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Everything posted by Ganigumo

  1. I doubt it, Thundertusks are still pretty weak since frost Wreathed ice is so weak. Frost-wreathed Ice is basically engineered to be ineffective against all targets, and is supposed to be the selling point of the thundertusk. the 4 tusk attacks are quite weak as far as monster melee attacks go. you roll 12 dice at on the top bracket, on a 6+ you do 1 mortal wound. so you can expect to get around 2 on average, most of the targets with less than 10 models are either elite (meaning you likely won't kill any models) or 2 wound chaff units (you can kill a single chaos warrior/liberator). if the unit has 10 models you can expect 4 mortal wounds, so against a unit of 10 single wound models you could kill 4 (this is probably a chaff unit anyways but represents the best "value" killing almost half the unit), or against multi wound models you might kill one or two. units of 20+ models are going to be hordes so while you can get 6 mortal wounds on average, killing 6 models in a big horde is a drop in the bucket. The only variant of Thundertusk that might be decent now is the Huskard, and mostly for the support capabilities, the healing prayer could be relevant due to all our models having a lot of wounds, and the "lore" prayers offer some more mortals or movement, +1 to wound is always relevant as well. I could see a huskard on TT holding an objective in the back and providing support being something usable, but it might still be overcosted. The other variants are definitely overcosted still.
  2. GW has a habit of not giving buffs to strong armies until they're seen as "balanced". Just look at skaven, it took 3 rounds before the weak stuff got touched at all, which is pretty disappointing.
  3. FAQs are out. Wierdnob shaman is now 120 (why?) Foot Megaboss is now 140 'Ardboys are 100 Brutes are 130 Other than the shaman change this seems fine? It probably pushes brutes to be more efficient than 'Ardboys but 'Ardboys have more utility. I'll probably be dropping down to 10 'Ardboys from 15 and running a few more brutes in my list.
  4. Personally I prefer clubs & ironfists, the damage is nearly identical vs a 4+ save, anything higher or rerolls will favor the gargant hackers, but thats not taking the mortal wounds from the ironfists into account. the 2" range isn't particularly useful on mournfang imo. Ironfist mileage can vary wildly as well, being better against massed weak attacks than against high quality ones. Also since the description says "The unit is armed with one of the following weapon options" it means everything will have the chosen weapon, including the skalg horn blower, and banner bearer, even though those ones are modeled with clubs.
  5. @Nezzhil the chamon artifact is probably the best one for his durability and would let him fight rend 1 things more consistently. If you wanted an offensive option maybe the one to reroll 1s to wound? Then you can use a CA to reroll hits of 1 as well. Still weaker than ghyrstrike though. Howzit is basically just praying to the dice gods. If I had only 1 artifact option I would definitely be considering a madcap with moonface mommet. Its probably the best artifact in our book, but the madcap is pretty fragile.
  6. With endless spells being limited and the amount of stuff around that can wreck low wound heroes he might be in trouble. Controlling the moon will still be powerful but there are going to be matchups where he probably can't cast anything useful and will get blown off too quickly and i imagine those armies are going to be the ones gatekeeping/winning. Lumineth is going to be an absolute nightmare for us, since their archers don't need LoS, they have the potential to shut down our magic, they have bravery debuffs, they can pass off battleshocks to our units and they have a spell that makes our CA cost 2cp. I don't know if skragrott would be dead weight there because of magic dom and sniping or mandatory for the cp, and it looks like lumineth is quite popular too.
  7. Pinks are where they should be if each model returned to the unit didn't net you 5 more wounds. That interaction is the reason they need an increase or new warscroll.
  8. There's definitely gas in Anvil I think, a cheap foot hero with the +1 save CA could give savage Orruks a 2+ save, 5+ with shield, +1 from the spell, +1 from wardokk prayer, +1 from CA.
  9. Points. Mancrushers are 180/480. but 3 solo mancrushers is 540. The other gargants are 480 or 490. so if you run 3 of the 490 point one you would hit 1470 points and be unable to run any solo gargants if you run 2 of the 490 point one and one 480 point one you would hit 1460 points and be able to run 3 solo gargants. if you run 9 solo mancrushers you would hit 1620 points, and you can't fit a mega gargant in the list to be your general. Basically the army has 4 500 point slots when listbuilding, and you can usually only run 3 solo gargants before being forced to squad them up. Although I suspect most lists will have the choice between running the 3 solo gargants or a bonus command point.
  10. I think pyrofane is overshadowed by eternal conflagration at the moment, but if flamers eat a nerf (which they certainly will be) I think Pyrofane will be able to stand on its own. You can definitely get a lot of mileage out of a 30 block of kairics in a witchfyre coven, and bringing a fatemaster can allow you to reroll hits as well as wounds although you might not have the CP for it.
  11. From the battletome pg 5: "Though some Orruks can be quite ingenious when it comes to new ways of bashing, clubbing or impaling their victims, they see things like blackpowder weapons, well made castle walls, and duardin flying machines as 'cheatin'" (this statement is about all orruks, but just rules out anything more advanced than bows and maybe the crudest of artillery) pg 8:"These Orruks epitomise the side of the greenskin psyche that is brutal rather than cunning. They favour raw strength and resilience over all that complicated brainy stuff they call 'finkin'" "The weapons and armor of the ironjawz are crude but effective, much like the orruks that use them. Simple weapons of iron and steel are popular" "Not all are simple bludgeons and axes, for the rough ingenuity of the orruk manifests in the creation of their most prized weapons - some have crude blade-breakers saw teeth or claws that can pull an enemys' guard wide open before the killer blow slams in" "The ironjawz do not have smiths as such, nor do they trust grots to fashion their equipment for them - instead they batter and punch the metal into shape" Its not directly stated they are opposed to using ranged weapons but if you read between the lines it paints a pretty clear picture that not only do they lack the desire to use ranged weapons, but also likely the ability to craft them, and even if they could it would only be the crudest and simplest possible, even bows would likely be out of the smithing ability of the ironjawz, since it would take a more delicate hand to craft one, let alone the ammunition. The rules also reflect this mentality being that every allegiance ability either helps in combat, or helps get to combat.
  12. Ironjawz are basically strictly opposed to using ranged weapons in any major capacity, so while Ironjawz themed war machines would look awesome, they wouldn't fit into the faction thematically unless they were being crewed by grots or something, at which point you might as well make that a faction (Gitmob/grotback). If you were adding "siege" units to Ironjawz it would need to fit their theme, brutes with heavier armor and shields that walk through enemy fire to get to them (3+ save, 2+ when not in combat since they use their shield to block and not bash), a Grunta chariot, that is pushed from the rear and the front is a big metal plate used to ram into stuff that curves over the gruntas to protect them, and maybe some new shaman/boss variants. The other issue is Ironjawz already have the tool they need to smash down city gates and stuff in the maw krusha, and if you need a bigger thing it'll need to be something like Gordrakk's battering ram, which is more of a narrative piece than a useful unit. From my perspective adding these things doesn't really expand Ironjawz in an interesting way, even if the models would be awesome, since Ironjawz already covers everything they need, sure a grunta boss would be cool, but it doesn't expand the army, its purely driven from a game perspective. Ironjawz is a very "complete" faction given its current lore, and expanding it doesn't seem like it would add anything to the army. This is why I think a new clan would be the way to go since I feel the same about bonesplitterz. I also disagree about the themes of Orruks being weak thematically. Ironjawz are pragmatic to a fault driven by their experience, everything that they didn't need was scrapped so they could be better at what they do, smashing and bashing. Its simple, but thats why it fits Ironjawz and that is the appeal. Ironjawz are a fist, united in goal and purpose. I won't go into bonesplitterz, but the lore is very interesting (at least to me) and fits them well, although they could use some updated models/endless spells.
  13. I think gitmob and Grotback could get an Orruk warclans style book, with two separate allegiances, and then a little waaagh! allegiance. Honestly based on how well I've heard the gloomspite line went, I think it might be possible that the destruction faction at the forefront of the next edition could be this new goblin faction, with the starter set focusing on one half, and the initial release covering the other, catching both nostalgic players and those hyped for the new AoS style. The obvious choice would be ironjawz but Ironjawz wouldn't expand well, there's only a couple potential units you could add to the army without all the units feeling samey or breaking the focus of the army. Warclans would probably get expanded by the creation of a new clan, if/when it happens.
  14. I Love AoS. This is coming from dropping wargaming entirely after the initial axing of Fantasy and introduction of AoS. The game rules are simple, which is great because there's enough depth in the factions, scenarios, and general strategy of the game that it won't get boring. (I also like that I don't need to reference a compendium of special rules like in Fantasy/40k) I love the setting, it very much feels like unexplored territory, and will hopefully stay that way indefinitely, which can prevent it from becoming stale. Even the addition of new realms is a possibility, which is a huge change from Fantasy where so much was static and defined. The new armies, and they way they built old armies into the new setting has been great. My only issues tend to be game balance related, we are entering a world with two tiers of books, which is going to be exacerbated by the constant creep of powerful magic. Most armies have magic, but only a small handful are going to actually be able to use it, since the strong magic armies are also great at shutting down enemy magic, which is a problem since many armies need their support spells to function properly.
  15. My money would be on early August. I know they want to get 40k stuff out the door but I imagine they'll give the players a week of breathing room after needing to buy all the new books and indomitus. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Sons of Behemat announcement on sunday, but it might be more likely that we get a specialist games release since some of those have been dragging for a while as well.
  16. I made a scuttleboss on arachnarok spider. I couldn't really recreate the crew attacks but this thing still looks better than the normal arachnaroks... The rider doesn't have access to poisoned attacks but luckily the spiderfang artifact table is actually available to him (unlike any of the moonclan artifacts) so I can just give him The Black Fang. 300 points might be worth it here in comparison to the other arachnarok variants, but he would be competing with the Webspinner I think. I feel like the +1 save CA would be better but the +1 hit CA is more fitting. edit: It seems I got the numbers wrong and this should be 31DP, or 310 points.
  17. Yes, but only if they physically block line of sight. as per the rules So smaller models like grots or possibly even fellwaters (they're quite squat) might not block LoS properly, the Rockguts are pretty tall and beefy though and can probably obscure a shaman from sight. Won't work against K.O though, since their boats are pretty tall, but might work against kroak.
  18. I'm not certain, But i think rockguts might be big enough to block line of sight to the madcap if you position properly, those rockguts are pretty large in comparison to the madcap. Rockguts + Madcap could prove to be a good power piece against shooting.
  19. Magic domination is certainly the way things look to be going, seraphon have crazy dispelling too. I know for my ironjawz I've started playing bloodtoofs and dropped the shaman entirely. I don't think gitz have the luxury of dropping magic and still staying competitive. I wonder if it might be worth running a Loonskin Troggboss general in a more grot focused list over skragrott. It would let you fit a unit of rockguts in as battleline over one of the Grot units to diversify the force. I haven't seen much about it, but the seraphon matchup looks really bad for us (kroak sniping our foot heroes stopping our inspiring presence) and having a troggboss might help mitigate that.
  20. From what I've seen the rumored points changes range from disappointing to confusing, Like pricing the rogue Idol out of Gitz, or finally giving the Dankhold Troggoth a point drop, but only going down 10 points, while the Troggboss got another point drop. It almost feels like this set of point changes was just to make it look like they were doing something. Hopefully the next iteration will just drop the matched play points entirely, put them in pdfs, and instead focus on extra narrative and matched play content (like mercs, battleplans, etc) I'm super excited for the Custom warscrolls though, that alone would justify the book for me. There are a bunch of holes in some of the armies I play that I can convert characters up to fit into, and now have some rules to go with it.
  21. Praise the Sun! My bet on gitmob returning would be on another goblin book with gitmob as a subfaction. Gloomspite was all about subterranean and nocturnal goblins (with spiderfang). I imagine we'd get a goblin book featuring both Gitmob (worshipping the sun of Hysh) and Grotback scuttlers, then possibly a "Little Waaagh!" allegiance as well. It would be a bit similar to lumineth, with one half the book capturing nostalgia with gitmob, and the other half being something new.
  22. I think Ironjawz aren't hit too hard by this as many builds have a slightly weaker variant. Ironsunz get an artifact to reduce rend by 1 and no clan, Big Waagh! and Choppas have access to a command trait for +1 save, which can be combined with another artifact (but we'll see what those look like)
  23. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Its amazing the Troggboss has come down 50 points since release, despite it actually having a role and a reason to take it, while the dankhold Troggoth is just now coming down a miniscule amount that won't put it anywhere near playable.
  24. You could intentionally trigger this with with the Tyrant CA and a unit of gnoblars. Not sure if that would be worth it though.
  25. The wierdnob change makes 0 sense to me, which makes me very skeptical of the rumor overall. I've shifted to bloodtoofs because of how crazy the magic phase power creep is getting, and running a footboss to hold the artefact for the free teleport instead of bringing a wierdnob. Brutes are certainly more interesting with those changes though, i figured that a 20 point decrease on brutes would make them better than 'ardboyz in most cases, and a 10 point decrease wouldn't be enough. This feels like it lands somewhere in the middle, with brutes being more effecient in terms of wounds and damage but with ardboyz having more bravery and better charges.
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