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Everything posted by Beastmaster

  1. Quick question: Is the Lead the Skal ability of the hunter stackable? If yes, 12 frostsabers could put out 72 attacks by turn 2, if I take the battalion, right?
  2. Morale is the important factor I think. Bows shoot in a trajectory, which means that casualties are scattered throughout the army. If in an army of 2000 men 100 die scattered over the whole army, each soldier notices maybe 2 casualties in his vicinity. A musket salvo is much more concentrated: If the 50 guys right next to you drop dead, it is quite likely that you think you’re on the losing side and should run. And once a part of the army starts running, they pull those near them with them, since nobody wants to be the lone fool who still stands πŸ˜„
  3. There were archers vs quite modern muskets in colonial warfare. The cultures in AoS are even more apart in culture and mindset. And a chariot pulled by dinosaurs or giant boars may have worked well even later on. So no problem. 😁 Oh, and arrows are seldom reusable if they hit anything hard. They literally explode, even with my 60 pound bow. A warbow can easily have 150 pounds, a crossbow somewhere in the range of 300-800.
  4. This. Only thing holding me back from finishing my army is that I am somehow unable to paint convincing fur. Every tutorial describes it as the easy part, yet I botched with several trials. Doesn’t get easier when you wait too long, it seems 😬
  5. I have no idea how ready players are to buy new kits for their already serviceable army, just to replace older models. If they are not, it would be rational for GW to rather create completely new armies. Whoever started, for example, Skaven last year will by now have found workarounds for the more horribly outdated models I’d think.
  6. Such themes show me I’m not really a tabletop gamer. When I played Mordheim, we just built an interesting townscape together, without any thought other than make it nice and atmospheric. Then we rolled who would start on which of the four sides. And only after that, you wasted thoughts on tactics and saw to make the best out of the cards you were dealt. Not saying a more gamey approach is wrong. If anything, I am wrong here in this forum. πŸ˜„
  7. I think it would be a very risky move to change scale. As was said here, the molds are reeeeally expensive to make. I’d suspect smaller molds are not that much cheaper. If an 28mm old world game doesn’t sell as expected, they’d still have customers from other games, and could even reintroduce fitting models quite easily back into AoS (just repackaging them with round bases). If a 10mm old world game flops, there are not many people who would be interested in the miniatures I think.
  8. Couldn’t it also mean more sales if pure AoS players are enticed to buy Wfb models for their armies and vice versa? Same as BB or Underworlds models that are often bought to use them for AoS conversions.
  9. I’m actually quite astonished with the design choice. I would have suspected something more stone-age force of nature ish like the old Hunter. That guy rather looks Empire to me. Too civilized. I don’t like him and stay with my own smurf πŸ˜„
  10. Maybe because they were considered weak and prohibitively expensive. Concept is fine I think.
  11. The Slaanesh Enrapturess blew my mind this year. The miniature tells one hell of a story. Literally. 😳
  12. Vampire Pirates! πŸ˜ƒ Apart from that, I’d love to see the classic ranges updated. Skaven and Cities need new plastic.
  13. Yeah, statistical significance. Whenever I read some post about this or that faction being horribly over- or underpowered, I get the impression that it’s nigh- impossible to win against/with this faction. Should the differences in power level between even the most under- or overpowered factions really be so small that it takes substantial sample sizes to even DETECT them, as you suggest, I’d say the game as a whole is in a pretty good spot after all... 😎 From a practical standpoint, I would favor a best practice approach: Look at the players who went really well, 4 or 5 wins, with your chosen army (those seem to exist for every army). What did they do right, or different to those who went not so well with your army? Discuss. πŸ˜‰
  14. A lot of complaining about Ogres being hideously overpowered in any cooking and eating match. 😩
  15. Just my own stupidity, by adding all the weapon options. πŸ˜… Sorry, horned lads!
  16. Hinterlands does have some rules for playing with multiple cooperating players against a Gamemaster playing the opposition. Actually, Hinterlands is the find of the year for me. Simple, elegant, versatile. 😍
  17. They get 7 attacks and Rend, they should keep quiet 😎
  18. Yeah, but those will know how to cheat with dice anyway. 😎
  19. I don’t get that too. Even the most basic unit, the humble glutton, hits on 3 nowadays. Mournfangs should too.
  20. That was the Ulric part. Now deceased. I think 40k does the grimdark Catholicism a whole lot better. But many people like Stormcast the way they are. To each his own.
  21. Beastclaw Ice Cup Skaven Mice Cup Nighthaunt Scythe Cup Slaanesh Vice Cup ... Ok, I’ll see myself out. πŸ˜…
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