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About this blog

Hi all, this is my blog to track and share the building, painting and playing of my forces of Titanspear, otherwise known as free city of Tempests Eye. Home to the Stormcast Eternals of the Tempest Lords, seers and scryers of the Eldritch Council, wardens of Swifthawk Agents, Kharadron privateers and more besides. I will be adding units as they are painted and records of games and campaigns fought.

Hope you enjoy, Richard.

Entries in this blog

The Foundation - Month 1

'War in the North' rages on and the Forces of Titanspear muster to defend their territory from friend and foe alike.   So ive avoided posting until I had something to show but now we are halfway through Month one of our little groups escalation collect-and-paint I have managed to paint up the bulk of my first batch. Needing to build a core for further expansion I went with 20 freeguild guard in 2 units, a general to command them, and an Archmage as the start of the Aelven part of the f



War in the North

Im a regular at Newcastle Warlords club in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. Inspired by the effort of Chris Tomlin and friends in their 'From Ember to Inferno' escalation campaign a few of us, driven by TalesOfSigmar, have decided to develop our own campaign 'War in the North'.  We start 1st March with first games 1st April (ish). I will be using this escalation to build the foundation of my Tempest Eye force, starting with Freeguild Guard and a few Heros, adding in some Eldritch Council and S



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