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Double Misfire

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Everything posted by Double Misfire

  1. Hi @Ben I'm very excited to be going organising a big group of friends going to Blood and Glory this year, playing several different systems. Will tickets for the Blood Bowl and Necromunda events be going on sale on Sunday too, or will it be just the main AoS, 40k and Horus Heresy ones? Also who's running the Necromunda event and do they need a board or two's worth of nicely painted scenery? If so, feel free to put me in touch.
  2. Today's community article is on the Stormcast (presumably the guys included in the Starter box along with yesterday's Nighthaunt): https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/05/15/15th-may-faction-focus-stormcast-eternalsgw-homepage-post-3/
  3. New Gotrek/Realmslayer art. I do not know from where. Here's hoping he gets a miniature and some truly broken rules.
  4. All of me wanted their story to have a definitive ending at the end of first War of the Vampire Counts. Where it did. Their inclusion the End Times was completely unnecessary as they were about as definitively "dead" as undead characters can get without any loose ends left to tie up. Vlad's bizarro nice guy characterisation didn't help. ?
  5. I told them to make artillery crews harder to kill. Let's wait and see...
  6. Speaking as someone who's had to put a Goblin-Hewer together and then transport it, no I don't need one back in my life.
  7. I don't know what this is but need it in my life
  8. Tempest Lords Lord-Ordinator almost done for the Warhammer World doubles this weekend. His hair turned out a little more platinum than I'd have originally liked, but I'm ok with it. Also a hastily thrown together objective marker.
  9. I've got a Warpriest at home (minus Gryph-hound) I've got no immediate plans for that you're welcome to if you can't find him.
  10. Great looking blog @stato! It's awesome to see another Tempest's Eye player (and even more awesome to see one with their models painted in the proper colours, which most of mine are not). The Archmage is fantastic, what do you plan on converting your Freeguild general out of?
  11. Very nice, but for the love of profit drill out those gun barrels! (they won't fire otherwise!)
  13. 1) Anvilgard is a bonus allegiance ability you can take on top of an existing army using the basic Order allegiance abilities if it only contains units from the listed 7 factions and no named characters, and not an allegiance on it's own. A matched play army can choose to take Order allegiance abilities after being built using a faction specific allegiance. For example you could put together Free Peoples list with Demigryph and Greatsword battleline, and then choose to take Order allegiance abilities instead of the faction specific Freeguild allegiance abilities; if you did this and had taken only allies from the 7 factions available to Anvilgard and no named characters, you could then choose to take the Anvilgard bonus allegiance abilities on top of the Order ones. Reaper Bolt Throwers do not have a keyword belonging to any of the 7 factions and so can not be taken in an Anvilgard list. 2) See above re: allegiances for the purposes of matched play list building. If you chose to build a matched play list with Order Serpentis or Scourge Privateers allegiance you could respectively take Drakespawn Knights or Corsiars as battleline. You could not take both as battleline. If you chose to take a matched play list built with either OS or SP allegiance and had not taken any Daughters of Khaine or named character allies you could then choose to take the Anvilgard bonus allegiance abilities on top of your existing Order ones (neither has a set of allegiance abilities of their own). (though @Jamie the Jasperwould call you uncharacterful for not taking a cosmopolitan mixed Order Anvilgard list. ) 3) Of course you can. What on Earth would prevent you from taking a battalion?
  14. New basing kit leaked ahead of the AoS open day:
  15. "A volcanic landscape from the Realm of Fire" according to the community site article for next week's preorders. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/02/25/coming-next-week-shadow-ruins/
  16. Great idea for a new force and narrative that builds off the old. I love the idea of Eurenil, though agree with @swooper that he should probably be a "new" character and not a WFB survivor. The idea of a diplomat suggests a load of really cool imaginary depending on where you want to take Eurenil's look. You could even have him modelled in a load off different costumes/looks for different missions (ceremonial robes, practical traveling gear for when he's on the road or operating incognito, airsuit for visiting Kharadron skyports, ornate armour for when he wants to cause a stir, even a couple of disguises). His status as a diplomat could be easily conveyed by the poses you give him - gesticulating with one hand and the other on his waist, weapons (presumably a sword) holstered and hanging at his belt, possibly a scroll or writ in one hand being read aloud from. How you choose to model him and if you decide to go for multiple looks means the possibilities are endless.
  17. Loving the mini diorama bases on the big undead beasties @MrCharisma, especially the cowering Empire guy from the old giant. Big love to the classic vampire at the base of the Warscryer Citadel too! Starting to regret the life choices that lead to my choice of pattern on the Lord-Ordinator's cloak...
  18. Best moment in End Times: Khaine. It's a shame they didn't use the opportunity to kill Morathi off for good, being told to go to her end with the dignity benefiting her heritage just felt like such an appropriate, final end for her and bringing her back just seems to undermine it. That said, she's always been a popular, iconic character, and incest's been particularly in vogue in both ****** and mainstream media for the last couple of years, so it's probably not such a bad PR shout to have brought her back.
  19. Wow, I love the contrast between the two different Korhils. The modern one is moodily brooding away in his End Times look, while the 5th ed guy's rocking the joys of spring, totally oblivious to the hard future that awaits him. You've captured both their moods perfectly. Amazing work all round, especially the NMM!
  20. Beautiful banner, horn, axes, everything. Love the Gary Morley White Lions and the original Korhil.
  21. Realmslayer announcement on the community site for everyone who didn't get the memo https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/02/14/the-slayer-returns/
  22. I don't, I'm only here for the fan service so they'd better lather it on! Apart from Gotrek, which WFB characters have recently been brought back/reintroduced to the AoS setting? Aborash got an implied not-quite-namedrop in Eight Lamentations: Spear of Shadows, but Morathi's been known to have survived the End Times and been around at the start of the AoS timeline since Age of Sigmar: Mighty Battles in an Age of Unending War way back when the game launched.
  23. GW definitely make no bones about this. Just incase anyone cares, here's the passage from way back in The Realmgate Wars: Quest for Ghal Maraz explicitly spelling out that duardin are dwarfs (or at least directly descended from them ):
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