The Foundation - Month 1
'War in the North' rages on and the Forces of Titanspear muster to defend their territory from friend and foe alike.
So ive avoided posting until I had something to show but now we are halfway through Month one of our little groups escalation collect-and-paint I have managed to paint up the bulk of my first batch. Needing to build a core for further expansion I went with 20 freeguild guard in 2 units, a general to command them, and an Archmage as the start of the Aelven part of the force.
Month 1 - March 2018
Freeguild General (100)
- Stately War Banner
Archmage (120)
10 x Freeguild Guard (80)
10 x Freeguild Guard (80)
Total: 380 / 400
So far my painting has produced 7 Freeguild to a good level, 7 to a basic level, 6 base coat. My general has gone walkabout so he need found and ive just put together my Archmage.
Here are the almost complete Freeguild Guard (with Tempest Lord Stormcast support), final highlights, shields and basing to go. Ive used Bretonnian models as they suit the theme of Tempest Eye and the Tempest Lords Stormcast (and i have them already).
My Archmage is now assembled ready for primer. Obviously its a conversion, based on the Mistweaver model with a different head (Sister of the Watch) and arms (Doomfire warlocks, Sisters of Silence and Island-of-Blood Archmage staff). Pretty happy with it, cant wait to paint!
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