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Everything posted by JustAsPlanned

  1. There’s like, a 90% chance it’s Kruleboyz. Although, if they showed off a new creature model for a faction that’s coming later in the edition (IDK 👀) it’d be cool too
  2. Ok, this is gonna be the last I say on it - cause yknow, rumour thread, if it’s that controversial a topic then it could get its own thread or something. The only one I see getting worked up here that I see is you man. Someone literally pointed out that “hey, the idea of a noble civilising force going out and purging the unclean sounds kinda manifest destiny-ish, hope they don’t ****** it up” and you then acted as if that was in any way an unreasonable observation. Nobody’s trying to “change warhammer” we’re literally just hoping they don’t accidentally glorify colonialism lmao. The game is about war, ofc horrible stuff happens, that’s the point. Oh and FYI I’ve been playing the both 40k and AoS for roughly 6 years, so please cut out the condescending gatekeepy “maybe try somewhere else” nonsense : )
  3. I could see the Ivory Host character - Ghuri-Xza I think it was? - getting a model, since she was mentioned in both the OBR and SBGL Battletomes
  4. Translation: I don’t like it when people find subtext I dislike or disagree with, so therefore they lack “logic” (whatever that’s supposed to mean) and are being immature. Because I said so.
  5. “Mmmm yes, compelling argument my friend. However, your point has been utterly refuted and nullified, as I have portrayed myself as a muscular bearded man, and you as a crying soyjak. Better luck next time!”
  6. W so big I had to carve it onto this skeleton, bossman
  7. Hey, KO don’t have monsters or magic or anything YET. Maybe they’ll get a magitech priest unit, or some kind of giant Skywhale.
  8. I’ll do you one better; what if Aenarion BECAME a big Phoenix (or Dragon) spirit that Tyrion rides on. That way you could have both Tyrion AND Aenarion on the table at the same time!
  9. I am going to finally get around to painting a load of my Nighthaunt, in the blind faith that we’ll get a BT early on in 3.0. I’ve gotta paint up Kurdoss, two Dreadblade Harrows, a 10-ghost unit of Grimghast Reapers, two chainghasts, and a partridge in a pear tree
  10. GW Community team be something other than unnecessarily confusing and vague challenge EDIT: Welp, this didn’t age well lmao
  11. Nighthaunt got around 9 non-starter set new units/models (including the Underworlds warband), whereas Necrons got about 7 or 8.
  12. So, this is gonna be under the assumption that Kruleboyz are apart of Warclans. Ironjawz have 10 different units, as do Bonesplitterz (including underworlds warbands). Throw in Kragnos, and that leaves OWC at 21 units right now. There have been 9 confirmed Kruleboyz units (7 in dominion + the 2 revealed), which would bump the total up to 30 (interestingly just above the unit count for their fellow starter set faction, the Nighthaunt). Now, the Gloomspite have 33 units and the Ogors have 35. I think the KB will receive at least 3-4 additional units, bringing OWC roughly up to par with their Destruction counterparts. Although if we’re really lucky, maybe they’ll throw a bone (hehe) to the Bonesplitterz and update one of their many terrible resin hero kits. Who knows, eh?
  13. Bonesplitterz ARE monster killers. And because monsters are undoubtedly gonna get more prevalent this edition...
  14. I mean, this IS the Age of Beasts. Maybe we’ll get lucky and get a plastic Mourngul with better rules.
  15. Yooo, new monsters for every army this edition would be so epic. Plastic Mourngul, Big Kraken, Sky-Whales, maybe even Morghur for the BoC.
  16. Krulghast stock just went up, it seems!
  17. Yeah I do wish that GW eases it with the horrendously copyrightable names a bit, which they seem to be doing with the Kruleboyz. My biggest pipe dream that will never happen is that at some point they go back and change some of the faction names to be less like that - ie, LRL to just Lumineth, OBR to just Ossiarchs or Bonereapers etc.
  18. I mean... now we’ve got Dominion to complete the trifecta of Order v Chaos, Order v Death, and Order v Destruction starter sets, logically the next step would be Order v Order - maybe there’d be no Stormcast in that one? Granted, that’s 4e which is at least 3 years off and we haven’t had had 3e yet, but still.
  19. The Kruelboyz are Orruks, so there’s always a chance there’ll be a new Gobbo army that has the steppe-y theme you’re looking for
  20. Maybe have there be a new Grungni focused Duardin faction that takes queues from the Ironweld and Dispossessed. Have a subfaction based in Aqshy that can take 1 in 4 Fyreslayers, and maybe another Chamon-based one that can take 1 in 4 Kharadron. Problem solved! Now Magmadroths can charge alongside big Airships and massive Dwarf cannons and what for whilst still being their own big, separate things.
  21. Nope, it just straight up didn’t get any rules. Which is... odd, but oh well. You could always homebrew some rules for them if you’re desperate to play them.
  22. New Champions of Death art! Looks like the cover and an FEC archetype.
  23. My bet is either Ulgu, Ghyran or Chamon tbh - we haven’t seen much of Ulgu (plus it could hint to future lore stuff like the return of Slaanesh in the same way Beastgrave led to the Era of Beasts), Ghyran seems to be in ascendancy alongside Ghur thanks to the lifequake, and Chamon seems like a good location for a dungeon crawler setting like Underworlds.
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