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Public Universal Duardin

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Everything posted by Public Universal Duardin

  1. Those Spire Tyrants look really amazing - and they include not only a beastman but, by Hashut's brass sirloin steak, a non-FW Chaos Duardin! Really nice sculpts, I enjoy the unique look the Warcry Warbands have.
  2. But Malekith exists, just renamed into Malerion. GW would rather rename Tyrion into something else than just axe everyone's favourite better twin. Yes, I went there #TeamTyrion
  3. I for one, welcome our light samurai overlords. I want to remind them that as a trusted TGA personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their Hyshian crystal caves.
  4. It would be interesting choice! But is this even "Tyrion's army"? Teclis has been seen in the trailer and has been attributed to "creating" the Pointy Aelves, if I've understood it correctly. I wonder how much Tyrion even has to do with these guys, lorewise. Although if he returns as a model, give him a proper steed, be it a horse or dragon. Can't have a god running around on foot!
  5. Not gonna lie, the nostalgiabaiting has made me pretty excited for Pointy Aelves regardless what they may be (even if they ARE elves, grumble grumble). As long as the lore is interesting enough I'd not mind to fill my Order quota with a new army! Although I have a feeling these elves are going to have some sort of flaw, doubt they are going to just be High Elves again, if for nothing else, to make them distinct enough that other companies can't make cheaper versions of them. If I had to choose, I'd want dragons over eagles but we'll see.
  6. I agree, with the footnote of acknowledging that even grimdarkness has a scale. The Imperium is a dystopian dictatorship ruled by autocrats that spit on the idea of a liberal democracy - that itself could be the 'grimdark' aspect of it, without needing the elderly made into corpsestarch and Space Marines kidnapping minors to be taken to breeding planets 'For the Emperor!' (And yes, that has happened in a BL short story). But the way things are now, when the grim and dark future means turning it to 11, it just got too much. BL doesn't have to make 1984 look like The Hobbit for things to be considered grim and dark enough! I completely agree on your assesment of AoS, however. It has the width 40K desperately needs. You want to tell horror, be it contemporary or gothic? You can do it. Some Freeguild Sheriff solving a murder like Sherlock Holmes? You could do it. Or as we have been joking here, a sappy romance novel where some long-haired chiseled hero with a chin that would make Bruce Campbell blush saving the day (add a love triangle and a pale vampire and let me tell you, now we're talking the highest grossing BL novel ever). You could do it! It wouldn't feel out of place - and while 40K should have that width, the moment you deviate from the known formula and a vocal chunk of the fandom goes bonkers. Remember the kids' books? The non-canon ones that would just bring in the fans of tomorrow to the IP in a family-friendly way? The outrage was fierce. That is why I really like AoS - it lacks the 40+ years of baggage 40K has and can have that wiggleroom to be experimental.
  7. I've never minded the pulpy aspect of Black Library novels per se, but I do think there is much potential that never gets achieved because the expectations are that Warhammer novels are these pulpy stories about your favourite toy soldier army. And while that in itself is all right and totally valid (like I said, I enjoy reading about 'my dudes'! Lore is a big reason why I gravitate towards certain models or armies), I personally feel certain authors want to one-up each other in terms of how grimdark and hopeless the novels can be. And as already pointed out, that can be really novel and exciting the first few times, but when you read the fifteenth or twentieth novel, novella or short story that ends with even grimmer and darker endings it all gets exhausting. It has been one of the factors I avoided Black Library novels for a long time and still dread reading 40K stories as they all seem to suffer from that~ It all is such a shame, because without hope and without the characters you root for winning, that darkness just feels...bland. Already seen. And why care, when you can guess from page one that the character you're supposed to relate and root for will face some horrible end? This is why I was surprised by Warhammer Horror as my first thought was 'How will this be different from any other Warhammer story?'. Luckily, I have had good luck with AoS stories in general (Although, to be fair, I have mostly read novellas and short stories). I don't doubt they lack same kind of 'overly grimdark' stories but those I've read have had it in moderation. I would, however, instabuy any 'Warhammer Romance'. Just give me something to really tug my heartstrings and maybe even have a little cry over!
  8. Even without our resident user 'in the know', there was so many red flags in those 4chan comments. Aside of what has been mentioned, Tyrion riding Sleipnir would be a weird thing - although Norse Pointy Elves could work, I doubt GW wants to go back to 'Real life culture X but fantasy'. Same with return of Nippon. All new releases have been rather amalgamations of different cultures than the models of yore. Even in lore the old factions that survived End Times have moved away from that - Freeguilds aren't german anymore, dinosaur aztecs are now Dinosaur Aztecs: The Next Generation going where no saurian has gone before and both chaos and dwarves have purposefully strayed away from being vikings.
  9. Just the way I like it. This isn't winning, it's losing - with style!
  10. Touché. I'd rush to collect FEC would their models pique my interest more (and have more variance!). But I have to admit, reading that their units are called knights, courtiers and so on was almost enough for me to fall for them. Almost.
  11. I'm like FEC, but my delusion is that Bretonnians are noblebright just so I don't have to ask myself "Am I playing as the baddies?"
  12. I would love to see them return, they always held a special place in me heart. Do you still play with Bretonnians, even if they have gone the way of the dodo? I have my old models from way back in the day but never used them in AOS as they (to my knowledge) lack any points. Maybe I can dust them off when Old World returns, for one final Errantry War...
  13. I'm still holding onto the hope that Teclis managed to snatch a few Bretonnian souls (weren't they sent to some pocket dimension during End Times?) to reforge as elves. I can accept that I'll never see my noblebright frenchmen going on jolly good high adventures ever again but I'd love to get at least a cavalry unit of Grail Elves.
  14. That looks like a good starting point! Oh man, this makes me feel 'plastic fever' and I can't wait to start painting. Thank you a lot!
  15. Thank you for giving me something to think about. Despite the named heroes looking quite stunning it's perhaps best to use those points toward a functioning army. Guess I'll have some list building to do!
  16. Hey guys, gals and enby pals! Being of the indecisive sort I let the great god Nuffle decide my first AOS army from a pool of 'Wow, these guys look like great fun" - and Nighthaunt won by a great margin! Despite loud protests about using bone dice near a necromancer of Shyish I want to get into painting ASAP so I can start to ruffle the feathers (pun intended) of my buddy the Tzeentch-player. But Nighthaunts are a quite large army in terms of models (and just by hero choices alone!) - what would you suggest for a friendly/casual 1000p levels? I don't have to win, but I rather have some great ghastly fun instead of realising there's zero synergy and half the points being named heroes is a waste.
  17. Would be the dream. I'm too a long time fan of dwarves of all kinds, but never had the chance to get legit Chaos Dwarves as a teen despite the lore having a soft space in my heart. Bought the Tamurkan tome from FW but then I dropped out from the hobby for the better part of a decade. A GW chaos duardin faction would be what I've waited for a decade.
  18. I have no desire to be a cynic, but in case this is true (and let us not forget, it is not official until we get either replies or some public notice from FW) I doubt this forum alone has chance to save the army - especially if LoA gets the axe because FW is getting away from AOS as they prepare themselves for Old World. Which COULD be a new home for LoA! Might be either a restructuring to show LoA is unsupported under Old World returns or, Hashut forbid, a way to kill the army for good to save valuable shelf space - but for the moment, we won't know either way.
  19. If true, I'm relieved I haven't yet invested in this army (and solidifies the feeling that FW is it's greatest foe) but FW should in that case be more transparent. It's worse for those of you who have poured a lot of effort and money on the sons of Hashut.
  20. What is the consensus on using proxies? I don't mind paying premium for a few centerpiece models, but for some Azgorh models you could get two start collecting sets for a "mainline" AoS army. While I can convince myself to get a few premium priced models, all battlelines would undoubtedly consist of proxies. Or would it best to just look at other AoS armies to avoid being beaten by sticks and chased away as a pauper?
  21. Years ago back when WHFB still lived, I bought 'dwarves of fire canyon' from a company called Russian Alternative - maybe that's a good choice if you live in Europe. Their minis had the classic 'big hat' look (and cast in metal!) but I am unsure whether they still exist.
  22. 1) Ulgu Aelves. I am sure this is happening sooner or later, but I am anyway excited to see what shady things Malerion have been cooking up. 2) Chaos Duardin. I wish they'd receive the GW treatment instead of Forge World - who knows how long they'll be available to purchase? If GW would make them a mainline army at comparable pricepoint to other armies, I'd buy enough to make Hashut proud. 3) Malice. What would a Malice force look like? I don't know, but I would be excited to know!
  23. It was a tough choice, we have had such fantastic minis this year in AoS alone - Katakros and the ever funny Dankhold Troggoth to name just two. But I had to choose Gotrek, that mini is just so magnificent.
  24. Almost a decade ago was when I was most into Warhammer - a teen and incredibly indecisive, I had bought multiple small forces none exceeding 500 points. By the time End Times rolled around I had moved to more virtual hobbies but still followed the lore. A long story short, much salt was spread and grudges written down and I vowed to never return to the 'plastic cocaine' of Games Workshop ever again. I sold my meager Ogres and Skaven and gave the dwarves to my brother while keeping my small but to me special Bretonnians who had been squatted. Fast forward to this year and I start hearing how fun AoS is and I can feel a tinge of nostalgia in my cold, cold heart. But what about the lore, I ask, surely it must be worse than of WHFB? By curiosity I browse Black Library and buy for a couple euros C.L Werner's short story Shiprats - and it is exactly what I needed. Megalomanic Skaven, an interesting setting, dw- duardin being duardin and a very 'local' perspective proving that AoS is more than these grand demigodly battles, that these smaller stories fit alongside the near-mythical narrative-changing arcs. I was wrong, and I was converted. And that is the story of how Games Workshop pulled me back in.
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