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Everything posted by Dankboss

  1. 100 point Stormvermin will hopefully let them see play more often.
  2. There's different areas to consider, such as best damage per point, general effectiveness etc. I'll throw in Freeguild Handgunners as a contender for their general utility and low cost. While they're not a heavy hitter compared to other top shooters, their ability to screen and shoot incoming charging units to mitigate enemy damage is very useful. They are in a unique spot, being able to screen while creating area denial from their threat, and being a pain to charge against. This combined with being Battleline makes for a compelling choice, at least in the top 5.
  3. Looking at it closely, it doesn't match up with current warscrolls, so may be altered for the aforementioned aerial game type.
  4. It looks like the Phoenixes are being updated
  5. I would actually like to see the realm artifacts be replaced; one of their main purposes has passed, now all armies have their 2.0 battletome, that purpose being to help bridge the gap between old armies and new, much like the generic command abilities, which might be getting removed too (Quote: Vince Venturella iirc). I feel like the realm artifacts too often were better choices than some tomes' own, and things like Ethereal Amulet on any monster with a 3+ save just seems like a bad play experience if you didn't have the MW output to deal with it.
  6. Age of Sigmar has a better internal balance than say 40k imo, and for the most part, armies are in reach of each other unless you're facing a skew list of the top ultra competitive units, such as certain Tzeentch builds atm (although it's battletome is in its raw, un-altered state pre-general's handbook). Unless you're going for a wacky fun army of Snotling Pumpwagons, you ought to do just fine no matter what you choose, in a friendly to semi-competitive environment. And even then, the AoS competitive scene still sees Troggherds finding a little success and other armies most would overlook. AoS has a lot of innovation, so you can certainly develop the next effective build yourself. I always aim for semi-competitive, an army that won't be a pushover but also fun for both sides.
  7. My brother has been using an all mounted Slaves to Darkness army against me and it's pretty decent, and is reasonably survivable. Most armies are melee orientated and have at least a few ways of closing the distance. I would avoid Kharadron Overlords, Tzeentch, Slaanesh and maybe Skaven, as they tend to be shooting/ magic orientated, or otherwise lack durability. Seraphon are borderline a shooting/magic army, but are tough enough and fast enough to play melee too. Other than those (which could still work for you) there's a massive range of armies that can fulfill the requirements you're looking for, in one way or another. To narrow it down farther, it depends on how you want to engage the enemy; either through movement, teleporting or reserves. Ironjaws are a good example of an army that reaches their target primarily through movement; the same with Ogre Mawtribes, Blades of Khorne and Daughters of Khaine. Others like Stormcast, Beasts of Chaos and Sylvaneth use reserves and teleports to engage, while others like Nighthaunt and Cities of Sigmar are hybrids of different movement options. Most armies will have a viable delivery method.
  8. Then vs KO and Tzeentch he was dead before they even deployed him XD
  9. Yes, he's extremely powerful, but I don't think it's egregious from a balance standpoint. He hasn't even been played yet; on paper he looks incredible, but I'm not passing a proper judgement at a first glance.
  10. By the looks of it, Lumineth have nothing outrageously powerful at first glance, which is a good sign, but still a very strong potential. I was expecting Teclis to be better in combat and tougher.
  11. I'm not a massive fan of the Azyros, given just how accurate Freeguild can be; I would take a battlemage of whatever flavor instead. You already have a potential source of reroll 1s to hit from your Griffon if you need it. You also don't have Wings of Fire which is important for hopping over endless spells. For his own spell, I'd likely go with Pha's Protection as with such a condensed list, you'll want as much protection for your units as possible, or alternatively a spell to help control the enemy, like Miasma or Transmutation, as one big smashy enemy monster will ruin your day if it manages to tag more than one unit at a time. I know you're trying to go for peak efficiency, but your units will be doing more damage if they're alive. In my experience, Demigryphs that hit on 2s really don't need to reroll 1s as well except in the most critical of circumstances, and you'll still be able to do that if you need to via All out Attack. Thanks to the battalion ability, you won't need to be spending CPs on Rousing Battlecry that often.
  12. I really wouldn't suggest more than 1 Hag. She's a B+ grade unit, but is best used as a support and pinning unit/ skirmisher. She's in the same weight class as many big monsters, but they tend to be extremely smashy in combat; she's in quite a unique position for her class, that being a powerful backline that can transition into a frontline fighter as the game progresses, much like the Troggboss. Troggoths are great at crippling the enemy, and then fighting a war of attrition when their enemy is weak, as they're not outwardly tanky but persistent, and the Hag compliments them well. Troggoths are durable enough, but they can't survive proper concentration, however considering that all troggoths are an inherent threat, they survive by saturating their power across all units, as opposed to say the aforementioned big smashy monster that many armies have.
  13. The reason I say 170 for now is that GW don't tend to make such massive drops in one go; it'll take another year if it were to reach 150. Now, I would absolutely want them to be 150, but 170 is the best we can hope for this time around. At the end of the day, we're both right about their pros and cons. Although at 170, they wouldn't be a stab in the foot.
  14. There are factors that need to be considered like power per square inch and autonomy, which are both better with the Dankhold. I'm not saying that they're the superior choice, only that they have opportunities to work well in certain circumstances. 3 Dankholds take up much less space than 9 Rockguts and can more easily control blocks of infantry with their crushing grip and smaller pile in footprint; this also makes for less enemy models striking back. I also would not discount their 4+ magic immunity, as Endless spells used as speed-bumps are extremely prevalent. Dankholds would be a viable choice for tackling the likes of Chaos Warriors and other elite infantry, while I would choose Rockguts for most other things. Another thing that is easily overlooked is that you're comparing 3 of one troggoth to 1 of another; the Dankhold can fight at maximum capacity while 2 lesser trolls will be dead if the same damage is taken, this is a better comparison than if they were in a vacuum, because the vacuum doesn't take the rest of the game into account. An example is my last game, where my Rockguts were getting pounded by artillery and lost models, but eventually made it into combat: that unit lost effectiveness and it showed, however Dankholds can fight at maximum capacity for longer before they are slain. The Rockguts lost effectiveness as they lost wounds; Dankholds will not. There's lots of non-stat factors to consider when pricing units.
  15. I agree; most of what makes Gitz a mid tier army at best is our allegiance abilities. Our warscrolls are actually really good, especially things like Rockguts and Bounders. @Ganigumo Even if Rockguts and Fellwaters got a discount, the unit will be too big to wield effectively, and would be a battleshock magnet. The biggest unit I ever see is 9, while I run multiples of 6. Dankholds won't go below 170 due to things like magic resist being a premium ability (which in this meta I value highly). Now if they were between 170-180 I would take a unit of 3 in a Grot based force (not a Trogg based force like I play) as they'd make excellent line breakers due to their massive footprint to power ratio, and the ability to pull 3 models out of an infantry unit; ogres/stormcast would wet themselves if they get split. The cheapness of the Grots would offset the more premium price of the Dankholds, which is why I wouldn't take it in a Trogg list. Not to mention if you get the Dankholds fighting in cover they can be a real pain to fight. Also, being Bravery 6+1 they can be left on their own provided the enemy doesn't have any penalties to bravery. In the proposed list, they don't need a Dankboss around since All out Attack will do the same thing.
  16. Probably not much in terms of large changes. Madcap Shaman: 80-70 Loonboss on Mangler Squigs: 280-270 Mangler Squigs: 240-220 Dankhold Troggoth: 200-180 or maybe a discount (at this cost a unit of 3 looks like it has some potential, ideally 170 each) Fellwater Troggoths: maybe 150-140 to be in line with the more popular and competitive choice, being Rockguts. Loonsmasha fanatics: 140-130, maybe 120. I know they have some unique utility but they're expensive for a suicide unit. Spider Riders: 100-90/ whatever discount they would get Sporesplattas: 120-100 Squig Hoppers 90-80 All Arachnaroks down 10 minimum Squig Herd: introduce a small max unit discount Mork's Mighty Mushroom: 90-80 maybe 70. When it was first released it looked terrifying but later releases make it look tame by comparison. Troggherd: 180-160 minimum, 140 preferable but doubtful Gobbapalooza: 110-90 Can't speak for the Gargant as he may not exist in his current form for much longer. I know many people would want the Troggboss down again but from extensive playing he's good at 270 given the cost of everything else. He's just mistaken for another greater daemon ballistic missile which he's not. He's a super heavy infantry hero.
  17. Didn't the article say that this is the largest warhammer monster ever?
  18. The silhouette comparison isn't very good imo, as the aleguzzler is placed in front of the mega-gargant instead of beside it.
  19. I'm tempted to put one in my Troll army, but I feel like that's putting a hat on a hat. I'd more likely convert one into an Imperial Giant for my Hammerhal army.
  20. Apparently this is a graphic taken from the livestream which confirms the size. I initially heard they were on 130mm bases but now i think it's 160mm.
  21. Also, I forgot about this rumor engine from a while back. This seems 100% like King Brodd's pillar.
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