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Everything posted by Dukeus

  1. So did nothing in January and hope the thread gives me some motivation. I want to paint 1 Liberator: I have 20 already but I feel like going back to the roots and start with something easy. 2 gryph hounds so my knight judicator has some loyal dogs. That stormcast Tornado spell which is just laying around primed for over a year now. its not much but busy with work and privat stuff. I wanna be a student again
  2. So had an accident. Twisted my ankle and can’t walk this weekend. Only barely. So my Knight judicator is already finished. I did not feel like painting gryph hounds right now but I still have a squad of the original ones I can use if I want to play. Super happy with the result . Gave him an arcane tome as artifact and clued the Knight arcanum book on his belt.
  3. My goal is simple. I just want to finish my Knight Judicator this year. Base is already done. The knight gets primed tommorow.
  4. Hi, just painted the van Denst witchhunter Models. They seem kinda cool in combination with the comet. So i can dispel it in the shooting phase and drop it again in the next round. Is That Right? Sry if already discussed. Just recently started a starcast List
  5. I just keep my coulour scheme. It still fits nicely together. But Yeah I miss the old hammer Design on the shoulder pad. The sigmar face Looks cool on the shield but on the shoulder it Just Looks like an egg. At least on tabletop distance. The old one Was better imo.
  6. As a stormcast Player. I like the more dynamic Infanterie poses but so much more Infanterie and battleline. Its a bit to much in my opinion. So many warscroll. Would like to See other armys get some love instead of 5 Million stormcast warscrolls
  7. So i tried to finish a stardrake, my first big centerpiece model in the April painting challenge but i failed hard. I just had not enough hobby time and was lazy 😅 I will finish it this month and present you the result. Only a wing needs to be done and the rider needs to be attached. I am so proud of the result so far.
  8. So i guess you are just good in sculpting if you go to an official tournament 😉
  9. There will be a new drake unit but no new stardrake. The Model is not old at all and still awesome. I Just about to finish one.
  10. The picture from the linebreaker core battalion, the description of a linebreaker in this unit table and the mentioned drake (kraknos warscroll) makes me think we definetly get some stormcast dragon between stardrake and dracoth. I am pretty sure. Would be awesome for my extremis chamber
  11. As much as i like stormcast and especially cavalry. I just cant see where a bretonnian type mounted unit would fit. We have dracothian guard (heavy cavalry), dracolines (magic cavalry) and palladors (Light fast cavalry). I think hopeing for a bretonnia 2.0 (or 3.0, we have still FEC) will lead to disappointment. Could be wrong of course
  12. Of course i didnt get my stardrake done. But i finished a wing atleast. The rest is still work in progress. I try to finish in May
  13. I just want to finish my first big centerpiece model. A stardrake. I wont have much time painting. Would be proud to get it even half done.
  14. Wanted that Mini aswell. I found a new one on eBay two month ago. But price was way to high. Was only to buy on some special Event i guess
  15. Either a real Bretonnia or something totally different and creative i hope. We will get a lot of empire and bretonnia with the old world anyways. Personally i would like to see something with an tales from 1001 night, Dune, desert flair.
  16. Would really love to see them all fully painted
  17. Yeah you are right. The artefact needs a rework now probably. Just courious doing math. Its basically the same
  18. Maybe, maybe not. The new GH2020 rule will stay atleast for a year. I like it. All these save after save after save get annoying fast. By the way its only nearly a 5+ safe or. 11/36 and 12/36 to survive.
  19. Is there an release date yet?
  20. I really like to paint female miniatures. But its absolutly not necassary to have female models in every faction. It has to fit the narrativ of the faction. I dont need a brother of battle either
  21. Yep that coulor for the hair/tassle looks really good. Important is that you like it
  22. Blue fits kinda good with Orange. Both are complementary colors. How do you want to do the base? Snow, Desert, Wasteland, grass? I would take that into cosideration too.
  23. Totally understand you. Honestly I paid much more money for other online memberships or Apps i forgot about or was to lazy to cancel. Thing is i just started AoS and the App was great to try out all kinds off different builds and helped me to decide what to get next. It really annoyed me alot that they did not update it. And i was like. I will show you, you greedy ******. No money from me anymore for you ****** App. And then i orderd a Stardrake 😄
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