small range armies. It will open up more builds and if you lower Ghouls they will still be enticing as an option. As for our Allegiance abilities they are a mixed bag. The Feeding Frenzy ability is mostly useless, just way too random. It would be nice if they actually made it useable. The Delusions are great fluff and flavor wise, but honestly Crusading is soooooo much better than the rest that it's not really a choice. I would like to see the other abilities pumped up a bit to allow them to be built around as well.
  8. @JatorI think you hit the nail on the head when you worry about the lack of calvary. Speed and movement are the name of the game in AOS and I am afraid that this list can not get the combats you want and will have the terms of battle dictated by faster armies. I personally think our best lists right now are cav heavy lists like the one that Ian Spink did well with at Facehammer. Something like this: This list really turns hard into our current strengths, our speedy cavalry units and our awesome magic. I have run something similar in some local games against good opponents and have been quite satisfied. I think the list is pretty solid.
  9. I think Arkhan is important to the list, but I believe that our monsters are the key. As I said they are SO mobile and the fact that they summon means they bring a lot more value than they did before. That hidden value in summoning seems to be the only way our faction can compete so it makes sense that lists that maximize that value are our best option. I also just think it has a lot to do with the current meta. With the general decline in shooting, our monsters are staying on the table a little longer and we get to use our synergies more, that is very important to our army and has definitely helped. Also magic is pretty huge right now and with all the AGK with have access to being decent casters that are mobile and at least have a chance of disrupting our opponents magic phase. Arkhan obviously super charges this and takes it to another level.
  10. Good job on all your stuff, I particularly like the Nighthaunt models. Really like the worn rust effect on the metal. Keep up the great hobby work.
  11. I played a local 3 game event today with the Souza style list: Went 2-1 and came in third. Game one I got a win verses a Seraphon list. Arkhan was absolute aces allowing me to go toe to toe with the Slann in the magic phase. Game two I won against a standard Stormcast Alpha Strike list with Gavriel Sureheart and all his Evocator and Sequitor friends. I deployed with my chaff ghouls protecting my fatties. He dropped in anyway and cleared them out. I summoned and then countered with my monsters, proceeded to get the double turn and rolled to a pretty big win. Game three I lost to Daughters. I had no real way to break up their synergies and a buffed up block of 30 witches barreled through my army. I tried to chaff it up and play the objective game because it the Better Part Of Valor battle plan but it did not work out. I held the early objective lead but by turn three got steam rolled and did not have much left to score. Overall I was pretty impressed with how the list played. I was worried that without my normal big Ghoul blocks the list would struggle to play the objective game. However, with all the summoned units you are able to manage objectives better than I anticipated. Also the big monsters we have are so mobile that they really let you put a lot of pressure where you need it when you need it. Also, I was doubtful of Arkhan but he was awesome. As I said he basically won me game 1 and he always seemed good.
  12. I think the Orruk Warboss on Boar is an auto include as an ally in a list like this. He rides with the Boars most of the time and for 140 his banner gives re-roll to all wounds of 1 for Orruks and his command ability spams extra attacks for Orruks. (Note it says models make 1 extra attack with all of their melee weapons, meaning you get 1 extra choppa and 1 extra boar attack). Really helps just throw a wall of attacks at a target. Also pretty good to buff up the Stabbaz if you need that and with 9 inch move can be where you need it. Its pretty easy and fun to mock up one from a normal Boarboy.
  13. Just quality across the board. All the Nurgle stuff looks fantastic. I love the Balewind Vortex also, the color contrast is wonderful, it will pop beautifully on the table. Keep cranking out the hobby candy!!!!!!
  14. Got my converted Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon primed and laid down some base coats. Hope to get it done this month!
  15. I converted a GW giant. Looks like a bigger Crypt Horror and fits in pretty well.
  16. I saw it was Bill Souza's teammate and friend, was it the same list Bill used at Nova and the Michigan GT?
  17. I think Ghoul Patrol is our best battalion by a wide margin. The two main strengths of this current iteration of FEC is our board control with attrition and our big baddies that can summon. Lists with a combo of big monsters and hordes of Ghouls seem to be our best builds right now.
  18. Yea my bad I meant to type re-roll 1s to wound. Still love this guy!!!!!!
  19. I like the list overall. My big concern is that too many points are tied up in Battalions. The strength of Bonesplitterz is just mobbing with bodies and my gut says those Battalion points would be better spent on some more green dudes. Also I love the mounted Orruk Warboss as an ally in this fighty a list. For 140 his banner gives re-roll to all wounds for Orruks and his command ability spams extra attacks for Orruks. I converted one up to look savage and play him in just about every list I take, he is a buff monster.
  20. Here are some of my AoS28 FEC. If you want to read their fluff check out my blog posts linked in the footer. Have loved putting this army together. Looking forward to finding the time to finish it off.
  21. This one of my Abohorant Ghoul Kings, Archbishop Eustathius. A leader of St. Simeon‘s Crusade he summons forth his loyal sergeant at arms to defend the faith.
  22. Been a little distracted from my Nagash Death army but I have 2 corpse carts to finish up that are now on the top of my painting que.
  23. Congrats, love to see the FEC rocking it out. How large was the field and what else did well? I looked on the FB page and could only see 40k coverage/standings. Is there a place where the AOS stuff got put out?
  24. This!!!!!!! I have about 100 as well and still feel short. Ugh, guess I need to crank through another 20-30.
  25. Liking the look of the army, even if it was a speed paint. What are you thinking of adding? I personally love Lady Olynder. She is both a sweet model and a mortal wound machine.
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